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Best curriculum for ADHD kids?

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I know that there is no "best" curriculum in that not every ADHD kid will respond the same to "x" curriculum. However, I am just wondering what curriculum has worked for your ADHD child. My son is 9 and we are/have been having a tough time with him. Math is the worst. We use Singapore and have tried MUS and Saxon. I have Horizons and want to try that b/c it is in color and have read that the color helps some ADHD kids. Any others? What about grammar? We use R&S and do most of it orally. It works, but I'm game to try others. Thanks.

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I've found CLE works well for my ADHD son.

Why? He can see how long a lesson will take.

There are no suprizes.

It's open and go.


He's 11 this year. I've fought a workbooky type of curriculum all his life, but I'm finally coming to terms with him needing structure and a style that finish quickly. He's progressing nicely now. (We use MUS for Math and some CLE)


Best wishes.:grouphug:

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CLE was the best here as well. CLE is Christian Light Education. http://www.clp.org/ I liked this the best for 2nd grade and above. We used ACE for 1st and 2nd (CLE is about a year ahead of many programs).


I would certainly do the placement tests as they are more advanced than many other programs so don't feel bad if you have to go back 1-2 grade levels. The teaching is in small bits with lots of review but yet progresses nicely. THe lessons are clearly laid out so my daughter knew exactly how much she had to do each day.

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I don't have a lot of info, but just wanted to say that I'm in the very same boat with my 9 year old ds!:tongue_smilie: Math is an issue, lang. is better, but could be a problem if not handled with gloves :lol:.


Trying to find out the same answers! So, I'm interested in your responses as well and hope to keep this thread at the top.




ds 9, can't list curriculum at the moment, since it's all up in the air!

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We use mostly Oak Meadow (which is secular) for my ds11. Math is the major problem here also. We use OM Math - it's much gentler than, say, Saxon (the constant review questions would kill him!). We also use OM Science and Social Studies. Since he is in 6th grade, there is a lot of writing (this is incorporated in the social studies and/or science assignments). If the writing is too much, we just review the assignments orally, etc. Art and geography is also incorporated into the social studies assignments.


For grammar we use Growing with Grammar. He doesn't mind it all. There is short lesson and 2 workbook pages to complete (1 page is of review).


We also use Apologia Flying Creatures (along with his brother) and he has loved it.

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