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If you have ever been on an antidepressant........

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This is a loaded question. Because everyone reacts differently to AD meds. Even if one works fantastic for one, it may not work at all for you.


I take Effexor XR. Most people cannot tolerate it. I can. I tried Celexa and Prozac, both very common, very low-key drugs. Both made me vomit, and made me feel horrible.


It is really trial and error. They take about 6-8 weeks to see if they are truly making a difference. Sometimes you know right away if you are having severe side effects.


And coming off some of them can be horrific. My Effexor is VERY hard to withdraw from, and if I miss even one dose, I know it.


I have heard some great things about the natural approach of 5-HTP. I cannot comment on that, but hopefully someone has taken it and can chime in.



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I used to take Lexapro for anxiety and it worked great. MY bff is a psychiatrist (in another state) and told me that this med worked well for many of her patients with fewer side effects than most. When I went to my internist about it, she also recommended Lexapro. I had no side effects from it and it seemed to help me pretty quickly. Granted, I took this only for anxiety and not depression, so I can't speak to how it works for that and I was only on a rather low dose for about 9 months. I agree with the other poster though that different meds work differently for different people so you might need to try more than one. Also, anti-dep meds usually take some time to work.


Good luck.

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This is a loaded question. Because everyone reacts differently to AD meds. Even if one works fantastic for one, it may not work at all for you.


I take Effexor XR. Most people cannot tolerate it. I can. I tried Celexa and Prozac, both very common, very low-key drugs. Both made me vomit, and made me feel horrible.


It is really trial and error. They take about 6-8 weeks to see if they are truly making a difference. Sometimes you know right away if you are having severe side effects.


And coming off some of them can be horrific. My Effexor is VERY hard to withdraw from, and if I miss even one dose, I know it.


I have heard some great things about the natural approach of 5-HTP. I cannot comment on that, but hopefully someone has taken it and can chime in.




Interesting that I tried the same medications...Prozac and Celexa...and am now taking Effexor, too. I agree that every person is going to be different--the key I think is simply to try something different if one isn't working. With Prozac and Celexa, I was so exhausted that I could hardly function. Effexor is making a huge difference in my life...though it's only been 4 months or so since I started it.

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I took Wellbutrin, which worked pretty well. However, when I started birth control pills, I had a horrid reaction (that I had *not* had when I had previously taken bcp when not on Wellbutrin) - I have *never* felt that messed up before or since. I was randomly crying all the time, and constantly rocking back and forth unconsciously, and otherwise looking and feeling like I was falling apart (and it was in the two weeks leading up to my wedding - great time to be losing it :glare:). It stopped when I quit mixing the two.

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I started on Zoloft, which made a difference, but also made me gain 30 pounds. Not cool if you're having depression problems! I tried Celexa, but it did nothing and finally Effexor, which worked really, really well, but has hard withdrawal symptoms. Missing just one dose gave me headaches. My docs took me off it because of my pregnancy (worst.week.ever.). I'm now on Wellbutrin, which seems to be working really well, except for you know, the crazy pregnancy hormones. :)


James Bond is also on Wellbutrin, but a much, much higher dose than I am. I think he takes 450mg a day and I take 150mg. Once they got him on this dosage, he was like a different (and much happier) person.

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I'm on Effexor XR. Also tried Prozac, Lexapro, and Paxil, none of which worked for me.


The key is that each person will respond individually. Make sure your husband (or someone else close to you) can give you honest information if you start getting weird. Trust your own feelings, but also listen to a trusted person in your life. If one thing is not working, try another thing or a different dose until you get it right.


It takes awhile some times.


ETA, Effexor does have nasty withdrawel. If it wasn't the only thing that worked for me, I wouldn't be on it.

