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If you use a baby carrier

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When I was toting DD around in a carrier, I had my beat up grey Eastport backpack as an option. I could front carry her in the sling or Mei Tai and wear a backpack pretty easily, but a shoulder bag for a diaper bag was easier still. Since I was busing to school and dropping her off at care on the way, I got a wheeled backpack for my books--they were heavier than she was, and that way I didn't have to worry about juggling bookbag, diaper bag, and baby with a folded up stroller, which I would have if I'd tried putting HER on wheels instead.


My carriers of choice were a mayawrap and a Kozy Carrier mei-tai. Once she had good head control I'd often put DD in a back carry in the Kozy, though not if we were going to be on the bus (I liked sitting down). Front carry was also more convenient because I could nurse her on the go without taking her out (or anyone knowing what I was doing!) I still have both and will likely use them with the impending baby--but now I have a 7 yo. to carry the diaper bag! ;)

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I use a variety of carriers, slings, mei tais, wraps, Ergo. . . front and back (I generally prefer a sling or wrap for the front and a mei tai or Ergo for the back, though there's usually a stage where the only thing that gets used much is a mei tai, front or back). I strongly prefer a regular diaper bag to a backpack; I've been using a very basic, but very nice, Skip Hop bag from Target. (Mine is black, but it comes in pretty colors too.) It has a big long strap that lets you use it messenger-style, which works well with most carriers.


The Ergo has its own backpack, which is what I bring when we go hiking. It's not huge and probably wouldn't be the greatest for a full-time diaper bag, but it works well for holding a few things.

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I use an Ergo w/my infant (used it w/DD4 up until she was 3). I love it. Very comfortable, nice padding. It can be awkward learning how to get the baby in w/o help, but worth it in the end. The only thing that bothers me slightly is that both of my girls like to throw themselves backwards. Neither has fallen out yet. ;) I do have an old version of it. The newer ones a bit more fancy.

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I am considering now getting the Ergo backpack. Do you like yours?


I do like it. It can be used as a regular backpack without the Ergo, though it's not nearly as comfortable as a regular backpack (no padded straps). I love that it attaches to the Ergo, and I think it would work with at least some mei tais as well. If it's very loaded, it can be a bit tricky to get the whole contraption (Ergo plus backpack) up on my back by myself, but it just takes an extra hand for a second; even my kids can help me with it. Mine is about 6 years old, so they may have updated them a bit, but I found it very easy to access the drink pocket on one side and the internal zip pocket on the other, even while wearing my 2yo. I can put keys, sunglasses, wallet, and phone in the zip pocket without overloading it. The two small velcro pockets on the outside could be a little bigger, and I'm hesitant to put really important stuff like keys in them, but they work for things like chapstick or small nature walk treasures. If I were using it as a full-time diaper bag, I'd probably get one of those changing pads that has the attached pockets, so that the diapering supplies didn't get lost at the bottom. When we were in Williamsburg in the fall, I had the zip pocket filled with important stuff (wallet, etc.), and then a cloth diaper or two (plus wipes and changing pad, I think), maybe a spare pair of pants for the toddler, some extra water bottles, and some snacks, plus assorted other random stuff that the kids handed me, and it was still pretty comfortable.

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I also use a sling or Ergo -- for a while I used one of those cloth backpacks with strings that my DH got at a gym; it was nice because it didn't slip off, but eventually it ripped. Lately I've been using the free backpack I got at the hospital with #3 (courtesy of Similiac, I presume). It's okay but tends to slide off my shoulder, so I keep meaning to find something else but just haven't gotten around to it.


I do own a diaper bag (from Pottery Barn Kids, IIRC) that converts between a shoulder bag and a backpack -- I thought it would be perfect to use with the baby carrier, but as it turns out when it's set up as a backpack it would be really easy for someone else to reach inside without my noticing, and since we are frequently in crowds and/or on the subway, I just don't use it that often.

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