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What was one of your favorite dates or memories with your spouse/partner....


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Dh and I have been on one, yes, one romantic date in 20 years. All the rest have been more of a 'hanging out' style of dating. He surprised me and just told me to dress 'nice' and what time he would pick me up. We were about 18 at the time and had been dating about 3mths.


He hired a friend to chauffuer us to dinner in his antique car. We ate a restauant well known for its food and 'antique' intimate setting (the nicest restauant in our area). He had arranged with the waiter (a friend of his) for us to have wine with our meal (we didn't).


He tried so hard to make sure all the details we just perfect, it was really sweet of him and must have cost him several weeks of pay. It is such a nice memory and one of the reasons I fell for him long ago.

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There have been so many over the 12 years we've been together and 10 years of marriage. Thanks so much for this thread---you really made me appreciate my husband today :001_smile:


I guess one of my top picks was the first Christmas we were dating my husband bought me tickets to the New Year's Eve Aerosmith concert in Boston. Just the tickets would have been enough, but then he went on to surprise me with transportation to dinner and the concert in a limo! I had never been in one before so it was a pretty big deal at the time.


He's been surprising me ever since --- I found my engagement ring inside a plastic egg hidden in an ice cream sundae, he's taken me on a hot air balloon ride, and I know as soon as I post this I'm going to think of something else he did over the years that I forgot to write. Cheers to great husbands!


Merry Christmas to all!

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Is it really dating when you don't have kids and go and do something you both really enjoy:001_smile:


We went to see the start of the Iditarod Sled dog race in Willow, AK. We've been twice, but the first year it was just the 2 of us. It was in the low teens, we stood on a frozen lake for probably 6 hours, we drank hot chocolate and we had a blast.


One year in the middle of the winter we drove to the bottom of a canyon in WV and took incredible night pictures of the New River Gorge Bridge.


We have done so many great things together. Skinny dipping in a waterfall during a backpacking trip, white water rafting, sailing, canoeing, and long walks on the beach. My dh was a whole lot more adventurous than me when we met, but I have done so many incredible things because of him.:001_wub:


I do love my dd and look forward to sharing these types of things with her and my dh as she grows up.

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Can I share one from just yesterday?


Broadway Series South is doing A Christmas Story this week. A Christmas Story happens to be dh's favorite movie, so I thought he might (hopefully!) enjoy the play.


I blocked off 5 pm - 11 pm on his calendar with the description "Don't make plans." He noticed it a few days ago and asked me what it was for. I told him we had to go pick up his Christmas present. He was totally befuddled, and I think dreading the drive, thinking that we were having to drive 3 hrs. each way to get his gift.


So yesterday, I told him we should probably leave at 4:30 and he should dress up. I made reservations at a restaurant we hadn't tried yet. He kept asking me where we were going, and I said the Twisted Fork. Of course, he meant after Twisted Fork. He asked how he was going to drive to where his gift was if he didn't know where we were going. I told him I'd tell him where to drive. It was totally driving him crazy. Dinner was great and we will definitely go back to TF. So after dinner, we drove downtown, and he asked if he was supposed to head to a certain parking garage. I said yes, so now he knew we were going to the theater, but he didn't know what was playing. We got there and all the signs were for The Nutcracker ballet, which was playing in another part of the building. He wasn't too excited about going to the ballet. :lol: We went in and I headed to the east side of the building. An usher asked if we were here for A Christmas Story. Dh responded, "I have no idea what we're here for." She laughed and said, "Just follow the wife." The play was really good and captured all the most important moments from the movie. Afterward, we stopped at the mall and did a little last minute Christmas shopping. It was a very fun evening and I managed to really surprise dh. :001_smile:

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We were on our first date (I was 16, he was 17), and after dinner we were discussing silly pranks. He found out I had never tp'ed a house before. So he took me to a store, bought a ton of TP and we TP'ed two of his friends houses!!! (They thought it was funny, and he helped clean it up).

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This happened before we started 'dating'....


Dh and I were both working at a youth camp and one night during the evening activities we ended up standing near each other. We were both very interested in each other and it was very nice to be standing so close. We were both feeling too shy to speak to the other though, so we were just standing there, trying not to look like it was anything out of the ordinary at all. A pastor we both knew walked up and stood between us and began to talk. He was grinning like crazy and all week he'd been referring to us as a couple whenever he spoke to me - teasing me mercilessly and also offering very serious, sound advice. I remember starting to feel more than slightly embarrassed by all the grinning he was doing, and then before either of us could move away he grabbed one of our hands in each of his. He pulled our hands together so our fingers were touching. :001_wub: Which was nice, but very embarrassing, to say the least! I mean, what if dh noticed that it was affecting me to have him touching my hand? But then our friend quickly dispelled all such fears. He very cheerfully, and not exactly very quietly, started proclaiming, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here together. . . " :blushing:


It's a fond memory now but at the time it was extremely embarrassing. My brother, on the other hand, thought it was hilarious! :lol:


When dh proposed we thought it was appropriate. . . .to ask this same guy if he would marry us! Officially. :D

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Early in our marriage we had to live apart for a year while I was in medical school. It was 3rd year, so I worked a ton and our visits were pretty limited.


One weekend I was able to get up to see Bud for our birthdays and he had the most romantic evening planned. First he took me out to eat at one our favorite restaurants. Then we went home and he had a pile of gifts for me to open! Except each gift was something we already owned that had a special memory for him. He wrote a note for each gift explaining what the memory meant to him. We had a wonderful evening remembering many of our best times - some were sweet, some were naughty, some were just funny. And it was harder than ever to leave again the next day to go back to school.