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I took Effexor XR for a very long time -- 5 years.......it worked incredibly well. I was weaned off it with no negative withdrawal effects and weaned onto Lexapro -- which then worked well for a couple of years. We added Wellbutrin to the Lexapro and that worked well for about three years. Then back to Effexor XR for two years and it seemed to suddenly stop working. Weaned off that to Zoloft -- zoloft worked well intially (like in 4 days) and then it tanked. We increased the zoloft dose and it did the same thing -- tanked in 4 days. I have been on Cymbalta for almost three weeks (I had resisted trying it initially and went with Zoloft instead) -- I have to say that thankfully so far, so good. We will probably be increasing the dosage, but so far, this is ok.


Everyone is different -- good luck!:)

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*also watching this thread*


My doc just prescribed zoloft for me but I haven't started it yet.. I'm just nervous about it. For one thing, I'm 18 weeks pregnant and there's no 'official' studies (from what I can tell) as to whether it's truly safe during pregnancy - doc says it's a 'risk/benefit' situation, but I don't know. I don't know if it would be worth the "tiny risk". Of course, my husband and kids would like to see me stop crying for no reason, throwing dishes, not caring whether or not I even have a shower. Among other things. I just don't know if it's worth trying this drug...

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Celexa worked best for me but not without side effects. Wellbutrin is not an option for anxiety in my understanding. Paxil and Zoloft worked but had intolerable side effects for me (different for both--Paxil was a nightmare for me to wean from).


An alternative you might research is high dose inositol. It's great for lack of side effects and works as well as antidepressants for most people including me. But you have mix a powder in a drink three times a day! It's much easier to just take a pill. But the pills, for me, have side effects that make them hard to do long term. N-Actyl-Cysteine helps me with anxiety. I use it with the inositol as an extra boost. Some find help with 5-HTP too. I've not done that one. Theoretically the side effects would be similar to antidepressants at least in my mind.

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Lexapro. It was what the sales reps were pushing at the time. My therapist (who didn't prescribe, but suggested I consider meds) word's were "now that you are having good sex again, avoid the ones with sexual side effects." :D


Lexapro was fine, but wellbutrin would probably have been a better match for me.

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I'm currently taking Celexa, although I was originally put on Lexapro. My insurance "prefers" Celexa and it's far less than what they would charge us for Lexapro, so I'm taking it. It's been about 2 years now, and I found that I needed to up my dose this fall/winter because I lost all coping skills. Going up 20 mg has helped tremendously. The plan is to come back down in March when the weather improves here. I'm a bit nervous to fall backwards further than I was before the increase.


I've also had extreme reactions to mixing it with BCP, so if you are on them, please let your dr. know immediately if you are exceptionally moody, weepy, angry, depressed, etc. I've learned I cannot take BCP while on an antidepressant/anti-anxiety medicine.

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I think I've been on all of them over the past 12 years! I usually get 12=18 months out of one before it stops working and we have to start over. Cymbalta was the worst one I was on - never worked and I just went downhill FAST.


Current one is Lamictal. Doc just upped the dose to try and get another few months out of it :tongue_smilie:.

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Wellbutrin is an excellent med to start with. It has less side effects than the others. It doesn't usually cause weight gain (sometimes just the opposite) and doesn't usually cause sexual side effects. Almost all SSRI cause sexual side effects and weight gain. Many of them are also very difficult to get off of. Zoloft and Lexapro are good ones to start with especially at a lower dosages and even then I wouldn't try them until I have exhausted all natural options. Effexor and Cymbalta would be meds of last choice that I would only recommend if absolutely nothing else worked. I also would not try these without the help of a psychiatrist. These should not be managed by a regular MD. Finally, if there is any possibility that you could be bi-polar, then I would be extremely cautious about trying them.


ETA: I forgot to mention that I do agree with others that Wellbutrin is not the best med for dealing with anxiety.

Edited by KidsHappen
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The best advice I have is to see a psychiatrist and not your regular GP. They have far more knowledge of the different drugs than a regular dr.




I made the mistake of letting my GP diagnosis and treat a mental condition for many years, while my mental state steadily declined. Seeing a psychiatrist has made all the difference.

