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The post Christmas let down?

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I don't want to be a debbie downer but does anyone else have a hard time on or after Christmas?

We hosted Christmas Eve last night for DH's family. My family is celebrating next week when my brother and SIL get here. We were supposed to go up to the mountains today and tomorrow to borrow a friend's cabin (our first family trip) but the kids all have colds so we had to postpone. Now I'm getting sick too.


To be honest, all of that doesn't bother me. I am just feeling "blah" and I feel this way every single Christmas day. I get so excited leading up to it, I remember to give thanks and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas, etc....but I still get depressed :( It usually starts Christmas morning and I'll most likely be over it by tomorrow or the next day...but what is it? Does this happen to anyone else?

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I do, beginning on January 2, after everything having to do with Christmas and New Year's is over and put away. Suddenly, there is a void in my life because I've spent so long preparing for the holidays.


This year, I have a plan to deal with that. A new project. First, starting Monday, deep clean my house. Beginning Jan. 2, I am going to learn to knit. Goal: To knit my husband a sweater that he will want to wear. Note that this will not be my first project, not even close. :)


Then there is the yearly project to become perfect. So far, that one has been a dud, but it doesn't keep me from trying.

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I used to, but now not so much. We have our Christmas period routine in place and we're good with it; no running about like headless chooks. We've basically organised nearly all the unpleasant Christmas obligations out, so we don't really need to detox after it any more.



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Thanks everyone :) I feel better already ;) I think some of it has to do with my childhood Christmases. It was the one day out of the year that was perfect. My mom never yelled or hit on that day. There were always TONS of presents and basically a Norman Rockwell type of holiday. The rest of the year not so much ;)


I can't seem to give my kids that kind of Christmas. I'm not as organized or prepared as my mom always was. I'm not the kind of mother my mom was either. I don't yell and hit my children constantly. (I try not to yell anyway). I parent completely different than she did and I am constantly trying to be a better parent. I just don't know why I would feel inferior if I can't live up to my mom on this one day but exceed her efforts on the other 364 days of the year?


Anyway, thanks for listening and responding. I think I need to get over it ;)

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We do a very low-key, simple Christmas, so it's not a problem. Our kids don't have really high expectations, so they're really happy with whatever we do. Some of our neighbors gave us gifts, and even asked us to lead the carols last night at the community Christmas party. It all came as a surprise and was delightful. The lower my expectations in life, the less disappointed I am.


It was really hard when I was young, though, and my family did Christmas the conventional way. I remember being 7 and just devastated when I found out there wasn't a Santa Claus.

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I can't seem to give my kids that kind of Christmas. I'm not as organized or prepared as my mom always was. I'm not the kind of mother my mom was either. I don't yell and hit my children constantly. (I try not to yell anyway). I parent completely different than she did and I am constantly trying to be a better parent. I just don't know why I would feel inferior if I can't live up to my mom on this one day but exceed her efforts on the other 364 days of the year?


Your kids don't need a perfect Christmas to keep their faith in the world. They need out of the ordinary fun, because that's how holidays should be, and you provide that, yes?



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I guess I don't really get depressed....but I do ponder about all the work, all the thoughtful choosing of just the right gifts, all the crafts we do leading up to the big day, all the preparation and excitement....and then when this one day is over, it's just....over. A whole month getting excited about it and it's over within a mere 12 hours. I mean, I don't dwell on it or anything, but the thought does cross my mind a few times on Christmas Day.

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We don't normally feel down after Christmas, but this year my older son had to leave at 8 a.m. this morning to go to winter swim training in Florida with his college team. It feels pretty weird to all of us not to have our family together, even though I'm trying to make light of it to keep up the spirits of the others. My husband is feeling bummed and my younger son (who has been battling anxiety and depression all fall) is really down. I've got to figure out something to pick up their spirits....

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I do. Every year. My husband even recognizes it and "looks" for it! This year it hit on Christmas Eve. Kids were fighting and being horrible and I didn't even want Christmas morning to come. I was tempted to keep the presents hidden away. So Christmas am came, kids opened presents and were happy for all of an hour and then the bickering started. Anyway...I am rambling. Just wanted to say that you are not alone. I feel like I spend so much time and effort preparing only to have it all over in a matter of minutes in a flash of wrapping paper and bows.

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I'm sorry.:grouphug::grouphug:

Actually, my experience is the opposite. Due to some issues in my previous life:D, December is a difficult time for me. I celebrate when Christmas is finally over.


yeah. Last year the holidays were hard with us as we grieved the loss of my parents and tried to celebrate without them. It was hard. This year I honestly didn't see it coming, but right after Thanksgiving I was in a whirlwind of emotions until yesterday. Yesterday I finally felt terrific, The Day had arrived, my work was done, I could relax and enjoy. AND, on Christmas Eve I got a HUUUUUUUUUGE, long cry out (after we finished sharing our favorite stories of my parents!) and all the sadness I carried for nearly a month left with my tears.


I wish I had an explanation for this, too, but I don't. I do hope it doesn't happen again next year. But the fact is that my parents were at the center of ALL of our holidays and trying to celebrate without them is just so empty. For *ALL* of us.


What I am wondering with you is whether you work so hard, get so excited, and when the day is finally here you start to mourn, knowing it will all be over soon?

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I've found that starting earlier helps with that. It sounds counter-intuitive, I know, but so far it's worked.


It's like not training for a marathon, running it, then not warming down. You know? You jump off the bike and the wheels are still spinning?


So I began to prep earlier and it kinda went away. Then I started even earlier, and it went away more. Next year I'm going to start in July. I make a lot of the stuff and that frantic race to get done is not productive. I want all of my presents wrapped and done by next Thanksgiving, so I can concentrate on my family and my house and Not Be Rushed. The more I Am Not Rushed, the more there is no let down.



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We do a very low-key, simple Christmas, so it's not a problem. Our kids don't have really high expectations, so they're really happy with whatever we do. .


We keep things simple but festive too. We also try to do fun things between New Years and Christmas~sledding, skating, special family game night. Since mine were little we do 12th night/Epiphany. The tree goes but some lights and the nativity scenes stay out. We have a cake, chalk the door and they get a small present. It's something that makes the holiday feel finished. The next day I put away all the nativities.

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