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Weight training--are there any easy at home DVDs?

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I have the books Strong Women Stay Young and Strong Women stay Slim. I like the ideas in the books but would love to have a DVD taht would show me the moves and take me through the order and number of reps for each one.


Are there any at home DVDs that use ankle/leg weights, light dumbells, etc? I am a whimp yet so need something that I can start out with lighter weights and move up as I can.


Sometime along the lines of Leslie Sansone but using weights for strength and toning.


Any ideas for me?

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My favorite place for weights etc is this:


www. exercisetv. tv

(take out the spaces)


It is all free. There are tons of 20 min FREE exercise videos. I have been using it for a couple years now. It does take a little bit of trial and error. The site takes some learning to navigate. But, once you get the hang of it, it is very easy. There is weights, yoga, pilates, aerobice. DH and I use it almost every day.


Did I mention FREE?

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I have so many DVDs (not that I use them nearly as often as I should), but I'm trying.


Here are my favorites that are also quite straight-forward. I love Leslie, so I think I know what you're looking for. Collage video as the previous poster suggested is great, since you can view samples before ordering.


Jari Love: Get Ripped to the Core and/or Get Ripped- when I looked at her picture, I thought no way. Great instructions. No mindless chatter. Very good workout. Easy to do.

Denise Austin: Shrink Your Female Fat Zones - easy-to-do, very Leslie Sansone-ish, some get annoyed by her voice. Doesn't bother me.

Kathy Smith: Lift Weights to Lose Weight - effective and good, fun and full of energy

Denise Austin: 10 Five-Minute Target Toners

Jillian Michaels (No More Trouble Zones) is tough, but very effective

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Thanks for the ideas. I will check these all out--and the free streaming ones.


It is amazing that our fitness group (right now mostly me, a friend my age and a 60+ year old lady) can do the 3 miles Leslie stuff with no issues BUT when it comes to weights or strength training (or heaven forbid pilates) it becomes VERY obvious how far we have to do.


Can you do these DVDs with lighter weights and then move up to heavier ones?


I can toss 100+ 50-75 pound bales of hay on a 90 degree summer day but ask me to lift 5 pound weights above my head more than once and I think I might not make it :lol: TOTALLY different muscles and movements.


Jari Love: Get Ripped to the Core and/or Get Ripped- when I looked at her picture, I thought no way. Great instructions. No mindless chatter. Very good workout. Easy to do.

Denise Austin: Shrink Your Female Fat Zones - easy-to-do, very Leslie Sansone-ish, some get annoyed by her voice. Doesn't bother me.

Kathy Smith: Lift Weights to Lose Weight - effective and good, fun and full of energy

Denise Austin: 10 Five-Minute Target Toners

Jillian Michaels (No More Trouble Zones) is tough, but very effective

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Jillian Michaels (No More Trouble Zones) is tough, but very effective




And another good one is Jackie Warner's Power Circuit Training. It goes through all the major muscle groups, starting with the legs, and moving through back, chest, arms and core. You can start with light weights (or none, for some of the moves) and just go to heavier ones as you get stronger. It's very straight-forward, no fluff. She does move a little fast, but don't feel like you need to move as quickly as she does when you're first starting!

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I love the ones where you do the 1, 2, or 3 mile walks. You don't even realize how far you're walking and then you're done! They have hand weights you can buy to go with the videos.


I do these at home and then we use them as the basis for our fitness group at church.


That said, it is vastly different being able to do the 3 mile walk and being able to do some strength training--weight lifting, etc. I want to add some weight training to my workouts---esp. now that I am in physical therapy for my ankle and can only walk 1/2 mile at a time yet.

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Can you do these DVDs with lighter weights and then move up to heavier ones?

Yes. :)

It's best to start slowly and very gradually build up.

I read this and thought to share:


When choosing your weights, use this easy test: Grab a dumbbell and try to perform 10 reps of a move. If you can’t do them all w/good form, it’s too heavy. If you can easily perform more than 10, it’s too light. You should start to feel a normal burn around the 8th rep.


And another good one is Jackie Warner's Power Circuit Training. It goes through all the major muscle groups, starting with the legs, and moving through back, chest, arms and core. You can start with light weights (or none, for some of the moves) and just go to heavier ones as you get stronger. It's very straight-forward, no fluff. She does move a little fast, but don't feel like you need to move as quickly as she does when you're first starting!

I'd like to check this one. Thanks for the suggestion. :)


I love the ones where you do the 1, 2, or 3 mile walks. You don't even realize how far you're walking and then you're done! They have hand weights you can buy to go with the videos.

Someone on another forum once mentioned that she uses light weights on pretty much all the Leslie DVDs, regardless. I often do the same, or at least where she does the arm and upper body movements.

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