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I think I've been on all of them over the past 12 years! I usually get 12=18 months out of one before it stops working and we have to start over. Cymbalta was the worst one I was on - never worked and I just went downhill FAST.


Current one is Lamictal. Doc just upped the dose to try and get another few months out of it :tongue_smilie:.


This is what my DD takes for her epilepsy. It's funny how these things work!

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I've been on Lexapro, Zoloft, and Cymbalta. Not all at once. :tongue_smilie:


Lexapro helps me, but very little. Zoloft made my anxiety go through the roof. Cymbalta is best for me, anxiety-wise. It also helps with muscle aches, which I have as well, so I'm sticking with it.


It's so individual.

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Wellbutrin made someone in this house (not me) almost suicidal. Between that and the severe aggression, I thought we were in trouble. It took longer to come off of it than he was on it! He switched to Zoloft and his much, much better.


It's really a matter of personal brain chemistry. Celexa made me extremely hyper 12 years ago (I was only on it a week.)

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To the pp who was concerned about taking Zoloft while pregnant: I was on Zoloft while pregnant with my 5yo and she was completely, 100% healthy at birth and still is. I even breastfed on it. My psychiatrist has always told me that if I were to become pregnant, that is the drug she would switch me to. But of course, there is no guarantee, kwim? Anyway, I've been on so many but I will say as another pp did that what works for one may not for another :) Friends told me to try Wellbutrin b/c it worked for depression as well as fatigue and would help me lose weight. Well, I felt like I was having a heart attack on Wellbutrin...major, major anxiety and heart racing. Ugh. I am on Cymbalta now but would not recommend it only b/c it is a BEAR to withdrawal from. I quit Zoloft cold-turkey when I was on that and had NO significant withdrawal symptoms at all. Be careful with the SSRIs...they do tend to interfere with your s*x drive. Effexor made it totally impossible for me to, um, "fully enjoy" s*x if you kwim. I am not a dr. but I would say that Celexa and Zoloft are good choices for depression and anxiety. My 9yo was just put on Celexa for anxiety and irritability and after just 2 days we can already tell a HUGE difference and can tell when the drug is wearing off. It is incredible. But please, go see a good psychiatrist and talk openly about your concerns. Beware of the psychs who prescribe the "latest and greatest". Good luck finding what you need...it can take time to find that "perfect" med. Oh, and I would not go on meds unless you are also in therapy. The two must go hand-in-hand if you ask me.

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As others have said, it's really hard to "recommend" an antidepressant, because what works great for me with no side effects might do nothing for you but make you feel terrible!


FWIW, I've been on Paxil for 10 years for OCD. I was very, very sleepy and dopey the first two weeks. Since then, no noticeable side effects at all. And it works WONDERFULLY for me.



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FWIW, for me Zoloft was possibly somewhat effective antidepressant/antianxiety, but definitely a very effective anesthetic from the navel downwards. I was on it about a year. I can see why people would be depressed on it, and how it might lead to *more* marital problems. I'd say it decreased my enjoyment of Tea by atleast 90% and I didn't enjoy a, umm, Teagasm for the entire year under any circumstances at all. Not fun. Not good.


For my anxiety, having Xanax on hand for major anxiety episodes was/is extremely valuable. As my anxiety was largely episodic, being able to simply pop a pill and have it go away was blissful. However, it is addictive/narcotic/subject to abuse, so you need to be mindful of that & have a willing doctor. Mine was, and I've had xanax on hand for many years but never had an issue with overuse/abuse, taking just a few pills a year on average, never more than 10 in a month or so, and never going through a bottle of 25 in a year.


FWIW, since beginning a serious exercise regime (running) a few months ago, I haven't needed a single xanax (though I'd still take one if going in for major dental work, lol), sleep like a baby every night, and haven't had a major melt down with the dh in ages. So, for me, exercise has been, by far, the most effective anti-anxiety & anti-depressant that I've tried, and I am a very anxious person in general, though I guess I would no longer say that about myself now that I am a runner. . . :)

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Just a sort of BTDT post...


