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Quick vent about unexpected visits

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There is an older lady from my church who drops by every once in a great while without calling first. I realize that this is perfectly fine in many cases, but I have a baby who naps, a husband who works nights and sleeps days, and a dog who (appropriately) barks when someone rings the doorbell and knocks. And I have repeatedly told her I am happy to have her visit, but she should call first. She doesn't. She almost always has some little treats or gifts, and I think she means well although I do think she's pretty nosy too. And maybe the not calling ahead is a generational thing. She dropped by this morning unexpectedly again. Luckily DH and DS1 were both awake, so no problem, but it really really gets on my nerves. I don't want to make her feel unwelcome, and I don't want to be rude. But it is hard to be gracious sometimes. Ok. Vent over.

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You know what I started doing? I put a hanging sign on the outside of my door that reads: Homeschooling in progress. Please do not disturb.


This seems to have done the trick. I no longer have solicitors or unexpected guests knocking on my door. Instead, they leave whatever it is they want to give me on the little table that I have next to the door. :)


I have two big dogs, and when someone knocks, they bark like crazy. It takes a good 5-10 minutes to settle everyone down, and it is frustrating.

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There is an older lady from my church who drops by every once in a great while without calling first. I realize that this is perfectly fine in many cases, but I have a baby who naps, a husband who works nights and sleeps days, and a dog who (appropriately) barks when someone rings the doorbell and knocks. And I have repeatedly told her I am happy to have her visit, but she should call first. She doesn't. She almost always has some little treats or gifts, and I think she means well although I do think she's pretty nosy too. And maybe the not calling ahead is a generational thing. She dropped by this morning unexpectedly again. Luckily DH and DS1 were both awake, so no problem, but it really really gets on my nerves. I don't want to make her feel unwelcome, and I don't want to be rude. But it is hard to be gracious sometimes. Ok. Vent over.



I just put a sign on the door: "Babies sleeping, DO NOT disturb".


There for awhile I did have a few kids and solicitors who didn't seem to want to pay attention to the sign... so I added another sign that said "If you wake the baby, YOU get to entertain the SCREAMING baby". That stopped them from knocking-LOL.


I also let friends know that they need to call me first and let me know if they are coming over. This way I could be watching for them and get the door before the dogs started yapping.


Oh, and we disconnected our doorbell-LOL.

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I left a sign on a friend's door because her husband was dying of cancer and the visitors at their door were NONSTOP. The dying husband/father felt so guilty for spending so much time with his friends and he didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but time was running out and he wanted to be with his wife and kids. I put a sign on their door saying "DO NOT DISTURB" but had a visitor's book for people to sign. They, or I, would call their visitors to arrange time to visit. He only lasted a couple of weeks after I did this. Thankfully, he got to have quality time with his family.


I think it's rude for people to come unannounced when you've said you prefer a call ahead of time. I, personally, would not open the door to them. To do so would enable them. For an elderly woman, however, I'd set up a more convenient time to include her in our lives.

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Sounds like signs are the weaponn of choice. I don't know if it would work with her - she came by once when I had my jacket and one shoe on, told her we were heading out the door, and she literally pushed me aside saying she'd just be a minute. Worth a try, though. I don't know if I could just not answer the door. It's a small house and hard to not know we're here. I'd feel too guilty since she's elderly.

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