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I got a red Kitchen Aid Artisan stand mixer (the Pro seemed so HUGE, so I went with the smaller one) that I have been eyeing for *years*. I used it yesterday to make our Christmas dessert cake. It's replacing a (still sort-of-working) 13 y/o Farberware 230 watt stand/hand mixer. I was totally enthralled watching the KitchenAid with the cake batter. And when I watched it whip some whipping cream, I was :001_tt1:. Wow.


I also received a SeeThru Satin cover for my MacBook (also red--- can you guess my favorite color?). I didn't even know I wanted one, but dh surprised me with it, and it's way cool.

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My hubby got me a pair of birkenstock clogs. I've had foot problems all year, along with a ruined knee, which affects my back and I've felt like an old woman all year long, hunched and shuffling and wearing my hiking sandals even in the snow cause they are the only shoes that don't HURt by the end of the day.

After one day of wearing my new hippie shoes I am standing up straight(er)!

He went shopping all by himself :001_smile: (he NEVER shops) and got the right Euro size and everything!!


Mama Sheep- I LOVED your story- just beautiful! And the money for the van = ) and RC- so sweet! and all of the other cool, wonderful gifts. LOVE reading about so much JOY.

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Like Amy, I was incredibly thankful that my son made it through the holiday without a meltdown (although we almost didn't make it to church on Christmas Eve, but he pulled himself together). It was a relaxing day. I laid down on the couch to watch a movie when they were leaving to go to the skate park, and ds came over to kiss me on the forehead. Last night, we all laid around watching MST3K Santa Claus together. Nice evening.


My favorite gift is a poster-size piece of art that dh made me. If you watch "The Office" you will remember that Pam made Jim a comic book called The Adventures of Jimmy Halpert. When we watched that episode, I said to dh, "You're a graphic designer, and you never make anything like that for me." So dh copied the cover art from the NBC website and replaced Jim with a cartoonized me, and put my name on it. It's too funny. I love it!



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I received a Spot Bot. My cat and dog seem to take great pleasure in barfing at 3 a.m. so I was very happy to get this. I've been waiting anxiously for something to make a mess and was not disappointed this morning. That machine is SO MUCH fun!! And a lot easier than dragging out my carpet steamer every time I need to clean up a single small spot.


I love it!


I also got a rockin' burgundy leather racing style jacket that is replacing my 14 year old, bright yellow "Big Bird" coat. I feel like a grown up now:D

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I got some awesome jewelry and one of those Ninja food processors from my dh, but the funniest gift (and thus, my favorite) was a set of those trackers that you put on stuff so they beep when you hit the clicker after you've lost them. My 3 year old son loses his blanket everyday and then cries until I find it. I've been teasing dh for a month that I wanted a set of those so I could attach one to his blanket. Now I have one---yay! I laughed so hard. :lol:

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I was ridiculously spoiled this year.

For the first time EVER, I now own brand new matching living room furniture.

And dh bought me a new wardrobe of pretty and comfy maternity clothes. After 9 kids, my maternity wardrobe was getting rather ragged and dated.

And my mil bought me a very nice set of wolf gang puck cookware.

I'm envious of dh's kinect. It looks like they are all having grand fun, but my lower half still needs too much pt for me to be jumping about.


But my favorite gifts was that baby didn't make me too nauseated to enjoy the holiday and we all had a grand time. And for the first time, baby kicked in my side hard enough even dh could feel it sitting next to me. Happy healthy kids all around was the best gift.

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My brother totally surprised me with a KitchenAid professional mixer. :):):)


Before this I only had a hand mixer so if I made bread I had to knead most of the flour in by hand.


The only BAD part is that I expect my bread consumption will skyrocket :D

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I bought myself a new GPS with Lifetime Maps and Traffic for my Christmas present. But my favorite thing this Christmas morning was drinking Ghiradelli Chocolate Peppermint coffee and eating homemade chocolate hazelnut biscotti while watching my kids opening and enjoying their presents. Best feeling ever.

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10 Milka bars from one of my girls; I almost cried and jumped and jumped and hugged my girl so tight and made her a promise that I'll keep her forever.


The best sweater ever - Patagonia Better Sweater in gray. Haven't taken it off yet.


And cash from my parents, wow! Did not expect that.

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I think my favorite present was the money we got from my parents. We are using it to buy season passes for everyone to the local amusement park and getting the parking pass too.


We are going to have an entire summer of amusement park rides and a water park too. Great America, here we come!


I used to go there *all* the time when I lived in CA!!!


My best gift of all was a mended relationship with ds and his gf and a RAD kid who behaved all day. Nothing else matters.

