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Latin, latin, latin....Where to go after LC2?

amber in GA

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I have a 7th grader who has completed LC2 and we have decided to do just one more year of Latin before moving on to Modern languages in high school. I don't think that we are prepared to dive into Henle's First Year Latin, but I don't really want to give up Latin altogether. Is there something out there that would sort of tie together the latin that she has learned, maybe with vocabulary, etc., without going into a tremendous amount of depth? I was looking at the Latin Road to English Grammar--any opinions on this or others that might fit the bill?



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I have not seen Latin Road, but what about Ecce? We are using it for fun, because my children just love Latin now. :lol:


Seriously, it is nothing new to them but it is Latin from a different approach. Before every story they give you a list of vacabulary and then the story. After the story there are vocabulary exercises as well as comprehension exercises with some other stuff thrown in. We enjoy it.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to tell you I am trying to decide whether to go onto LC II or Latin Road. We have both and I have been looking closely at them. Seems to me that if you go to Latin Road AFTER LC II a lot will be repeat for your child. Just my opinion... :001_smile:

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You start with level 1, even after LC2. If I remember the whole discussion properly, there are 3 levels of LP, then there is one last level (and I can't remember its name) and with that final level, would complete the high school requirement for language. I think if you have an older student, and you are hoping to study something else in h.s., you could easily cover 2 levels in one year if you did 2 lessons a day (they are pretty short).

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You start with level 1, even after LC2. If I remember the whole discussion properly, there are 3 levels of LP, then there is one last level (and I can't remember its name) and with that final level, would complete the high school requirement for language. I think if you have an older student, and you are hoping to study something else in h.s., you could easily cover 2 levels in one year if you did 2 lessons a day (they are pretty short).


We are doing Latin Prep right now as well. My son is in 7th grade and loves it. He did two years of Latin previously. From my understanding, there is Latin Prep 1, 2, and 3. The next level up is called So You Really Want to Learn Latin 1, 2, and 3. (Many people abbreviate this to SYRWTLL) If a child goes through the first 3 Latin Prep books, then they are prepared to jump right into SYRWTLL level 3 and then be ready to translate excerpts of Cicero, Virgil, Caesar, etc. Someone correct me if I'm wrong! :) HTH!

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Thank you. Now, of course, I have one more question:

Do I need all three items: book, answer key, and workbooks (A & B) for Latin Prep 1?

It looks like Latin Prep 2 & 3 do not have workbooks ... are they necessary for level 1? Or could the work be done in a notebook?


Thanks, again - and thanks for the effort in finding that link!

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You can do Latin Prep 1 without the workbook. It simply provides additional exercises for each chapter of the textbook. I would get the textbook and the textbook answer book. Workbook is optional. I have it and we use it about 50% of the time.

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