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Question about WWE2?


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I want to begin using this with our 9 year old girls. We just finished level 1. My question is about dictation. I think the first passages are way too hard. Some are more than the 10 - 12 words that she recommends in the beginning weeks. My girls will never remember all that and will be frustrated because they cannot spell some of the words. What do I do? Thank you, Amy

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If your girls are 9 and just finished WWE 1, I would not hesitate to go into level 2. My DS 9 is doing 2 just fine. The dictations are not that bad. At first, just give smaller portions of the dictation at a time, read it twice, ...then do the second portion. For us it has not been something that he has to remember entirely and write correctly after just two reads. I constantly reinforce with him that he needs to listen very carefully, and do his best to remember the whole thing. He prefers me to read it completely to him twice, then write it, then let me help him correct his mistakes. It makes him crazy if I stop him to correct spelling or punctuation (as SWB recommends) because it breaks his concentration and he forgets the sentence. I can understand that, so that's how we do it.


Now he can remember even the long passages after hearing it twice, and normally gets all the words, or very close. The summarizing portions and dictation / copywork part of WWE 2 are great. He can summarize anything now.

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Just work with them. Read the dictation. Read it again. Ask them to say it back to you. Repeat it again. Have them try to write it. If they make a mistake, correct them gently as they work. If they get stuck, ask them to repeat to you what they've written so far and see if they can remember what comes next -- if they can't, prompt them with a word or two.


If there's a word you know they won't know how to spell, spell it for them or write it down on the top of their papers before you begin. If they misspell a word during the dictation, just correct it gently.


Dictations don't have to be perfect every time. That's why we do them -- to get better.


And at 9, I would *absolutely* expect them to be ready to make the step forward in difficulty. That's not the same as saying they should never make mistakes. The will, and that's totally fine. But they should be ready to work on this.

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. My girls will never remember all that and will be frustrated because they cannot spell some of the words.


We just started WWE 2 today and I read the notes on dictation and she definitely says to give correct spellings if the child can't spell the words. Remember, this is a writing lesson, not a spelling lesson. And it is a lot of repetition and patience (need to remember this myself! ;)).

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I also don't have any problems giving simplified dictations. Sometimes I cut out words or phrases, sometimes I cut whole sentances.


While I do think dictation is important, I don't think they have to be sooo tricky ;)


I also have been known to write the tricky words at the top or on another piece of paper. Then they can refer to them if they need them.

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Thank you so much for all your replies. It is very helpful. The spelling part was getting me. She said in her book to say this is not a spelling test, but I don't recall her saying that we should tell them how to spell it. Now that I know I can help with that, it will take out the frustration. Thanks again.


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