Sorry - I didn't read any of the other posts. (I too easily freak myself out.) I don't have depression, but I do have Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia, which kept me literally housebound for a few years. I finally have a doctor (and she is just a regular family doctor...) that I trust completely and have started meds.


I have to tell you, meds - any pills, really, even vitamins - are a MAJOR panic trigger for me. I have had doctors and therapists trying to get me on an SSRI for at least 7 years. But I wouldn't do it. I was absolutely terrified, especially of SSRIs. I can't even begin to explain how bad the panic would hold me if I even held a pill in my hand.


The doctor I go to now actually has Panic Disorder herself. She knew exactly what I was going through. She offered to come and sit at my house with me on her day off all day and watch movies or whatever when I started the meds, so she could be there if I started to feel weird or anything. I also have her home number - not an "after hours service" - and I know I can call her or text her if I ever have a problem.


I am now on daily Xanax, and have started on Zoloft, and we are upping the dose VERY slowly. And I am finally - after YEARS - getting my life back. I can leave my house for periods of time. I can go into Target. I can go to Church sometimes. A little TMI, but my IBS, which was verging on debilitating, has improved DRASTICALLY. I still haven't worked up the courage to drive, but at least I am riding in the car now, which before, I literally did not leave the house.


I tried every natural remedy possible. But - Xanax and Zoloft are literally giving me my life back (and no weight gain, etc.). I know some people have problems with meds (which is why I skipped reading the posts, because I know I am still susceptible to scary thoughts....) but so far, all I can say is I wish I had done this sooner. :o

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To the pp who was concerned about taking Zoloft while pregnant: I was on Zoloft while pregnant with my 5yo and she was completely, 100% healthy at birth and still is. I even breastfed on it. My psychiatrist has always told me that if I were to become pregnant, that is the drug she would switch me to. But of course, there is no guarantee, kwim? Anyway, I've been on so many but I will say as another pp did that what works for one may not for another :) Friends told me to try Wellbutrin b/c it worked for depression as well as fatigue and would help me lose weight. Well, I felt like I was having a heart attack on Wellbutrin...major, major anxiety and heart racing. Ugh. I am on Cymbalta now but would not recommend it only b/c it is a BEAR to withdrawal from. I quit Zoloft cold-turkey when I was on that and had NO significant withdrawal symptoms at all. Be careful with the SSRIs...they do tend to interfere with your s*x drive. Effexor made it totally impossible for me to, um, "fully enjoy" s*x if you kwim. I am not a dr. but I would say that Celexa and Zoloft are good choices for depression and anxiety. My 9yo was just put on Celexa for anxiety and irritability and after just 2 days we can already tell a HUGE difference and can tell when the drug is wearing off. It is incredible. But please, go see a good psychiatrist and talk openly about your concerns. Beware of the psychs who prescribe the "latest and greatest". Good luck finding what you need...it can take time to find that "perfect" med. Oh, and I would not go on meds unless you are also in therapy. The two must go hand-in-hand if you ask me.


That was me... Good to hear of someone else using it during pregnancy without problems (I know, we're all different - but still.) .. I'm not really concerned about the ummm ahem 'sexual side effects' if it just means less interest/less sex drive/etc.. I don't have much interest in sex anyway - never have. I do it because I love my husband. It's not a medical thing, it's just me. :p

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I've been on Welbutrin for over five years now and can't say enough about it.


I agree that seeing a psychiatrist is always better then a GP.


I also agree that different meds effect everyone differently.


But my experience w/ Welbutrin has been stellar.


