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those doing the 52 books /52 weeks challenge....

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This is my first time....I am wondering, how do you manage when you want to read a heavy going classic or a longer book and one week would just mean you couldnt give it the attention and time it deserves? Most books- yes, a week is plenty. But some books deserve longer mastication, IFYWIM. Do you jsut read a lighter book alongside to keep your quantity up? I suppose I do read books in a day sometimes- or at least I skim read them to get the bits out of them that I am interested in.

How do you handle it?

The book I have in mind is the Mahabharata which is a hefty tome i have had on my shelves for a couple of years and would really like to get to one day, but no way would a week be enough.

On the other hand, I am inspired by the whole book a week thing because it makes me feel I *will* get to many books I havent had time for.

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When I did the challenge in 2009, I just went for a total of 52 books for the year, or an average of one a week. Some books take longer than a week and some weeks I read more than one book.


I participated in the challenge to increase my reading, but I didn't want to sacrifice quality to do it. This compromise worked well for me, and I plan to do it that way again this year. (I started The Brothers Karamazov today, and I can guarantee you that I won't finish it by next Sunday! :tongue_smilie:)


I don't think there are challenge police, but just in case . . .



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I agree with Melinda; that is what I did last year. I had an additional challenge for myself to read at least one classic each month. Those always took more than a week and I didn't want to just gobble up the book to say I did. I usually followed the more intense books with one or two easier readers.


I did not complete 52 books in the year, but I still read many more than if I wasn't doing the challenge. (I fell off in the fall when my college classes started; I just couldn't get 2 or so hours of reading in a day when I had an hour of math homework as well.)

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I have decided for this year that I am going to read the heavier classics that I want and not pay attention to how long it takes me. I am just going to read and enjoy. I know that there will be other weeks where I can finish two books in one week. I keep telling myself that it will all even out.


I am hoping to read Anna Karennina sometime during this month and I know it will take me much longer than one week. I am just going to go with the flow. :D

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(I started The Brothers Karamazov today, and I can guarantee you that I won't finish it by next Sunday! :tongue_smilie:)



I love this one, too. I guess I'm just a sucker Russian novels. They are interesting, though, and take a long time to process. I wouldn't want to try to get through this or Anna Karenina in less than a couple of weeks.

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When I did the challenge in 2009, I just went for a total of 52 books for the year, or an average of one a week. Some books take longer than a week and some weeks I read more than one book.


I participated in the challenge to increase my reading, but I didn't want to sacrifice quality to do it. This compromise worked well for me, and I plan to do it that way again this year.


Yep, this is how I did it too.

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Well, I was pondering the same thing and, in fact, it's exactly why I didn't join last year. I just didn't get this aspect of it.


It seemed so fun, though. So, this year thinking about it, I asked the question, must it be literally 52 books in 52 weeks, one book per week, or would it be an average? If it's an average, I can certainly see this working and that's what I'm shooting for.


For example, one of my goals is to read one volume from the Harvard Classics each month. It may take an entire month to read the book (read it well and ponder it the way I want). In that same month, I would also have a light mystery in my purse and be listening to a book on tech while I drive/run. I also want to be reading something for my spiritual edification and have set aside a period of time each morning for that.


So, while I have finished 4 books in the 4 week month, I may have taken a month to read one of them.


I like the averaging idea better than literally one book per single week.

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I agree with Melinda; that is what I did last year. I had an additional challenge for myself to read at least one classic each month. Those always took more than a week and I didn't want to just gobble up the book to say I did. I usually followed the more intense books with one or two easier readers.


I did not complete 52 books in the year, but I still read many more than if I wasn't doing the challenge. (I fell off in the fall when my college classes started; I just couldn't get 2 or so hours of reading in a day when I had an hour of math homework as well.)


I would love to have 2 or so hours to read every day. :svengo:


I'm never going to complete this challenge. Especially if I stay on this computer for one. more. minute!

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I have the Mahabharata on my reading list for this year too!


I'm almost always reading at least 2 books at the same time, usually 3 (scripture, non-fiction, fiction). I plan on continuing this with the challenge, I'm just going to have the additional book be a lighter book. I've been trying to work my way through a lot of the Hindu scriptures, but I don't like reading too much in one day because the meaning is so deep, I need some time to let it simmer and time to think on it.


My goal is to complete 3 books a month minimum instead of always 4, I just like setting my bar a bit lower so I don't feel disappointed in myself if I just couldn't do it that month. I'm a bit of a perfectionist.:o

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I did the challenge last year and made it to 33 books. I was happy. Since having children and homeschooling, I have not completed 33 books in one year....until I did the challenge. I had been averaging about 20 books a year.


What I did not want to happen (and, indeed, did not let happen) was to choose shorter, less in-depth books just to meet the goal of 52. I am not a fast reader...


The reason I chose to participate was to keep me reading (even if it wasn't a book a week), and to discuss what I was reading.


I enjoyed it and will throw my hat in the ring again this year :001_smile: And maybe even make it to 34 or more ;)

Edited by Imprimis
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Thanks everyone. I am joining because i feel inspired to read more widely, more than to read more quantity , but the challenge to read an average of a book a week might also inspire me to go and read my books rather than waste hours on the computer reading other stuff that may or may not be of any quality.

I will do as others have said...basically, not sacrifice quality for quantity, and just do the best I can.

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Yep, the goal is 52 Books for the year. How you get there is up to you. Whether you make it or not, the joy is in the reading and trying. You definitely don't want to sacrifice quality for quantity. There are some books that take longer than a week to read. Then there are those books that can be read in two or three hours. Do the best you can, read what you want, and enjoy the ride. The last thing I want anyone to do is stress about it. The goal is to read. I'd much rather read than watch tv anyway so happily find plenty of time. My addiction is the internet :tongue_smilie:


Working on the post for week one for the blog and will post the thread either later tonight or first thing tomorrow morning. Happy Reading!

Edited by Mytwoblessings
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Okay...I'm feeling inspired now, to go ahead and join the challenge again for 2011. I was thinking I wouldn't because I have the college classes, and I know that will make it unlikely that I'll get 52 read, but reading all this reminds me that the purposeful reading is so awesome, even if I don't make 52! Count me in.

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For me, I don't read just one book at a time, but have several going at once. That may be one way to help. Read the big heavy classic but also some fluff in there too. I find this especially good when I want to read soemthing but don't have the time to dedicate to something heavy. Some books are just faster reads too. I'm starting with the Chronicles of Narnia--never read them--and I think I'll be done with book 1 tonight! It's been a much faster read than I had expected and since the chapters are nice and short, a book I'll be able to pick up when I only have a few minutes.


I've also decided to keep track of the number of pages I read this year. I think that will make for an interesting number.

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I read multiple books at a time.


One book might require 60 pages a night for one week for me to finish.


Another might take me 100 pages a night for 2 weeks to finish.


I usually have about 6 books going at once.


As I finish them, I count them for that particular week.

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