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ugh, this break went way to fast. Monday.

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Any cool ideas on how to make this Monday feel less painful? Other than blowing off lessons all together!


So not ready (in my heart) for Monday.


I'm doing half days on Monday and Tuesday. We'll read our Sonlight stuff and do math. Maybe grammar.


I'll spend the rest of the days getting my house and their binders ready. I'm always more ready in my heart when I don't have a lot of little details hanging over my head.

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we're going to do a staggered start...

history, violin and dance on monday (+ write at home for the one not dancing)

history, violin, math, soccer, writeathome tuesday

history, violin, math, soccer, writeathome, spelling and dance on wednesday

then we'll add nothing new on thursday, as it is our weekly minimum day (everyone dances 4 hours)

then friday we'll add typing and science.... and wine ; )


yup, mondays are tough....

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I don't know after all these years...My only plan is to get up before everyone else, and begin the day with a little quiet time to myself. That will be a little Bible reading, and then a check in on the boards.


Today I'll try to plan out tomorrow's meals, maybe a little pre-pre cooking, and ensure the downstairs is neat and tidy before bed. I may even lay out clothes for myself tonight.


A clean house with the meals ready or near ready, help clear my mind of that worry, and make any Monday easier.



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I think we are going to do a lot of reading and playing some of the games we got for Christmas--Bananagrams and Math Dice. We are also going to start state History this month. I have a couple of documentaries for us to watch. We will definitely be taking it easy tomorrow.

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I like the idea of playing games and reading. We've been off for 3 weeks and I am soooo not ready to start back. I keep telling myself it is a fresh start, but...I'm terrified! We had so much attitude the past semester that I just don't want to start. My 9yo was diagnosed with ADHD (formally diagnosed) and school is NOT happening for him at all w/out major battles. I need to try something new but what? I'm thinking Time4Learning. OR, Abeka DVD. I do like starting slow. Games, reading, crafts, writing thank you letters for relatives who sent xmas gifts, etc.

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Did you have to remind me that today is the last day of "vacation"????:tongue_smilie:


For us... I am aiming that we hit the ground running though. Now we shall see if reality bites me in the tush!!! :lol::lol:


I am looking forward to my youngest to heading back to school. They need to get out of this house-LOL. But I am not looking forward to the back-to-school issues that likely will arise with youngest. For him, after a long break is tough. He looks forward to being with his friends, but the adjustment back to school structure is hard. But his teacher knows and is prepared... I hope.

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Man, I'm not looking forward to tomorrow either. I really enjoyed the break though even though I did spend a week of it with a cold.


Today, I need to go through our school books and papers and get things ready for tomorrow.


I also want to set up ds's memorization binder. I need to buy more tabs though.


My boys are already groaning about tomorrow as well. ;)

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I think we'll ease into Monday with Math, LA, and some reading. My kids have been sick SOLID since Christmas day. Strep, flu, blah. I feel horrible about them missing the break, but we can't delay school forever. :confused: Wish I could.


So easing on in... Tea and books... Something special for the day...

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We've been off for six out of the last eight weeks. The two weeks we did school were just above controlled chaos. :001_smile: This is my faux happy face. I'm putting it on for tomorrow. I've been sick and in bed for the last four days. :001_smile: This is my faux happy face. I will be using it a lot next week.


I'm planning a weekly schedule instead of a daily schedule for the next two weeks. Experiment and a great way to avoid the Monday crash. :001_smile: (this is fake, do not be sucked in to the fake happy smile. It will self terminate promptly after school. Stand back.)

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We still have house guests! I can't even do a good house cleaning or put away decorations until Monday.


I think we'll stick to block scheduling; 5 History lessons in the morning followed by putting the house back together in the afternoon. Block scheduling keeps the kids focused enough to wrap school up a bit earlier in the day. We may finish out the entire year that way, lol!

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Any cool ideas on how to make this Monday feel less painful? Other than blowing off lessons all together!


So not ready (in my heart) for Monday.


Don't start until Tuesday. :tongue_smilie:


Just kidding--I feel exactly like you...and it's taking every ounce of discipline not to take just. one. more. day.


On the bright side, at least we don't have to spend today washing & ironing school uniforms and nagging kids to finish up projects. And then in the morning--nagging kids to get up and out of bed, fixing all those lunch boxes, running around like a crazy person trying to find the one missing shoe before the bus gets here.....



(Is it horrible of me to be glad I'm not one of THOSE people?)

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People, people... binders, organizing, light schedule.... You're going about this all wrong.


Hot cocoa and coffee cake. Think yummy. Think comfort. Forget the organizing.


We're starting the semester with a unit study about chocolate. :D

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that motivation will be lacking. Keeping this in mind, I'm less frustrated when my boys drag through the day.


For us it's pretty important to get back to a normal schedule ASAP. The longer we put it off the more difficult it becomes. I just quickly pull the band-Aid off. :D

Yes, that's going to be my approach.


I think success will depend on my stealth at secretly putting away new electronic gadgets and demanding the ransom of a day's completed school work. :D


And I replenished my stash of chocolate for those quick retreats to my closet when the weeping, wailing, and nashing of 6 sets of teeth is beyond still vacationing patience. Although I may have to lay in a supply of sushi too.

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Not starting back on Monday! I always need one more day than dh... got to send him off to work to get the last of my preparations done without him adding something to the day! He goes back tomorrow, so we'll start again on Tuesday. Besides, my K kid doesn't go back until Tuesday and she won't let the big kids get anything done. ;)

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