Good luck,



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I agree with others - different things work for different people and different issues. I have depression/OCD/health anxiety and my drug of choice is Lexapro. I am on 20-mg and my side effects are really non-existant. I lost my libido to a degree...but truly, considering how I feel when I go through my issues without meds, the libido is not much to sacrifice. Besides, dh and I find ways around that. ;)

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...definitely a very effective anesthetic from the navel downwards. I was on it about a year. I can see why people would be depressed on it, and how it might lead to *more* marital problems. I'd say it decreased my enjoyment of Tea by atleast 90% and I didn't enjoy a, umm, Teagasm for the entire year under any circumstances at all. Not fun. Not good.


This is how all antidepressants affect me. :( I can still have a Teagasm, but it takes a whole lot more, um, work to do so. However, my issues go way beyond anxiety alone, so truly the benefits do outweigh the side effects for me. They aren't fun and they suck, but we do find ways around it. Sometimes I can even skip a pill every now and then and have a libido for a day or two without any ill effects of skipping the meds.

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Celexa has changed everything for me. I take 40mg. I got little to no effect at lower doses. The only side effects for me are lots of dreams and having a hard time getting up in the morning. I had a bit of side effect in the beginning. Give a med at least 5 weeks....but 8 is better.

I have energy, and more organized, happier, little to no panic attacks, optamistic etc. I've been on for 5 months. I also have xanax for panic episodes.:chillpill::lol:


I took prozac many yearas ago, but couldn't stop yawning. It was hard to deal with, but I would try it again if I had to. SSRI's are something that I KNOW I need.

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My older dd is on Lexapro for migraine prevention all month long and for PMDD (an additional pill) half the month. One of her PMDD most serious symptoms was totally incapacitaty panic attacks, phobias, and general anxiety issues. The Lexapro has just about completely made those go away. It also cured her 7 month long non stop headache. She has been on it three years and I don't think she will ever be off of it. It plainly is too scary to stop since it has worked and continues to work so very well for her.

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No, Wellbutrin is not good for anxiety at all.


Actually, it is. I take it for anxiety and it works really well. In America it's generally not taken for anxiety, but my psych is German (we live in Germany) and they do prescribe it here for anxiety. The American docs took me off the Effexor because of my pregnancy and sent me to a German psych for care (because they don't want to deal with me at the American hospital-they don't like to give medications to pregnant women). She (the German psych) told me I could stay on the Effexor (studies in other countries have shown it to be fine during pregnancy), but I opted to go off it and move to something else just in case (mostly because the American docs scared me out of my wits about it). The Wellbutrin has worked really, really well for my anxiety. I'm still a bit high strung some days, but we're pretty sure that's due more to fluctuating hormone levels than anything else. :D

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Sigh. I promised myself that I'd start the zoloft this morning (after already delaying a bit) and... I just keep picking the bottle up and putting it back down. Thoughts run through my head - what if it hurts the baby? (it's not "supposed to" but what if it does?) what if I turn out allergic? what it if makes my mood swings and stuff worse? (I actually don't feel that bad today) what if it makes me really drowsy? (the paper says it can - it says not to drive until you know. I have to drive pretty much every day - including today. Not optional.) what if it makes my digestive problems worse? what if what if what if.


Sometimes I hate my brain.


yeah I've somewhat piggy-backed onto the OP's thread, having mentioned this earlier. Hope that's not overly rude.

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Sigh. I promised myself that I'd start the zoloft this morning (after already delaying a bit) and... I just keep picking the bottle up and putting it back down. Thoughts run through my head - what if it hurts the baby? (it's not "supposed to" but what if it does?) what if I turn out allergic? what it if makes my mood swings and stuff worse? (I actually don't feel that bad today) what if it makes me really drowsy? (the paper says it can - it says not to drive until you know. I have to drive pretty much every day - including today. Not optional.) what if it makes my digestive problems worse? what if what if what if.


Sometimes I hate my brain.


yeah I've somewhat piggy-backed onto the OP's thread, having mentioned this earlier. Hope that's not overly rude.


