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help getting DD to learn math facts


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DD is doing great in math but she hasn't memorized the facts at all. I guess I feel like I have failed her somehow, although we are just in the middle of 1st grade. I have switched math programs a few times so that is probably partly to blame. I remember doing many many many timed worksheets when I was in 3rd grade but I don't remember 1st grade at all. Anyone have any tips? Today she even had to use her number line to count 8-7=1.


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I don't think that is unusual. My first grader could have done exactly the same. When we are doing math sometimes she just knows and others she needs to go through the calculation like that.


I believe it is quite normal at that age... Sure there are kids who know their facts by then but of the kids that age I know only the intuitive mathy kids or those who have been drilled for at least a couple of years (Kumon kids come to mind) really knew their facts.

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BJU uses triangle flashcards and I like those better. It gets them learning fact families and the 4 different related facts you have with 3 numbers. Maybe give those a try.



You could try teaching her the "nearly all" concept. BJU does and that helped my kid's when it's only 1 less you're subtracting. Anytime it's "nearly all" the answer is 1. :). I'm trying to teach 3 at once their + and - facts and it's not easy.:001_huh:

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Well, my advice in a nutshell, don't worry, don't stress. 1st grade is very young. Let her use an abacus, number line, linking cubes, or counters whenever needed for now. Its okay, really. Manipulatives help young children see Math.To build memorization of the facts I suggest using 6 sided, then ten sided dice. You specify addition or subtraction, she rolls and answers. If she answers incorrectly say the answer, she repeats it and have her roll again. Also use cards to play games. Here are the rules to two games to get you started. Also print off free worksheets with a smaller # of problems that focus on only one fact at a time(3+1= ,3+2= ,3+3= ,3+4= , and so on up to 3+10). I'd only do this after she is showing some success with that # so as to not cause frustration. I also find with Math it is important to give them the strategy to use what they do know to help them figure out what they don't. Such as 5+6= , she doesn't know the answer. But if she remembers that 5+5=10 she can use that fact to help her as 6 is only 1 more than 5, so the answer will be 1 more, which is 11. Also here is a video on Math Mammoth that may help. I haven't watched it, nor used it, but that's only because my kids are beyond that now. I have however watched her video on structured multiplication facts drill and I am using her method right now and having success.

Edited by ThreeBlessings
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phew! thanks ladies. I was beginning to worry. I am not much into comparing the skills of one 1st grader to the next but I have read a few different posts of "my child knows all their facts" and my DD doesn't. I was beginning to worry. She knows how to find the answer, whether it is her fingers or the abacus or beads or number line. I just printed a ton of practice sheets. Today we did play a game with number cards that we had to find cards that added to 10. I like the one with a deck of cards. We will have to play that one tomorrow. She loves games.

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