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Where to go from here? Dd barely half way thru CD Pre-Algebra...?'s about Lial's B..

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and we have to give back the curriculum in June to our charter school. She is in 7th in CA. I don't want to rush her, as math is her weakest subject. She is taking a looong time with this math. She works daily anfd does 30 problems per section yet gets many wrong, mostly in the word problems. I am not sure what to do?


Continue until we have to hand back in the curriculum then buy it so we can finish over the summer?


I was thinking of having her continue strengthening her masic math in 8th also and starting pre-algebra in 9th but I worry about getting in Algebra1, geometry and Algebra ii before the SAT's. When do they take the SAT's...in junior year right? In the spring?


What about Lial's Basic College Math? Maybe I should get it used...which edition? is 6th fine?...and work on that. Then when she is finsihed she can move into ALgebra 1 (I am thinking either LoF and/or Jacob's..she needs to constant review Jacob's seems to have but loves stories and seems to like the LoF samples I printed out for her.)


Is there a teacher's or solution manual for Lial's? We need solutions!!


Really not sure how to proceed here. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!


Thanks so much!

Mom in a math delimna-Natalija

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Lial's BCM is basic math and pre-algebra. It starts at addition and works up to pre-algebra. It is a big book, but you shouldn't assign all the problems. It is also easy to find used. It is my all time favorite math book!


For Algebra I there are a lot of options. We used Lial's for my son - it had both DVT's and a detailed solution manual. My dd was a little more math challenged and I used Math Relief, which worked well for her.


You should be fine starting with Algebra I in 9th grade. What is most important is that she has a good foundation first, and I think Lial's BCM gives that.


Hope that helps,



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