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Anyone going to the ICHE Conference in IL?


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I am. :) I'll be pushing a stroller with a cute little cupcake sitting in it. We'll be there Thurs & Friday.


I probably will be the only one hyperventilating at the entrance to the vendor hall. So many choices, too much to look at, so little time. . . . :001_smile:

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I went to Cincinnati and had a fabulous time.


I also went to the Inhome Conference and had a fabulous time.


I doubt dh will spring for yet another conference. :thumbdown:


Did you move yet? How's the house coming along?

still packing up the old house. We move June 5th, or so.


2nd story walls arrived today. And they put in the 2nd floor sub-flooring today plus the stairs. It's coming and it's starting to look like a house. :001_smile:


It's hard not to be excited. I need to focus on packing. . . yikes!

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IS this the one in Naperville? Is it this weekend? I had thought about going but I had a conflict.


I've never been to a convention and the thought scares me a little.;)


Have fun!

It's June 5-7th in Naperville. I'm just way too excited about going with dh. :auto:

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Hi Calico Cat,


I noticed that your 2nd story walls arrived today - are you building a pre-fab house?


It certainly isn't a custom home.:001_smile:


But I'm not sure that it can be called a pre-fab home since certainly it is being built on sight. The walls did come in sections called panels. They had all the window holes pre-cut. Yesterday the subfloors went in and they were stick built.


Now my in-laws had a pre-fab house that arrived in near completed sections with window, cupbards carpet, and roofing installed. Their house has seams where they put those sections together.


Our house isn't like that at all. But there do seem to be some things that are built in the "factory."


I think the roof joists will come pre-built too. But

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You'll be far, far away from your Boundary-Challenged Passive-Aggressive Neighbors soon! :D

Amen. :auto:


The dog had another seizure last night after the kids let her out and didn't tie her up--my fault really. It does still happen but it's under control.


The kids have all had to be warned--stay away or you won't go out to play!

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