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Bookend issues - for ladies only

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I can't remember what I am supposed to call 'the girls' and it's a little after two and I am not feeling well so please forgive me if bookends isn't correct.


My right breast has been swollen and extremely painful for abouta week. I recently began swimming again and playing tennis with a group of hard hitting men so I attributed the pain to sore muscles. However, I haven't swan or played tennis since last Thursday and the pain is much worse. It's actually making me nauseated.


The reason I am awake at the moment is because I must have rolled over in my sleep and put pressure on my bookend because I woke up in excruciating pain and with the feeling that I was going to vomit.


Over the last week I have had to begin wearing a larger bra because my bookend is growing. It's doesn't appear swollen but it is bigger.


I am loathe to go to the doctor because of everything that has been wrong with me these past six months. I have been ill for so long and haven't really experienced full relief from those ailments yet.


Do any of you know what could cause such a painful bookend? It doesn't in any way resemble the pain I felt when I was nursing and had a clogged milk duct. My youngest child is almost 14 so I am pretty sure it doesn't have anything to do with the milk glands.


Thanks in advance for your responses.

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Did it begin after you started exercising, or was it happening before? If it's the former, I have had it also. It improved by itself. I am not an expert, Everyone's experience is different.

One possibility other than what the previous two posters have said (and I do agree that you should have it checked out) are infected lymph nodes. Very common and fairly easy to overcome.

Make sure to drink lots of water.

If you, can dry body brush from your neck on down as well as your armpits. Dry body brush your bre@sts also. Do this before showering. Improves circulation and helps lymphatic system. But be gentle and only do this if you can tolerate it!

How has your diet been? Junk food and lots of sugar worsen every single condition.

Sorry to sound like I'm lecturing.

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Few more things I just thought of and ran down the stairs to say:


Have you been having lots of caffeine and/or salt? Both can cause fluid retention, pain, and lumpiness. There are ways you can overcome this - natural diuretics - lots of veggies, water, etc.


Something else to not scare you. Pain is usually not the big "C" ... it's usually not cancer. Nonetheless, have it checked out, I think.


Just because you have a lump in your breast doesn’t mean you have cancer.

Pseudo Lump is breast tissue approaching 1 inch in diameter that has formed into a lump, such as a pocket of dead fat or scar tissue that resulted from trauma caused by surgery or injury.

Lumpiness – little bumps that are approximately one-eighth inch in diameter. Harmless and perfectly natural – and has not been linked to later development of breast cancer

Cyst – These lumps are fluid-filled sacs that are most common in women between 30 and 55

They feel squishy near the surface

Those that are more deeply embedded in breast tissue feel harder

Fibroid or Fibroadenoma is a lump ranging from half an inch to 2 ½ inches or larger.

A rare cancer occurs in about 1% of all these lumps (usually the larger ones).

This type of cancer is relatively harmless because it doesn’t spread. You’ve got plenty of time to look at all your options.

Cancer Lump – By the time a cancerous lump is large enough for you to feel, it’s usually grown about half an inch in diameter.

If a cancerous lump is much smaller, you won’t feel it. In the early stages, a lump of cancerous cells feels like normal tissue. It will not change with menstrual cycles and is rarely painful.

Unless the type of cancer you have is extremely aggressive, you still have time to get information and examine your options.

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Please get it checked out today. It is probably nothing serious, but we have someone on this board who was recently diagnose with inflammatory breast cancer, which causes swelling and pain. Please don't ignore this anymore. Update us and tell us what time your appointment is. You need to be seen TODAY.

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Could be mammary duct ectasia--which is a fancy term for a breast infection in a non-lactating woman. I had such an infection last year.


When I was breastfeeding, I did experience a plugged duct once, and had mastitis twice. My infection of last year (which would have been after 7 years of NOT lactating) felt nothing like a plugged duct. It felt exactly like the mastitis. I took antibiotics to clear it, and also got some relief from hot compresses. At the peak of the infection there was some discharge as well.


Go to the doctor and get it checked. Be prepared for them to want a mammogram, but don't be alarmed.


Another word of caution--my midwife was actually not familiar with mammary duct ectasia. It's not very common, and she dealt primarily with breastfeeding women. Her lack of familiarity heightened her concerns for cancer. Nevertheless, my mammogram was fine and my difficulties were an infection that did respond to antibiotics.

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Thanks so much for the advice, ladies. I appreciate it more than I cna say.


I have an out-of-town meeting today and won't be back until this afternoon. I will see if my doctor acan get me in late this afternoon or early tomorrow.


To answer some of your questions: The pain began after I started swimming. It came on rather suddenly but is growing in intensity.


My diet is...well...considering everything I have been through with my diet this year, it's not too bad. Not a lot of sugar or soda. No caffeine lately since I have been drinking decaf chai. I don't drink coffee or caffeinated soda. I do need to increase the amount of water I drink and decrease my chai intake. I am beginning that today. I don't use much salt when I cook so my sodium intake is fairly low.


The only thing new in my diet was a lunch from TGI Fridays last Saturday. I had fish and sweet potato fries. I also had a few of the fried green beans. The lunch made me sick - for which I was very grateful due to my other health issues - but I don't think anything I ate would make my bookend sore.


Anyway - I will post later about what the doctor says.


Thanks again.

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Please get it checked out today. It is probably nothing serious, but we have someone on this board who was recently diagnose with inflammatory breast cancer, which causes swelling and pain. Please don't ignore this anymore. Update us and tell us what time your appointment is. You need to be seen TODAY.


I was going to say the same thing. Please don't let this be a repeat. I hope it is only an infection.

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Please get it checked out today. It is probably nothing serious, but we have someone on this board who was recently diagnose with inflammatory breast cancer, which causes swelling and pain. Please don't ignore this anymore. Update us and tell us what time your appointment is. You need to be seen TODAY.


This. Please. :grouphug::grouphug:

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  • 3 weeks later...
OP, I have been wondering if everything is okay ? :grouphug:

Yeah, no tests were administered.


They believe it was a combination of gas associated with constipation and tenderness associated with pms symptoms.


Anyhow, I haven't felt any pain or discomfort since Aunt Flo was here and other things happened ;).


Thank you for asking. I hadn't posted about it because it is rather embarrassing.

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There is nothing to be embarrassed about. I'm glad it resolved.


I once had a tender spot that I thought was a plugged duct, then perhaps a cyst...it would not go away. I could not have a mammogram because I was nursing, and ended up going to a breast surgeon, and she thought it warranted enough concern that she did a needle punch biopsy right there in the office. It turned out to be a benign fibrocystic lump. There is no shame in paying attention to changes in our bodies and getting them looked into when necessary.

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