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Blood test for Celiac Disease

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I wanted to share this info since there have been several discussions recently about Celiac Disease testing. Hope this is helpful to some of you.


Although blood testing has been successful in diagnosing some people with celiac disease, this method is inaccurate at least 80 percent of the time
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Yes. Blood testing can produce a false negative.


The way to know for sure is the endoscopy.


I have a friend that is celiac. Her blood work was negative. Yet, she continued to be sick. Finally, after the internal procedures it was proven to be celiac.

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My dr. won't do the blood test for Celiac because of how inaccurate it is. He says that, other than the biopsy, the only true measure is to go completely gluten free for 90 days and see how you feel.



And then so many people (like me) are gluten sensitive, not Celiac. And when I had an endoscopy, things looked fine so I was told not to eliminate gluten. So of the four ways to check for gluten intolerance/allergy: blood test, endoscopy, scratch test, and elimination, elimination is the only accurate test.



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So, of the four ways mentioned above...blood test, stool test, endoscopy or elimination...none are 100% accurate except elimination? In your opinions here at the Hive, would it be better for us to go gluten-free for those 90 days or to order a stool test to test my son and dh? I'm leaning toward elimination but dh is a bit skeptical and hesitant. :glare: He loves his bread! Thanks all...I so appreciate all the advice here at the Hive.:D

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