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DH and I never really "dated". We're not really dating people to begin with (we just like being with each other, period, lol) but it was definitely harder to define dates because prior to the week of our marriage our entire relationship was spent with 1000 miles between us, so it was a lot of back and forth 3-7 day visits. A favorite though...


I had meant to fly up to Edmonton (where he lived) for our first Valentine's Day, but I had gotten incredibly sick. So instead, with my two best girlfriends (who were also friends of his), we drove up at the end of March. The kicker? We didn't tell him we were coming. We just timed our arrival for right near the end of his shift and showed up at his place of work all full of innocence that "We're just in the neighborhood so we thought we'd stop by..." The way his face lit up... :D

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Dh and I have been on one, yes, one romantic date in 20 years. All the rest have been more of a 'hanging out' style of dating. He surprised me and just told me to dress 'nice' and what time he would pick me up. We were about 18 at the time and had been dating about 3mths.


He hired a friend to chauffuer us to dinner in his antique car. We ate a restauant well known for its food and 'antique' intimate setting (the nicest restauant in our area). He had arranged with the waiter (a friend of his) for us to have wine with our meal (we didn't).


He tried so hard to make sure all the details we just perfect, it was really sweet of him and must have cost him several weeks of pay. It is such a nice memory and one of the reasons I fell for him long ago.


aaaawwwwww, how SWEET!!!


we've had so many wonderful dates through the years (we've been together 23 years!) but the FIRST memory that popped into my head was when we got a cabin at the Cape together. We weren't even married yet! I brought my small black lab puppy, Sasha, and remember her pooping in the car on the way down. :lol: Dogs weren't allowed on the beach but I brought her in my beach bag. I didn't let her run around but I couldn't leave my "baby" at home. We rode bikes around the Cape, had wonderful meals, etc. It was just LOVELY.


Another favorite was last year. Dh planned a weekend away for us in Maine and we stayed at two separate B&B's. It was just PERFECT. We did the things we love to do together: eat fabulous food, enjoy cocktails, shop at the quaint specialty shops, go antiquing, drive around and look at the beautiful houses, relax together with NO kids, NO interruptions. Mom was living with us at the time and I really needed a break! To say it was perfect is really an understatement.


So there you go, my two favorite: one at the beginning of our relationship, one 22 years later. Oh, and it was during the weekend at the Cape that I knew I'd marry my dh. We got my engagement ring within a month of that trip.:001_wub:

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We were together a long time before we were married or had kids. We had lots of great memories. But one stands out to me. Those years had a lot going on in my life. We had been dating a little over a year when all h*** broke loose in my life. I was going through a custody battle between my parents for my youngest sister, and I ended up with temporary custody of her and right on the front of the battle lines even though I was 22yrs old at the time and had left home at 17 to get away from that mess. So I had the stress of court, court appointed psychologists, a rebellious teen in my care, and was working 2 jobs, and was still going to college at night. I was at my wit's end. That is not even the tip of the iceburg in the problems with my family. Anyway..


On my sister's spring break I was sending her for the week to visit our grandparents and was looking forward to a week of peace. Dh told me to pack and took me away for a weekend. It was so nice. He did all of the planning and we had a great time. I really needed that getaway. He does not usually do the planning and leaves that stuff to me. So it was a complete surprise. He had researched everything.


It was not our first trip, and we went exploring many other times after that in the years before kids. It is something we have in common and that I love about us. We don't have the time or resources to travel like we used to since I stay home now, but I have those memories. I know that we will again.


More recently, dh took me to a play this year for our anniversary which was fun. We don't get out alone very often now, and it was nice to do something besides dinner and a movie like the past couple of years. And again, he planned the surprise all by himself. I loved it.

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We used to go see Shakespeare in the park and have a picnic, cuddled up with blankets and all that good stuff. So fun!!


We went to museums quite a bit, too, and would grab some hot dogs from a vendor outside the art museum.


I think we both really enjoy doing something that BOTH of us like, even if it's simple. Usually for us, it is! The few times when we've tried too hard to make an experience great or one of us has done something *just* because the other loves it, it's been somewhat of a let down, so we try a lot less now. Fun times seem to just happen randomly. LOL

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My favorite memory is not a date, but a vacation. My dh and I went on a cruise for our 20th anniversary that was just magical. We had such a wonderful time and got special treatment on that cruise for some reason (never have since). We were invited to the bridge to see the ship leave port, had dinner with the captain, were invited to parties that were by "invite" only, etc. We have gone on cruises since by ourselves, but that one was truly special.

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I met my dh on a Sunday. I was interested. I could tell he was VERY interested. The next day, after he got off work he drove 2 hours to have dinner with me at a mexican restaurant. We sat and talked at the table for 2 hours and another hour or two standing next to my car in the parking lot.


I will never forget that date. It was the night I knew he was probably the one. I was right. :001_wub:

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The footrubs when pregnant; watching him head out with kiddo in the backpack day after day after day; him changing 99% of the diapers; the day I was in a parking lot in a frou frou part of Seattle, and a car not put in part started to drift back. I ran to it to hold it and started shouting at the yuppies around me to help and they all looked at me like I was a Martian, and hubby rounded the corner, and in a split second assessed the situation and ran to my aid. I don't think it mattered that it was ME, but that he knew a physical crisis when he saw one, having been on commercial fishing boats much of his life, and doing construction.


Then there was the time a branch suddenly fell from a nearby rotten tree in the woods, and hubby shouted "COUGAR" and grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me in front of him. :lol:

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