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My daughter painted a chickadee for me! They are one of my favorite birds!


before I had outdoor cats I would start my morning with coffee and devotions by the large bay window every day. I always sipped and enjoyed watching, and listening to, all the birds outside. One day the birds were EXTRA loud and I realized they were screaming at me because the feeder was empty. I threw on my snow boots and coat, grabbed the large bird scoop and filled it with seed. When I went outside to fill the feeders, all the birds hushed. As I was filling the feeders the sweetest little chickadee came and landed on my BOOT and just stared up to me as if he was saying, "Feed me! I'm hungry!" I have never forgotten that. It was SO SPECIAL!!!


Then we got outdoor cats and they started to kill the birds. I miss feeding them SO MUCH but I just couldn't stand cleaning up the carnage anymore. :sad:

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I can't pick one because I got sooooo many wonderful gifts!


A few weeks ago, we took the girls to AC Moore and let them pick out some $1 things to paint for each other and us. So I got a beautiful wooden cross, a jewelry box, and a doll. :001_smile:


My mom got me a gift certificate for a massage!!


My father in law gave me money that I am going to put toward replacing the lens my husband lost from my camera.


I have always wanted a vintage wedding ring, but we haven't been able to afford the real thing. We found one with real diamonds, but set in sterling silver. I love sterling silver, and it was affordable, so dh bought it for me! It is similar to this one, but it doesn't have one large stone in the middle. Instead, it has several smaller diamonds. I love it!


We got a white Christmas, which we all loved.


I got to skype with my baby brother in Afghanistan and show him all the girls' gifts and the snow. :happytears:


What a wonderful Christmas we had!!!

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I was just posting about this over on my blog. I got some nice books and some new "good" sewing scissors. But the very BEST thing was something my son said to me just in passing:


Without knowing the backstory it won't mean much to most people. But he's come such a very long way. I keep tearing up just thinking about the contrast.



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*The 'I Love You' note that my DS (age 7) tucked into my stocking.

*I got to see or Skype with all 5 of my siblings and all 9 of my nieces and nephews on my side!

*The fact that my mom was thrilled with the family tree graphic print I ordered for her from Etsy. She's so hard to shop for and while she's gracious and says thank-you, she doesn't usually get SO excited about a gift. It was fun to see her react like that! :D


Material: Probably my iPhone. DH wanted to surprise me, but my cell phone is literally ON me almost 99% of the time, so we just went in the day before Christmas and upgraded. I can't believe how slick it is. Plus I was a little surprised, because I ordered a Silhouette on Cyber Monday and just told DH to consider that my main gift for the year (I wanted the deal on it, plus wanted it for some Christmas projects). My parents also got us a TomTom GPS for the car that I'm tickled about.

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I was just posting about this over on my blog. I got some nice books and some new "good" sewing scissors. But the very BEST thing was something my son said to me just in passing:


Without knowing the backstory it won't mean much to most people. But he's come such a very long way. I keep tearing up just thinking about the contrast.


I don't know the backstory, but just from the part you told, it sounds truly wonderful. I'm not surprised you got a little teary; I teared up just reading about it. I'm glad things are going so much better for him.

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I got to skype with my baby brother in Afghanistan and show him all the girls' gifts and the snow. :happytears:


I am so happy for you. :001_smile:


My baby brother leaves for Iraq today and because he and his family were staying in a hotel and all packed for his wife to stay with her parents, I only got to talk to him on the phone. Would have loved to Skype.

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I am so happy for you. :001_smile:


My baby brother leaves for Iraq today and because he and his family were staying in a hotel and all packed for his wife to stay with her parents, I only got to talk to him on the phone. Would have loved to Skype.



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A White Christmas - and it is still snowing!!!! We are up in our mountain cabin and really snowed in or rather iced in our street is completely icy. I have loved having this time to be together and just play.



I love White Christmas!!!!!! We got a good amount of snow (Chicago burb) but not as much as relatives got in NY.


But according to forecast.... Friday it is supposed to get into the 50's so the snow will melt :sad:

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My favorite gift was from Ds#1...


He is 15yrs old with Asperger Syndrome/Sensory Integration Disorder... who hates being touched.








He gave me a hug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't had a hug from him in years.


Now THAT'S a gift to treasure forever!!!


My small upstairs old TV/DVD combo that I only watched occasionally went out on me receently and the family replaced it with a new 22 inch HDTV. Yesterday my oldest and I went out and bought a DVD player with money that my inlaws had given me. I found a blueray player with wifi on the end aisle for $50 off. I've been bummed that I can't get in PBS since they went to digital but having the watch instantly feature from Netflix available to me now will make that much better for me.


My poor family--I'm the one who cares least about the technology in the family and now I have the best set up. :)


I also got a Doughmaker's 9 x 13 with my name etched on the side and a personalized cover from my in laws.

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