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Back to school after long break...help!

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We took a needed 3 week break for Christmas. I needed it. My plan was to get back to work on Monday. It didn't happen. We played board games, read some of our History book. My ds9's behavior has been getting worse by the minute, so much so that we took him to an urgent assessment psych. and he started a day program today for extreme anger issues and ADD (no H). It's an hour drive to and from but thankfully dh works near the hospital so he can take him and probably pick him up as well. I'm hoping with him gone we can get some work done tomorrow and Friday and start back full-swing next week. But my kids fight so much and fight me about the work. I'm depleted and feel so defeated and part of me wants to just send them all to school...but that won't fix the problem. It will make it worse. I don't know how to get my motivation back. Any ideas?

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:grouphug: That sounds like a very stressful and exhausting experience. Getting back to a routine would be hard after that.


I had a hard time starting back on Monday, so we started with getting our books in order and generally cleaning up the school area. Then we did one easy subject. It allowed us to get back in the school frame of mind. Tuesday we did a little more and today we were back full steam. It was harder for me to get back to school, since I worked most of our break and didn't feel like we got time off.


Dip your toes in the water, then jump in. :grouphug:

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Long breaks aren't always the best for some kids...it makes it too hard to get back into the routine. Maybe instead of taking long breaks just do a lighter schedule.

How do your dc spend their time during long breaks? Are they keeping busy and out of trouble pretty well, or are they fighting more than usual? If their behavior deteriorates during breaks then I would say they'd benefit from staying on more of a schedule. And in the end, you would also benefit. :001_smile:

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Long breaks aren't always the best for some kids...it makes it too hard to get back into the routine. Maybe instead of taking long breaks just do a lighter schedule.

How do your dc spend their time during long breaks? Are they keeping busy and out of trouble pretty well, or are they fighting more than usual? If their behavior deteriorates during breaks then I would say they'd benefit from staying on more of a schedule. And in the end, you would also benefit. :001_smile:


I agree. We don't take many complete breaks. It gets too chaotic here. My kids do so much better with structure, especially the adhd kiddo.

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