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WICKED question ...

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It is definitely more of an adult book. I would pre-read it if I were you, even for the 15 year old and I'm not one of the more conservative posters here. I liked Wicked OK but I know a lot of people (and not just here) who did not like it at all. I really didn't like the sequel, Son of a Witch.

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I loved the book. It is kind of dark and there is some sex and violence. The underlying political struggles in Oz are fascinating and could make for some good discussions. I do not particularly censor what my kids read, but to fully understand what is going on the book needs a mature reader.


This is me as well. I really enjoyed the book. But, I reread it about a year ago and told my 15 yo no-go. I rarely do this with books, but I think too much would have been lost on him.


Now, we DO all enjoy the music of Wicked. A LOT. My 8-yr-old does a splendid Glinda. I think the play is very different from the book.

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I didn't like it, but not really because of content. (Although sometimes I did feel like he was trying to be over the top for the sake of shock-value rather than for the story.) I just thought it wasn't all that well-written. It was way too long and after awhile I got bored. I didn't really care about any of the characters. It's really rare for me to not finish a book and I did finish this one, but I kind of felt like I had wasted my time.

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LOVE the musical!!!! HATED the book!!!!! It is one of the few books that I have read where I totally regreted the time I spent reading it. It was dark and just kinda yucky and I didn't think it was well written. I was mad at myself for wasting that time. I would not recommend it for a teen (or anybody for that matter).

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I loved the book, but haven't seen the musical. From what I gather there's not much common ground between them. The book is dark and dense. A teenager with a heightened awareness of ethics or justice issues might very well love it, or perhaps one interested in animal rights.


Complete aside, but for an adult or very mature teen formerly into Oz, I'd recommend Was by Geoff Ryman. This is not a happy book, by any stretch, but is a touching and haunting read.

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