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Questions for those who've done the HCG diet plan

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Besides cosmetics, were you also very careful of things like detergents, even homemade ones, and cleaners? I generally don't wear gloves when I clean because I use mostly homemade non-toxic cleaners, vinegar, baking powder, lemond juice, etc.


The breadstick; I don't eat much in the way of bread and I don't know what to purchase for myself. What did you eat?




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Are you on one of the hcg yahoo lists? There are really knowledgeable people there that would probably know.


I think the prescription hcg isn't as particular. With the homeopathic variety, it is more important to be careful of these other influencers. I've perused the email lists and haven't seen that come up. I know you aren't to eat peppermint flavorings with Hhcg. It would probably be something to avoid in a cleaning product, too.

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I'm doing the HCG diet. There is a large yahoo group (25,000 members) where you can get a ton of information. I have not avoided cosmetics or my moisturizer, though I am no longer using coconut oil or vitamin E oil on my skin.


I don't worry about cleaners and I have never heard of that being a problem.

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I'm on my second round. The protocol I follow does not limit your cosmetics at all, stating that modern technology and ingredients have come a long way since Dr. Simeons originally created the diet. As far as I can tell, I've not had any negative repercussions.


The grissini breadsticks I found at my local supermarket in the same aisle with the popcorn and things. They're ok, but mostly I use them crushed as breading for oven baked chicken, or as a thickener if I make chili.

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Faith, I'm in the middle of a 43-day round with homeopathic hcg (hhcg) and absolutely loving it. Any questions or details, feel free to ask.

1. Cosmetics - I never use much at all - but many have found no difference. When Dr. S wrote the guidelines, it's possible that many cosmetics were far more oil-based than they are today. Here's what some posted on the hcg forums that I visit every single day, which, btw, I HIGHLY recommend. Either these forums, or any helpful forum, You're going to need all the support you can get.

Curel Lotion and Olay are both oil-free

You can use conditioner, but not the amount you would typically slather on or for the length of time you normally do.

Whatever you do (re: lip balm, oil, etc) BE INTENTIONAL. i.e.: Don't smear on lip balm 20 times a day. Make it an intentional 1-2 times a day.


Detergents, cleaners, etc. - no changes whatsoever. I've never heard of such a thing in all my months of reading.


Where we live, there is no Melba or Grissini or whatever the breadstick is called. Sometimes, I've had a Ryvita cracker (no sugar, etc - very pure) - but on days that my weight has stalled, or on days where I find that I don't need it, I skip it and feel totally fine. Many don't have the breadstick.

You can basically eat as much veggies as you can - 1 to 1 1/2 cups at lunch and dinner. Just don't mix them. I usually have a large cucumber at lunch and try to have a different veggie at dinner.

Proteins - you must weigh them carefully. No fat.

Fruit - only from the list. Mine are mostly apples or grapefruits. 6 hours apart. Not closer.

Follow the protocol and guidelines and you should be fine.


I have a long word document with detailed tips. I don't know when you plan on starting and also if you're going the Rx route or homeopathic. Here are just some of my tips:



1. Pick a right time in your life to do this - this diet is very mental and you have to be mentally ready - don't do this say, before a vacation, holiday, or major stressful event, etc. I waited till after a whole bunch of dinner parties, etc. I don't like to tell very many people IRL about my diet/weight struggles/etc. It gets boring and annoying.

Again, this diet is extremely mental and the timing has to be good for you Otherwise, if you’re tempted with something – birthday cake or major event – you’ll be giving yourself a pity party or heading towards failure. Like any other plan, your head HAS to be there.

2. Read, read, read ... and be organized ... plan your meals ahead. I weighed and froze my proteins into Ziplocs during my two loading days. The key for success with hcg is research, reading, and being organized.

3. There are 2 loading days - load, load, load! On lots of healthy fats especially, not so much sweets and junk. But lots and lots of fat - fish oil, coconut oil, nuts, etc. Those who don't load well are starving within the first few days. This is absolutely essential. Those who don’t load and who don’t load on healthy fats are usually starving and usually fail. I have more info on this.

4. This is a diet where one absolutely must not cheat. One must very carefully follow the directions. You can't just eat whatever you want and whenever you want on the plan. There is a very strict food list and in order to succeed on this, very little or should I say, no, variation is allowed. Only a few fruits are allowed. That’s it. The rules take some getting used to. But then it’s super-easy.

Also, following the steps for maintenance is a critical component as well (gradually adding foods back into your eating once done with the drops). That’s in Phase 3 (P3) and later in P4.

I can’t believe that I have not cheated one iota. I guess the structure of this plan and the lack of hunger have helped me a lot. Plus, the fact that I loaded really well.

5. If you do get hungry, you can, snack on some sliced cucumbers. Some keep a bowl in their fridge. I do this from time to time or snack on some celery sticks.

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