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What is this?

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No kidding.


It did throb, but the 12 hours of warm compresses took care of that. ;)


It shrank, but not much. My dh is lying, saying he can only see it in profile.


One of those just turned up on my chin tonight! Out of nowhere. It's one of those big giant things that feels like a whole island under your skin and hurts like @((#!! but you can't do a thing with it.


Am I 13 or 39? Geez!

Edited by LibraryLover
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Do you have any benzoyl peroxide? I keep a small tube of the 10% strength on hand for those rare occassions when I have one like that pop up. As soon as I notice it, I clean my face with warm water and a rag and then use a liberal amount on the spot and immediately surrounding area. I do this about three times a day and they usually disappear within two or three days at the most without ever even forming a head. It never even breaks the surface of the skin and I never pick at it.

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There is nothing to pop.


But it's nice and red from hot & moist compresses.



Is it somewhere along the jawline or chin area? If it is, your description sounds like that cystic type of pimple. It's hormonal and happens to... ummm... women of a ... certain age .... like mine, and maybe yours, too.


Take the suggestion to use hemorroid cream. I realize it seems like the wrong end, but it does work to reduce the swelling/size and the redness, so that your heavy-duty concealer (you do have some, right? I call mine "spackle.") can cover it properly.

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When we're left behind.





I hate those things. I don't get them often anymore, but I did have one alongside my nose (you know - in those larger pores, not on my nose, but right. on. the. front. of. my. face.) not too long ago. I wore my glasses for that week to try to hide the brunt of it.


Where is it? Maybe it's an ingrown hair. Really deep.

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There is nothing to pop.


But it's nice and red from hot & moist compresses.


I kept getting those on my chin. I took action. Topical and hormonal both. It worked.


I think they call them "nodule" acne. :glare: I had perfect skin when I was a teenager; I didn't get zits until I was 30+! That is wrong.

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