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Anyone have a child w/ ODD?

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Can you share what it looks like at your house? We know dd has ad/hd, but I really think she may be ODD as well. Everyone pretty much has to walk on eggshells around here, and even then, we never know what is going to set this child off. She can be sweet/kind/snugggly one minute, and out of nowhere, go ballistic-screaming and yelling the next. I don't think this is just ad/hd related anger. She is only this way at home. Never to anyone else, and not in public.


Does this sound like a child w/ ODD or something else? Any experience you can share would be helpful.



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You are describing my ds9. He also has ADHD (has been given a provisional diagnosis by his psych) and a mood disorder (sever mood dysregulation). He is prone to violent temper tantrums, rages, extremely defiant behavior, etc...and you never know what will set him off. Typically it is being told "no", being disappointed, having something of his tampered with or broken (tonight it was his brother failing to "save" his game after he played it on the GameCube :glare:). He was given Celexa to help with the rages and although he is only on day 3 of the meds, we have already seen some positive changes though he is far from "there" yet. I think he is definitely ODD and I am hopeful that behavior modification therapy will help this as well as his mood swings and irritability. A friend suggested we try some natural supplements. Sea Buddies Concentrate for concentration and focus, PediaCalm and another mood supplement I cant remember. It's so tough having to walk on eggshells around them, isn't it. :grouphug: It has really torn the fabric of our entire family.

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You are describing my ds9. He also has ADHD (has been given a provisional diagnosis by his psych) and a mood disorder (sever mood dysregulation). He is prone to violent temper tantrums, rages, extremely defiant behavior, etc...and you never know what will set him off. Typically it is being told "no", being disappointed, having something of his tampered with or broken (tonight it was his brother failing to "save" his game after he played it on the GameCube :glare:). He was given Celexa to help with the rages and although he is only on day 3 of the meds, we have already seen some positive changes though he is far from "there" yet. I think he is definitely ODD and I am hopeful that behavior modification therapy will help this as well as his mood swings and irritability. A friend suggested we try some natural supplements. Sea Buddies Concentrate for concentration and focus, PediaCalm and another mood supplement I cant remember. It's so tough having to walk on eggshells around them, isn't it. :grouphug: It has really torn the fabric of our entire family.


Yes, this is it exactly! :grouphug: to you too. How are things in the evenings- We tried Concerta for this child about a year or so ago, and after meds wore off in the evenings- it was awful. I'm kind of afraid to try it again- ya know?

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He takes his meds in the am and so by evening...they are wearing off and he is irritable. He is on the lowest dose so we might have to consider upping it. Evenings were usually HORRIBLE but at least now...they are manageable, albeit still exhausting. Celexa IS working for him. And there are no noticeable side effects. We are looking into gluten intolerance. I think a ped psych or a neuropsych...either one but I am not a real veteran in this! Couple that with beh. mod. therapy. A must. :grouphug: It is sooo hard...on everyone.

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Our ds was diagnosed with ODD as well. The rages, meltdowns, etc. get exhausting. We tried some meds with awful consequences. We took him off of the meds and have just been working with a therapist. The therapist is more for my husband and myself. Coaching us through the battles, techniques, explanations for behavior, etc. It is exhausting!! I get odd looks and comments because I am seen drinking red bull in the mornings, but at least its more socially acceptable than a pint of vodka at 9:00 a.m. Having to be "on" 24/7 is draining. Two things that are working for us currently are 1. using his currency (xbox, legos and dog) to our advantage ie. do this or no ____, for the minor things this works well. The second is patience. when the meltdown does happen, do not talk to him, leave him be until the rage is gone. Then go back and in a matter of fact voice as if the rage never happened, repeat the question, request, comment. Beyond that......I got nothin. Just another mom in the trenches. You have my sympathies. Take care, stay positive.

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Mine is not ODD, but he does have rages as part of his ADD. Medication takes care of most of it, but we still struggle some mornings before his meds start to work. Before OT, he was raging 4-5 times per day. Then he did about 1/2 the sessions necessary for Interative Metronome and he was down to 4-5 a week. After he could no longer get OT, we went with meds and the difference was apparent on Day 1.


So far, so good - it's been 4 months. He's had a couple of episodes in the past couple of weeks, but I think that they are mostly habit. If I don't engage with him over it, they go away. He usually rages when I correct him or tell him no. He doesn't do it for anyone but me - his teacher gets sobbing (which I rarely see.)


He'll start therapy next month, probably.

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Our ds was diagnosed with ODD as well. The rages, meltdowns, etc. get exhausting. We tried some meds with awful consequences. We took him off of the meds and have just been working with a therapist. The therapist is more for my husband and myself. Coaching us through the battles, techniques, explanations for behavior, etc. It is exhausting!! I get odd looks and comments because I am seen drinking red bull in the mornings, but at least its more socially acceptable than a pint of vodka at 9:00 a.m. Having to be "on" 24/7 is draining. Two things that are working for us currently are 1. using his currency (xbox, legos and dog) to our advantage ie. do this or no ____, for the minor things this works well. The second is patience. when the meltdown does happen, do not talk to him, leave him be until the rage is gone. Then go back and in a matter of fact voice as if the rage never happened, repeat the question, request, comment. Beyond that......I got nothin. Just another mom in the trenches. You have my sympathies. Take care, stay positive.


She is currently seeing a therapist, but I don't think it is going to do any good, without some meds, or unless we see a therapist who specializes in this area-for behavior mgmnt. The bolded part is how we handle things too, but I'm sure you know, that even after a cooling off period, they still go into rage when reminded. :grouphug: I so understand the red bull- mine is multiple cups of coffee during the day.

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I've been reading your posts here and on the special needs board- your ds sounds a lot like my dd. They have helped me a lot- Thank you for sharing your experiences! I'm going to research the meds your son is on before I take dd in for an eval. I'm also going to cross post this on the special needs board.

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She is only this way at home. Never to anyone else, and not in public.




I remember when I used to watch Dr. Phil that he would use this as the criteria for whether something was really a disorder (meaning something the child could not control) or not. I remember he would not recommend medication in situations like this. I.e. since she is clearly able to control herself when she wants to, maybe medication is not the way to go? Sorry, I don't have anything more helpful to add but wanted to point that out for you to consider.


Sorry you are going through this...it sounds very taxing :(

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