I'm not a doctor, but I will tell you I took Zoloft from about 10 weeks up until the day (and continued after) the birth of my 2nd and 3rd children with absolutely not affects at all on the babies. :grouphug:


And the side effects almost always say that the med might cause drowiness, insomnia, nausea, diarrhea, headaches, etc. Standard side effects. You could try taking it tonight to see how you do. Just throwing that out there.

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Sigh. I promised myself that I'd start the zoloft this morning (after already delaying a bit) and... I just keep picking the bottle up and putting it back down. Thoughts run through my head - what if it hurts the baby? (it's not "supposed to" but what if it does?) what if I turn out allergic? what it if makes my mood swings and stuff worse? (I actually don't feel that bad today) what if it makes me really drowsy? (the paper says it can - it says not to drive until you know. I have to drive pretty much every day - including today. Not optional.) what if it makes my digestive problems worse? what if what if what if.


Sometimes I hate my brain.


yeah I've somewhat piggy-backed onto the OP's thread, having mentioned this earlier. Hope that's not overly rude.


Oh, the "what ifs" are the worst. :grouphug:


I can tell you, that I know of women who have taken Zoloft during their pregnancies with no ill effects. It was one of the reasons I agreed to try Zoloft instead of some other SSRI.


And I have seen an improvement in my digestive issues (probably because I am not soaking my organs in adrenaline all the time {blush!!} my doc had said that some people have issues, and with my IBS-D she was somewhat concerned about that, but it has not been an issue (and I was sure it was going to be, of course....)


Zoloft didn't make me drowsy at all (Xanax did when I started that - it took about a week before I stopped needing an afternoon nap - but I am now on 2mg a day (spread over the day) and it doesn't make me sleepy at all (and I can take an extra if I am in a particularly stressful situation.)

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have struggled with depression for many years and have been on and off anti-depressants. This has been a really rough year for us, and the cold and gray winter season has had a big affect on me as well, causing me to really feel down and very fatigued. I was with my MD last week and asked for help in going back on meds because I really do need help with this. He recommended Wellbutrin, but to start out with 150 mg 1x daily instead of the usual 2x (morning and evening).


I realize that our body chemistry needs to have a chance to build up and adjust when we go on medications. I'm already feeling a bit better after having been on the meds for five days, but I feel hit with an edginess now and then that I'm sure is from the anti-depressants. I'm really hoping it will ease off after I've been on them longer, but thought I'd ask those of you that have been on Wellbutrin if that might be typical. Unless it becomes unbearable, should I wait another week or two before calling my doctor back? Did any of you Wellbutrin users experience anything like this in the beginning?




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I take Lexapro during pregnancy and about a year after each child. Otherwise I am cranky, moody, tired and irritable. It makes a huge difference for me. The only side effect is decreased libido. And considering we've had 11 pregnancies in 11 yrs, I don't think it's been that much of a problem. :lol:

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I have struggled with depression for many years and have been on and off anti-depressants...I was with my MD last week and asked for help in going back on meds because I really do need help with this. He recommended Wellbutrin...but I feel hit with an edginess now and then that I'm sure is from the anti-depressants. I'm really hoping it will ease off after I've been on them longer, but thought I'd ask those of you that have been on Wellbutrin if that might be typical.


I was put on Wellbutrin XR several years ago. At my 4-wk med-check I told the PDoc that although I felt less depressed, I was extremely agitated most of the time (pi$$y is what I actually said - and I was). Long story short, he reduced my Wellbutrin from 300 mg to 150 mg and added Zoloft (it was either 50 mg or 100 mg - I forget). He said that he had many patients on that combo - he called it "Well-off" ;) I did very well on that and sometimes wish that I never quit! Not sure how helpful any of that is, but I do think agitation is a side-effect with the more activating ADs.


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I was put on Wellbutrin XR several years ago. At my 4-wk med-check I told the PDoc that although I felt less depressed, I was extremely agitated most of the time (pi$$y is what I actually said - and I was). Long story short, he reduced my Wellbutrin from 300 mg to 150 mg and added Zoloft (it was either 50 mg or 100 mg - I forget). He said that he had many patients on that combo - he called it "Well-off" ;) I did very well on that and sometimes wish that I never quit! Not sure how helpful any of that is, but I do think agitation is a side-effect with the more activating ADs.



