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My Uncle quizzed my 7 yo ds

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Last night 7 yo ds got some cash and gift cards. He pulled out his wallet to put it all away. My grandmother gave him 25 one dollar bills and commented that when he could count bigger bills she would stop giving him ones. He can count 1's, 5's and 10's - and I told her so. Somehow it ended up that my ds was counting quarters - which we have barely touched on. He can count pennies, nickels and dimes. My Uncle kept telling him to count how much money he had in quarters. He was getting confused. My Uncle starts counting it out with him and giving him ridiculous "tips" on how to remember certain things. I don't know why, but it really irritated me. Why do they always ask stuff he doesn't know and when I say he doesn't know that why do they feel it is there job to teach the information right then and there? Why couldn't they just be impressed that he can count the other coins? The same Uncle asked ds to pass out the gifts he brought and to "just read the tags." I could barely read his chicken scratch, but ds must not be able to read since he needed help with the task!!!! UGH!!!:glare:

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The parent of one of ds7's friends who doesn't think much of homeschooling tried this with ds recently - they were talking about a toy train that was 3 feet long and he asked ds how many inches it was. He nearly fell over when ds answered him!


Ds's friend wouldn't have been able to answer that question, and he is in public school, but I didn't point that out. :D

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I'm wondering why you didn't immediately step in and stop it? As a child, I would have *died* if I was made so vulnerable and exposed by an adult with money (talk about a power differential) and in public.


To be made to feel stupid? I would have probably stopped it immediately, and if the badgering continued, left the gathering.

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I guess I'll be the lone dissenter. I don't understand why this was a big deal. I wasn't there, so I don't know if your uncle was being a jerk, but in our family, this is just what happens when children get money for gifts. It happened to me and it happens to my children.


I come from a family of small business owners and we're all plopped up on the counter and expected to start counting change starting at around 4. No pressure and "tips" are given to remember the coins, etc. My aunt would do it when I visited her store and my parents did it with me and later, my kids, at our business. If we received a monetary gift for a birthday or Christmas, the adults always wanted to hear you count it and play "store" with you. It's just an opportunity to teach an important skill.


I'm truly sorry if your uncle was being snarky about it and it really upset your child.:grouphug:

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