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S/O Lots of milk-can I freeze raw milk to use later for yogurt?

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I have never had any luck freezing my cow's milk. the consistency isn't the same when it is defrosted. But I know other people who do it all the time without any problems.

I wonder if it is a fat content thing. My cow is a Jersey, and has very creamy milk. my friend who freezes milk all the time has goats.

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I've frozen store-bought 1% milk to drink later and it was fine--my biggest problem was that we needed it before it was fully defrosted, and the cream defrosts before everything else (so it was really yummy at first, and really watery later :001_smile:).


I've also frozen cream, and it was weird after being defrosted. It won't mix right with other ingredients. I bet pp is right and fat content does make a difference. I know I'm not much help, but I thought I'd share my experiences.

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