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How much "free" time do you get a day?

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I'm thinking of time that isn't devoted to homeschooling, housecleaning, cooking, working, etc..... Doing something you choose to do: Reading, computer, tv, vegging, Bible Study, exercising alone, working on hobbies, etc...


Including all the scenarios: Waking early, staying up late, during kids rest time, send kids outside to play, etc...

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On a good day I get 2-3 hours of free time, usually after the kids are in bed (say 9:30-11:30pm). That does mean that I'm ignoring at least some things that need to be done, otherwise I'd never have a free moment. But I just absolutely need some time! Occasionally I get up early, but I tend to use that time for work.

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Honestly? Almost as much as I want. My kids are older, though. Most days are spent doing household stuff and going over lessons. Since they were little, we all eat lunch together and I get an hour to nap, read, do nothing while they read or catch up on what they didn't finish in the morning. Even activities have gotten easier. Oldest ds has his learner's permit. He drives, I make whatever phone calls I need to make (and shriek in horror as ds is driving when needed).


I actually feel kind of decadent lately. Oldest ds and I worked out a deal where he does the laundry. One of my twins has picked up the ironing to support his "magic" habit. Each of the boys is in charge of at least one lunch and one dinner each week. Compared to what I was doing eight years ago?????? I AM eating bon-bons on the couch -but not really. My responsibilities have changed over time and the free time afforded to me by the kids has helped me work on my own little business AND pick up work at my husband's business.


Those of you with short people running through your house, hang in there, your day will come as well! Really!

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Wow, I'm jealous. I have zero free time...seriously. Maybe an hour a week when I say Forget it! to everything and take a long bubble bath. Dh works 7 days a week so I'm with the kids 24/7 and I've had to take on some data entry work from home to make ends meet. All of my former free time is now spent typing (afternoons when dc have quiet time and usually from dc's bedtime until 12 - 1 a.m.) but I'm trying to stay thankful for the additional income. :) In fact, I just sat down to do more. The stress level is definitely higher.

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During daylight hours, virutally none.


Time is consumed by 3 kids, paying homeschool clients and, later, paying afterschool clients.


Evenings during Fall and Spring baseball season are taken with practices and games.


Even my weekends sans kids (their Dad gets them every other weekend), we end up with the kids on Saturdays because my DH coaches one of the boys' teams (he alternates boys each season).


Afternoons, after 4, the kids (mine and after school kids) are sent outside to play. However, that means 7 kids in and out for something to drink, snack and seeking arbitration for issues that come up. I can't call that downtime as I'm constantly on call.


We go to the YMCA 3 times a week after lunch for homeschool activities. I get to hang with my homeschool mom friends. Very enjoyable, but not in my own home downtime.


I have Tuesdays and Wednesday mornings off from homeschool students, but that time seems to get consumed, too.


So, when a poker tournament coincides with a no (or rained out) games, I'm there.

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Well, let's see. School takes about 5-6 hours, and I'm 'on' the whole time - I rotate kids. If I have a lapse, I usually use it to do something school-related, like grade yesterday's math.


I clean for about an hour every day (that includes laundry). When I get on a decluttering binge, or a painting binge, that's all day, every day, until I'm satisfied. So you can't count those. I work a whole lot at one time, then conserve my energy for the rest of the year. :D


If I cook, that takes about an hour. We take turns, though, so I don't cook every day. If I want to cook more (or bake), I do, but then it's reached hobby status. I like to bake cakes, but I don't like to cook dinner (not every day, anyway, and not same old boring food). So dinner would be 'work', cake baking would be 'hobby'.


The only other thing I can think of that I would define as 'work' are things like errands and appointments, but I do a good job of keeping those to the bare minimum. Some things can't be avoided, but I sure do give it a good try! I guess I spend a great deal of time on my hobbies, although those could be construed as work by some.


So I have around 8-9 hours free time every day. I like to read, sew, garden, go for walks, go fun places with the kids, go to the library, piddle around. I also like to spend time on homeschool-related things, but that's a hobby. :D Right now, I have a pretty daunting reading list I'm starting on to preview for next year, but that's 'hobby' to me. I don't really have to do it to the extent that I do.


When my kids were younger, I only got about 4 hours in the evening as quiet time, or what I would define as recharging time. That was hard for me.

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Those of you with short people running through your house, hang in there, your day will come as well! Really!


She speaks the truth! I remember when mine were little, I'd put my sneakers on in the morning and just RUN all day long, doing fifty things at once.


I can't believe how much those short people can do now. My oldest has recently earned the title of my personal shopper. :) She can take her little sister into the art store and get everything she needs for her upcoming projects. Amazing.


Which reminds me, I need to change my signature line because she'll be 16 tomorrow!

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She speaks the truth! I remember when mine were little, I'd put my sneakers on in the morning and just RUN all day long, doing fifty things at once.


I can't believe how much those short people can do now. My oldest has recently earned the title of my personal shopper. :) She can take her little sister into the art store and get everything she needs for her upcoming projects. Amazing.


Which reminds me, I need to change my signature line because she'll be 16 tomorrow!


:party:Happy Birthday to your daughter!

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I read for at least an hour every night when I crawl into bed and for another 30 minutes every morning when I get up. (I'm not good at the whole falling asleep/ waking up thing.) I walk for an hour 3x a week... usually alone, but sometimes I bring a kiddo for one-on-one time. We keep Sunday afternoons free for relaxing. And I usually grab at least 30 minutes every afternoon while the kids are in quiet time.


My kids are getting old enough that the olders can supervise the youngers, and they all help with chores and clean their own rooms and such, so I don't do a lot of picking-up after anyone anymore.

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I get a few hours during the day here and there and then a block of several hours after dc go to bed. I spend the time during the day mostly doing "homeschool inservice" (self-ed, pre-reading, planning, etc.,) so I don't know if it is really free time, but I do enjoy it. The time in the evening goes to hanging out with dh about half the time, but I consider that free time, too.

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At least an hour in the morning before the kids get up, more like 2. (I exercise, read my Bible, spend time on the internet)


In the evenings after dinner, dh usually does stuff with the kids, so I have a couple hours there also.


In late afternoon when we are done with school I might have a little time also.


I feel like I get quite a bit!

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I've always had two hours at night - even when the twins were quite small (obviously not when they were tiny babies, though). I was very very firm about being "off the clock" at 8:30, and I have pretty much always enforced that. If the housework wasn't done at 8:30, too bad. It had to wait till morning.


Now that my children are older (20 - in college - 10 and 10) I have tons of free time. They play with friends and have lessons out of the house, they go to my parents, DH takes them places. I pretty much have all the free time I need. But when kids are younger, it's very hard, isn't it? I think it's just one of those "life stages" things. I was very jealous of my time at night when the boys were little, but I accepted that during the day I was pretty much an indentured servant.

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I get about 4 hours a day, it is vital to my well-being. :D My ds and I are not morning people and we had a revelation this year. Ds suggested we start school at 11:30. Why not? We tried it and it has worked beautifully. Neither of us are grumpy and we both get me time in the morning.


So part of the morning is mine, and after school I take at least 30 minutes to unwind before starting on the evening duties. I call it regrouping.


I'm an emotional person and we've had some life stress this year, so everyone in my house is better off if I get my free time.

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  • 3 months later...

Several hours, and have done for years. Well, some days more than others depending on work, and other committments, but I have plenty of free time.

So does my husband. We are time rich and it's a lifestyle priority for us both.

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