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s/o Sneaky Board of Ed...

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Can someone explain why (oh why!) can't they just extend the school year by a week or some such thing in order to complete the blasted 180 days? Why do they make people rearrange schedules and take away weekend time in order to complete it? Is there some belief that kids can't learn after that specific June (or May) date?



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Like I said in the previous thread, I think it's a giant waste of time to add days any time. I know for a fact that nothing happens at the end of the year, and adding Saturdays is just stupid, imo.


They probably acknowledge that days added BEFORE testing dates (we have the state tests in May) might be productive and preparatory, but after that, who cares? seems to be the attitude. Nevermind that kids will not have their minds on school on Saturdays anyway, and it will probably be just enrichment or light days.

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Can someone explain why (oh why!) can't they just extend the school year by a week or some such thing in order to complete the blasted 180 days? Why do they make people rearrange schedules and take away weekend time in order to complete it? Is there some belief that kids can't learn after that specific June (or May) date?




What about the people who have things arranged during that time? I know more people who have big plans for as soon as school gets out than for spring break. Spring break it is usually too cold for beaching unless you can afford to go really far south. Most people I know wait for the beginning of summer break. There is no time for adding make-up days that will make everyone happy.

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No matter what they do, it will make someone mad, whether it is vacations or Saturdays or the end of the year. Often, they have to work around contract and union issues and those decide when the days are added.


If anyone wants it changed, the place to start would be with your state government. They set the rules about how many days students must attend. The local schools have to follow those rules.

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When I was in school, it was the heat that was the problem; only the high school had air conditioning, and our area could hit 90 degrees pretty quickly. As it was, we didn't get out until early June, so it was warm enough then.


They probably also have to work around summer school dates for kids who need that.

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Too bad they can't just assign something the kids can do at home on a snow day rather than having to make it up in the school building. Tell them to write an essay or read a book or something. :P But adding a week on to the end of the school year would cause the same problems with people wanting to make summer vacation plans, so it really wouldn't help.

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