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Considering (just considering!) Blogging

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Several online friends have suggested that I should start blogging. I've never taken it very seriously. It's only that I'm just beginning to think about it. Just thinking, mind you :lol:.

First reason: Until now, I thought that no one would be particularly interested in what I have to say anyway.

Second reason: who has the time? I certainly don't ...


So, if you do blog and you have a few moments:

Can you tell me what you like or don't like about blogging?


Any other suggestions?


Did any of you start blogging and then stop, because of it being a total and complete pain - time-wise or whatever?


Thanks so much. :)

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I started blogging to share with family who live on the other side of the country and world. (They blog as well so it is an easy way for all of us to share without running up phone bills and saying the same things over and over. Plus the time differences are difficult at best.)


I used to like to journal and scrapbook but it is hard to find the time and keep everything together. I still scrapbook occassionally but I am more likely to blog about it first making my blog a nice "journal" for my kids with pics and videos they can look back on. I like that everything is on my computer. I don't really care if a lot of people read it or not since I do it for my family and friends.


I know there are companies that take your blog and make it into a book. I hope to do that someday for each of my kids but especially for my little one who I still homeschool...making her more prominent on my blog than her brothers.

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I don't blog. I don't even read very many blogs, but if YOU start a blog I will follow it. Everything you have ever posted about health has been very helpful to me.


Leanna, you're very sweet. :grouphug: I'll let you know if I do. Thank you for your very kind words.


:iagree: I think you would be a great blogger, Negin.

Yvette, thank you also.


You ladies are embarrassing me ... it's funny because I don't have much confidence in the whole thing. Dh thinks I should just go for it. He's been telling me that for the longest while. I'm no health expert by any means ... just a research nut.

I'm not the type to blog too much about our kids or anything. More likely to focus mostly on nutrition, books I read, etc.

I don't consider myself much of a writer, more of a research person. I'm also very highly opinionated, which can cause problems at times ... :lol:


Thanks so much everyone. :grouphug: You've gotten me thinking.

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Hi Negin, I want to blog too- I have started a couple...even started another one recently..and then I seem to run out of steam. Not sure why. I really like the idea of a blog. And i have time to devote to one. I think I just dont have a clear theme or something.

I enjoy my SIL's blog where she just puts up photos of her family and keeps extended family in touch- since I rarely see my brother and his kids, its nice. But I feel somehow..I dont know. I don't have the energy to do that. I want to do something different. Not sure what.

SO yes- I fall into the category of someone who has started blogs but not really maintained them. And i am not even sure why.

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Hi Negin, I want to blog too- I have started a couple...even started another one recently..and then I seem to run out of steam. Not sure why. I really like the idea of a blog. And i have time to devote to one. I think I just dont have a clear theme or something.

I enjoy my SIL's blog where she just puts up photos of her family and keeps extended family in touch- since I rarely see my brother and his kids, its nice. But I feel somehow..I dont know. I don't have the energy to do that. I want to do something different. Not sure what.

SO yes- I fall into the category of someone who has started blogs but not really maintained them. And i am not even sure why.

Peela, yes, I'm actually concerned that I'll lose steam also, or that I'll see it as just another thing that needs to get done. Mine would not be about my family or anything. I actually find that boring for others. Unless they're very close to me. It would more likely be mainly about health, books I love, stuff like that ... but I'm now leaning against it. I keep changing my mind. Very indecisive here. I sound like such a flake. :confused: I don't consider myself a writer. More of an info-gatherer and researcher. That's another factor that keeps me away from blogging. Most bloggers I have seen are crazy about writing. Not I.

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Negin - even if you find you lose steam later, what's the harm now? You don't have to put a ton of work into setting up a blog..they're as easy as signing up, picking a template, making a few alterations to make it yours that are easy, and then you're off!


Don't require yourself to have so many posts per week, jot down ideas in a journal or on your PC of things you'd like to talk about, and just go with the flow! You might find that you're enjoying it tremendously and will be able to continue. Or you might find that it really is something you don't want to continue, bu you'll never know until you try. The blog you're describing is exactly the kind of blog I love reading.


I blog with a general theme..us. I blog about food issues sometimes, I blog about everything I'm thinking or feeling or experiencing, so my blog has no focus because it's about our family, food, my craft, my business upon rare occasions, and stuff. But I do it for me.

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Negin - even if you find you lose steam later, what's the harm now?

Don't require yourself to have so many posts per week, jot down ideas in a journal or on your PC of things you'd like to talk about, and just go with the flow! You might find that you're enjoying it tremendously and will be able to continue. Or you might find that it really is something you don't want to continue, bu you'll never know until you try. The blog you're describing is exactly the kind of blog I love reading.

Great points. Thank you.

This is not good. You're causing me to start changing my mind. :lol:

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Do it!


I hesitated for a long time before I started blogging.. it seemed so narcissistic and, like you, I didn't think anyone would be interested in what I had to say.


Then I started following other blogs, and found that I really enjoyed them and got a lot out of them.


What's the harm? If you decide you don't enjoy it, you can stop. I think a lot of people would really benefit.

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Do it!

I hesitated for a long time before I started blogging.. it seemed so narcissistic and, like you, I didn't think anyone would be interested in what I had to say.

Then I started following other blogs, and found that I really enjoyed them and got a lot out of them.

What's the harm? If you decide you don't enjoy it, you can stop. I think a lot of people would really benefit.

Thanks. :)

That's how I've often felt also - narcissistic. But I guess you're right. It might be of benefit and interest to some. Thanks again.

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