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If you have ever been on an antidepressant........

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which one worked the best for you? I am considering trying medication for anxiety and depression, but am worried about the side effects. Any btdt advice?



Each person is different...


Welbutrin.. it didn't do much for me.


Paxil... and that was horrible. Very severe side effects and I was miserable.


Prozac now and it does good for me. I take a generic form at lowest dose available. I have "mild" depression. I have more problems when I am on prednisone so I take prozac to counter the prednisone effects.

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Thank you for the input everyone. I'm going to give this another week and see how I feel. I'm taking 1/2 daily dosage and think it would be best for me to not take any more than that. My MD has to be involved because I am on other medications too, including one for irregular heartbeat.




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I will say that I took 1/2 of the dose of celexa(citalopram) that I was prescribed. It wasn't until I finally took the dose (40mg) and in a few days...it was amazing.

I also had sucess with prozac a long time ago.


Celexa is awesome. Don't be afraid to take the dose your supose to....you can always back off aftewr 6 months or so.

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I have struggled with depression for many years and have been on and off anti-depressants. This has been a really rough year for us, and the cold and gray winter season has had a big affect on me as well, causing me to really feel down and very fatigued. I was with my MD last week and asked for help in going back on meds because I really do need help with this. He recommended Wellbutrin, but to start out with 150 mg 1x daily instead of the usual 2x (morning and evening).


I realize that our body chemistry needs to have a chance to build up and adjust when we go on medications. I'm already feeling a bit better after having been on the meds for five days, but I feel hit with an edginess now and then that I'm sure is from the anti-depressants. I'm really hoping it will ease off after I've been on them longer, but thought I'd ask those of you that have been on Wellbutrin if that might be typical. Unless it becomes unbearable, should I wait another week or two before calling my doctor back? Did any of you Wellbutrin users experience anything like this in the beginning?





As others on this thread have pointed out, Wellbutrin is not the answer if you are also anxious. The psychiatrist at a well-respected clinic for children had my dd on Wellbutrin for many months and continually upped her dose. We finally got tired of Mr. No Personality -Could Not Relate to a Teen Girl Even though It Was His Speciality, and started seeing a psychiatric nurse practitioner. She was very surprised at dd being on Wellbutrin, but not surprised that dd wasn't doing well. She slowly weened her off of the Wellbutrin and introduced Celexa. The change was remarkable. At first, Wellbutrin made dd feel a bit better, but as the dosage increased, she became increasingly agitated.


Lucinda, if you don't feel good, it is quite probably not the right medication with you. Please be sure you are working with a professional that genuinely listens to what you are saying and is responsive. Wishing you peace of mind. Take care of yourself.:grouphug:

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Lucinda, if you don't feel good, it is quite probably not the right medication with you. Please be sure you are working with a professional that genuinely listens to what you are saying and is responsive. Wishing you peace of mind. Take care of yourself.:grouphug:


Thanks so much, swimmermom3. I will keep this in mind for sure. I have been on Citalopran (Celexa) in the past, and it was one option we discussed. I'll most likely be back in touch with my physician to talk it over again.


Blessings to all,


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you might also consider natural supplements...I take L-tryptophan and pyridoxal-5-phosphate for mood (amino acid + B6). I additionally take GABA (to help sleep) and L-Methionine (also an amino acid). I have had great results with these, and I'm happy to not have to be on meds (not that I think anything is wrong with that...just hate meds and side effects). I also take natural progesterone, which has helped stabilize my moods tremendously.


I go to a holistic M.D. who recommended these for me and monitors my situation.

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This is what my DD takes for her epilepsy. It's funny how these things work!



Lamictal is an anti-seizure medicine although not a first choice for children. It also works as a mood stablizer for bi-polar patients. It is an unusual choice of an anti-depressant for a patient who is not bi-polar but it does have an anti-depressant effects in bi-polar patients so I can see trying it if nothing else works.

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