WOW! Someone I know was on 75mg. of Wellbutrin and was aggressive and *more* depressed after 2 weeks. I can't imagine if he had been on that much!!!:001_huh: He went off of that and on Zoloft and it was very, very good for him.:D

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For one thing, I'm 18 weeks pregnant and there's no 'official' studies (from what I can tell) as to whether it's truly safe during pregnancy - doc says it's a 'risk/benefit' situation, but I don't know. I don't know if it would be worth the "tiny risk".


Drug companies do not do studies on pregnant women. It is unethical. You may find a professional journal with information regarding anecdotal evidence.

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*also watching this thread*


My doc just prescribed zoloft for me but I haven't started it yet.. I'm just nervous about it. For one thing, I'm 18 weeks pregnant and there's no 'official' studies (from what I can tell) as to whether it's truly safe during pregnancy - doc says it's a 'risk/benefit' situation, but I don't know. I don't know if it would be worth the "tiny risk". Of course, my husband and kids would like to see me stop crying for no reason, throwing dishes, not caring whether or not I even have a shower. Among other things. I just don't know if it's worth trying this drug...


I haven't had time to read the other replies, but my OB took me off Zoloft during my last pg. She said that though the risk of heart damage in the fetus is small, she knew me well enough to know I'd never forgive myself if we were one of the unlucky ones.


It was a rough time...there are some that are safer than Zoloft for pg, from what I understand. In retrospect, I wish I'd found one instead of going without anything. I was really, really tough to live with, I'm afraid.


I'm on 50 mg. of Zoloft and have been for several years. It just levels me out. The only side effects are decreased sex drive, and possibly, weight gain. I'm already overweight, but it sure is hard to get it off. I forgot that the Zoloft might be contributing to that. Oh well--I'd rather be fat and happy than thin and angry all the time.


Good luck!

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SillyAutismMan is on Lexapro as he seemed depressed - after a little over two weeks he is certainly perking up and more chipper - wearing fake green teeth and holding a toy guitar while "singing" (he can carry a tune but mangles lyrics.) This is a big improvement over him sitting on his bed in the dark doing nothing for hours at a time, all sad.

( For him, fake green teeth is a fun, GOOD thing! ;) )

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Another recommendation to not let your GP/OB/whatever handle your mental health. I pay pretty much out of pocket for my pyschatrist because he's worth it. Yes, he specializes. Yes, I was lucky to find one I like first time. But there is just no way you could see any other doc as often as your psych to monitor how the meds are really working for you.


Lexapro-I hated. I felt nothing. I didn't even cry at a Hallmark commercial! That was what my OB rxd.


Cymbalta- this has been my one constant over the last 8 yrs. I had migraines every week. Since Cymbalta, a couple a year.

Added to that, we've tried...


Wellbutrin- oh my word!!!! It was great for about 2 months then I realized it was making me sweat like nobody's business. Came off it and ahhhh...like a cool summer breeze came back. I was too hot to tell you of it helped my anxiety or depression.


Zoloft-this was great for my social anxiety. I really loved that about it. But, I put on 40 lbs in 5 months. It was like it shot my metabolism in the head. After that there was no helping my social anxiety. I have never been over weight until then.


Xanax-I'm like a pp in that I have some on hand for "outbreaks". I have to be a little proactive with it because if I'm already at a 10 taking a zanax is going to take me down so fast I'll get a killer headache. So, I just sort of know what will trigger my extremes and take as needed. My doc knows I'm going to explain every pill I take because one of my biggest anxiety triggers is fear that I will get addicted. :)


Buspar-too sleepy.


There is one I'm forgetting.


I am on bcp so that does help my hormones. And Ambien to sleep.


I hope you find someone you can trust.

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