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Need Encouragement: Struggling w/Lack of space


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Well, we live on a boat and the space I have for books is limited. We have 1 table for everything (eating, school, work, play) so when we are done with one thing, away it goes before the next thing is out (usually). I try to be very picky about which books come on board history and the science encyclopedias are killers for space! I also try to get what curriculum I can on pdf or CDs (I love these options). We don't do a lot of crafts but dedicate one fairly large box to art supplies. I also use the library (when one's available) for lots of variety, rather than buying everything. Sometimes life is just messy - don't let it get to you. Good luck and don't worry, we all feel like pulling our hair out on those days.


I really needed to hear the above bolded statement today.


Like many of you, we struggle with space, and some days I'm ready to implode. Well, that would make a bigger mess, no doubt.


While I have nothing to add to the great ideas here, just wanted to say I actually find a bit of comfort in knowing we aren't the only ones who deal with this (sometimes it sure feels like it.)

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We live in a 2-bedroom, 1930, bungalow -- with a small living room, smaller kitchen (no table), one bathroom... and that's it. ;)


I do have an attic. Off season clothes go in the attic.


I do have a detached garage. Toys, yard tools, all that sort of stuff goes in the garage.


I do have an unfinished (think cave-like) basement. Our pantry, washer/dryer, and more toys all go in the basement. All down there with the spiders, centipedes, and pincher bugs. :tongue_smilie:


Upstairs... well, let's see. I was flipping out about a month ago, with the annual rant: WHERE AM I SUPPOSED TO PUT ALL THIS STUFF? :willy_nilly: I felt like all I did all day was move stuff from A to B to C. Literally, I would make my bed in the morning, move a pile of stuff from the table to my bed, then teach something, move the stuff off, make lunch, clear off lunch, teach some more, on and on.... you get the idea. The problem is that we only have ONE TABLE. I mean, come on, how do you homeschool with only one table?


It can be done. We bought a folding card table. That lives behind the sofa, and I bring it out once a day for various activities. It is great having a table that doesn't need to be cleared off every five minutes.


We took out our "china hutch," which wasn't being used for storing fine china, but rather was inefficiently storing.... homeschool stuff! ;) We bought three book shelves and loaded them up. It looks like a school in my living room now, but it's MUCH more functional and we move through our work so much better now.


I put a ton of homeschool stuff -- whatever we do not need to use THIS month -- down in the basement, on half of the pantry shelves. That relieved some of the pressure. LOL.


I went through our bookshelves in the basement and purged all the little kid books that the girls are beyond (board books, toddler books, etc).


I got rid of everything they have outgrown -- toys, games, clothes.


I completely reorganized their little closet and room, which doesn't seem to have anything to do with homeschool, but that room was driving ME crazy, KWIM? So whatever part of the house is taking your energy every day, I'd say, deal with it so the area is functioning as smoothly as possible.



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We have a split bedroom home, too. Here is a picture of where I keep most everything we use on a daily basis. You can see this from our front door. It doesn't look that neat everyday, but it's helpful to me to have it right beside the table. I did the filing system this summer and here are pictures. These file boxes stay in my bedroom stacked on top of each other.


In our garage, we have 3 large bookshelves for all of our other books, including some non-homeschooling, but all my resources and other curricula to save for later or sale is out there.


I have a linen closet that I use totally for art and science supplies, catalogs, and extra paper, folders, pencils, etc. If you think you can't give up your linen closet, here is what I did with all the stuff. I keep our sheets in the top of each bedroom closet. For towels, I keep one bathroom's under the sink and bought a small wicker 3 drawer storage for toiletries and such. For the other bathroom, I bought a small, decorate 3 tier shelf that I put the towels on. I keep blankets in zip up storage bags under the beds.

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We've lived in 5 apartments/houses since we began preschool years ago. I've learned a bit along the way.


Apartment #1 (2 bedroom): We had a bookcase in the living room, one in DD's room, and a microwave stand that I dedicated to HSing. I kept books on the top shelf and the shelf that was supposed to hold a microwave. There was a cabinet below where I kept arts and crafts locked up. I loved the stand...and it looked nice in our dining area which was also our entryway...and part of the kitchen/living room...don't you love tiny apartments! :lol:


House #1 (5 BR house): We had a dedicated schoolroom (and separate playroom) where we did preschool everyday...too bad we only lived here a year!


Apartment #2 (2 BR...smaller than Apartment #1). I think I had one bookcase to keep school items in, including arts and crafts. Everything else was stored in the basement. We only lived here for 9mo (and we added baby #3)...it was very cramped. I remember taking lots of nature walks with the DC. :lol: We did have wall to wall bookshelves in the living room/kitchen/dining room which helped.


House #2 (3BR house): We were here for 3 years. I had a "schoolroom" in a semi-finished basement. It was very dusty (I have allergies), so we mainly stored books here. We had several bookcases for storage and a few rubbermaid totes for everything else. I used it as a schoolroom for a few months, but it was easier to school upstairs. I then dedicated a shelf in the dining room for school supplies. I brought up any books or materials we needed for the week...Our main books/workbooks were permanently stored here. I cleaned off the table before lunch and at the end of the day...although sometimes I just left everything on the side of the table. We didn't often have company, so it wasn't a big deal.


House #3 (4BR house): We just moved in, so we don't have a dedicated school room yet. I have arts & crafts stored in the playroom, books in a small office, and our main curriculum and frequently used supplies stored in a living room closet. We school either in the living room or dining room and put supplies away at the end of the day.



It is a pain to put everything away each day (and for lunch), but it keeps me on top of clutter. I don't have room to let messes go or keep every single piece of paper. It works for us. :001_smile:

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