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Spelling Workout


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I am not sure, but I remembered that I liked the topics better in the Spelling Words in Action section. I remember reading something about that 3 years ago and that is why a wanted the new editions.


I have girls, so it might have been that the stories in the old editions were geared to much towards boys????? I know the new editions span a variety of topics.



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Lol! I love this stuff--how people can have such different reactions to the same material. I so much prefer the new versions! The old "sports" theme is really a drag for me and my non-sports oriented family. If that's your thing, I think you'll love it. The lists (I'm pretty sure) are the same.


We used the old version for A, new for B, old for C (it was cheaper and at our local store) and are just about to start the new version of D with my older ds.

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Oh really.:001_huh: Where? I don't mean to highjack this thread, but I'd like to know about the errors.




I remember they were usually in the editing exercise, ironically enough. :001_smile: They drove my dd nuts! I haven't kept a list of them, because I just quit using the new ones and went back to the old ones instead.

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