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So I've identified the mystery substance as termite poop...

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Jiminy crickets.....termite turd. I did not need this.


It's a rental, so it isn't really our ultimate problem. But it will become a problem if we have to leave. We have no where to go. It took us such a long time to find an affordable furnished rental. According to my entomological research the treatment for this type of drywood termite is tent fumigation. Do I really want the kids and the unborn babe exposed to that stuff? :confused:


We need to get into military housing soon. I don't often ask for prayer (of course this will be twice in two days:001_huh:) but I really am starting to get anxious. We are also getting weary of not having our stuff- My three maternity shirts can't cover the need.


Thanks ya'll.



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Do I really want the kids and the unborn babe exposed to that stuff? :confused:




No, you really, really don't want them exposed to this.


But if you are forced to do this, my suggestion is to stay away for at least 3 nights. Take your baby's crib mattress with you. Crib mattresses usually have a plastic cover that makes them waterproof. Sometimes the gas is trapped between the cover and the mattress, and then is pushed out the next time someone lies on it. Very, very bad.


If they tell you to tape your refrigerator closed and it will be fine, don't. You can run an extension cord out into the yard. Move your fridge outside. (They don't turn off the electricity--just the gas.)


Once they clear you for reentry, open all of the doors and windows, turn on whatever fans you can muster, and go back outside for at least 12 hours. If you can smell the fumes AT ALL, don't go back in. I believe that your landlord can't charge you rent during the period when your home is uninhabitable, but check your local/state laws on that. (That is how it is in CA.)

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We stayed out of our house for 3 days i think. We either took our food with us - or threw it away. I wasn't into the bags they give you (they want you to double bag). My parents had their condo done and didn't smell as bad as long as the house did.


It needs to be done - but if you are possibly only going to be there a few months they can probably wait.


Lots of hugs - and hope you get into housing soon.

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On the one hand, Jo, accept my serious concern for your family in this time. I hope you can get moved into military housing before they have to tent the wretched place...


But on the other hand, I have to tell you, your subject line gives me the grossed-out-giggles every time I come across it. ;)

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