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Prayers please

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My brother is having his surgery for his colon cancer tomorrow morning. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery with a total and complete healing.


Also, tomorrow I am to have my 11th chemo. My blood counts have been out of whack so I could use a prayer for my hemoglobin this time. Prayers for my platlets last week worked as they were 98 on Friday compared to 80. PTL!


Thank you!!!


Take care my hive friends!


Edited by Carpe Diem
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Prayers for you!!! I have one person in my family just starting to battle. I'm sure two would be even more stress. So much we want to fix!!



The only other thing I'm excited about ... is beetroot... (beets, right?) We haven't started... you have to eat beets... but not too many ?? as your liver can be overloaded...


Anyway, even though I don't have cancer... I'm excited about the book and beets... as I'm going to try to eat the suggested foods for better health and also for support for the person...


I'm just mentioning it... in case you and your brother are doing "food choice" type things too!


Either way, Here's our new thought: (tweaked from a line from someone else...) Wishing your brother healthy recovery!!!

"Cancer is not the end - it is the starting point from which to begin again!"

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My brother is having his surgery for his colon cancer tomorrow morning. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery with a total and complete healing.


Also, tomorrow I am to have my 11th chemo. My blood counts have been out of whack so I could use a prayer for my hemoglobin this time. Prayers for my platlets last week worked as they were 98 on Friday compared to 80. PTL!


Thank you!!!


Take care my hive friends!



Oh my goodness, your family has been through so much. You are all certainly in our prayers. My df had colon cancer 2 years ago and she successfully went through the surgery and they were able to remove all the cancer. She has been cancer free since...no chemo, no radiation. I am praying for similar results for your brother. We are all praying for your blood counts...and for your continued healing.


You are definitely one of my heros



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I'm so glad your platelets went up. Good news!


Praying that your brother has a good outcome from the surgery and that your hemoglobin will improve.


Take care, Christine! I will definitely be thinking of you.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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My parents had a misunderstanding. The surgery was not yesterday. It is happening right now. I didn't get the message about it being the wrong day until 4 pm yesterday as I was driving home from my chemo. We didn't get home until late last night so I couldn't update. Thanks for your prayers and kind words. I know my brother will be perfectly fine. I just know it.


Today, I am actually feeling better. I was having light headed, short of breath, fatigued, faster pulse. They have mentioned a blood transfusion might be in store for me but if I keep feeling better, I might not need it! The low hemoglobin means anemia but yet the blood tests show I am not low in Iron. This is a side effect of the chemo I guess. Raise hemoglobin, raise!!


My platelets went from 80, to 98 and yesterday were 111!! Woo hoo! The power of prayer!



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:grouphug: :grouphug: Will pray.



QUOTE=Carpe Diem;2385914]My brother is having his surgery for his colon cancer tomorrow morning. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery with a total and complete healing.


Also, tomorrow I am to have my 11th chemo. My blood counts have been out of whack so I could use a prayer for my hemoglobin this time. Prayers for my platlets last week worked as they were 98 on Friday compared to 80. PTL!


Thank you!!!


Take care my hive friends!


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