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What is the best response?

What is the best response?  

  1. 1. What is the best response?

    • Bite me!
    • Fire me!
    • Other

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My DH has called me about 6 or 7 times this morning. I am busy cleaning for a birthday celebration tonight and babysitting three little boys. I politely told him to stop calling me. A few minutes later I received a text from him that said, "I am the boss of you."


What would be the best response to that? :D

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I chose 'Bite me' because it's fun to say, lol. Seriously, I can see how frustrating it is to be repeatedly interrupted while you are tryng to get work done. I could see my DH being hurt that I don't want to talk to him and coming back with the boss comment to be funnyb and to lighten the mood, except it wouldn't be funny.

Edited by extendedforecast
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My DH used to be an Army officer and whenever he says stuff like that, I always respond "I'm not one of your privates!" That typically elicits an apology but occasionally he'll make some wisecrack about it being a good thing I'm not his soldier because he'd have me court-martialed if I were ;)

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My DH has called me about 6 or 7 times this morning. I am busy cleaning for a birthday celebration tonight and babysitting three little boys. I politely told him to stop calling me. A few minutes later I received a text from him that said, "I am the boss of you."


What would be the best response to that? :D


Since he would have definitely annoyed me greatly by this time....I would have typed back, "So you think....."

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Welllll..... I would not reply. I would let my silence speak for me. And his calls go to voice mail for the rest of the day, or until he messages an apology.


When he got home, I'd sweetly remind him that he can only act as my "headcovering" if I am willing to submit. I am personally very strong-willed and deferring to my dh is often a concious, not necessarily instinctive, choice.


Guess that may sound overly serious, but that's how I'd feel about it.

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Other response: Then I want a raise!
:iagree: Although my "knee jerk" response would've been the "not nice" one. I have a "frequent caller" hubby too. I've learned to ignore the calls and lower the volume to zero on the answering machine.
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and I'm the boss of three, not 'four' boys right now. I'll call you when I'm free.


Just my 2 cents. If the phone calls weren't important, then he needs to wait for a better time and respect that. My husband does that when it's my day at the shop. I know when he is bored because he ends up calling me several times a day. I just tell him I have work to do and I'll call him later.

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My DH has called me about 6 or 7 times this morning. I am busy cleaning for a birthday celebration tonight and babysitting three little boys. I politely told him to stop calling me. A few minutes later I received a text from him that said, "I am the boss of you."


What would be the best response to that? :D


I put "other."


If it was a joke, I'd text back that you're on strike until you get a raise and full benefits package.


If it wasn't a joke, I'd employ a creative way to vulnerate his man parts and show HIM who's really boss. :glare:

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DH and I are very sarcastic with each other and joke around all the time - but neither of us would pair obsessive calling with a statement like that...even as a half joke it's quite unhealthy. The combination of the frequent calling + text of 'i'm the boss' would raise too many red flags for control/abusive dynamics in my book for it to be viewed as something humerous.

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My DH has called me about 6 or 7 times this morning. I am busy cleaning for a birthday celebration tonight and babysitting three little boys. I politely told him to stop calling me. A few minutes later I received a text from him that said, "I am the boss of you."


What would be the best response to that? :D


I make sure you have clean underwear.



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"dear boss,

as soon as the merrymaids and nanny arrive, i'd love to sit and chat with you - i like you and i like spending time with you. however, if they aren't coming, and you aren't coming home to help (we could talk then, too), then i need a bit of uninterrupted time to complete the tasks you have set for me."


ps. let me know if i need to make up the couch for you for tonight."

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My DH has called me about 6 or 7 times this morning. I am busy cleaning for a birthday celebration tonight and babysitting three little boys. I politely told him to stop calling me. A few minutes later I received a text from him that said, "I am the boss of you."


What would be the best response to that? :D

That would not have gone over well with me. I would respond something like, "Your job is to 'love me' not 'boss me'. I am busy and if you can't understand that you need to study on what 'love' is."

Gal. 5 and II Cor 13

I didn't vote.:001_huh:

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"dear boss,

as soon as the merrymaids and nanny arrive, i'd love to sit and chat with you - i like you and i like spending time with you. however, if they aren't coming, and you aren't coming home to help (we could talk then, too), then i need a bit of uninterrupted time to complete the tasks you have set for me."


ps. let me know if i need to make up the couch for you for tonight."


This is my favorite. :lol:

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I love several of the potential responses. I decided on, "You wish!" For some reason I haven't heard back from him. :tongue_smilie:


He was definitely playing around- we have that type of relationship. I just thought the text was funny (really funny!) and a fun WTM OT.


I do frequently remind him that if he wants clean underwear, socks and work pants that I need foot massages and back scratches. It's all good.:D

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"He who cannot command respect, must demand it."


...a little long for a text, but I think it makes the point...why on earth would he interrupt a woman cleaning? :lol:


I was making a cake too for tonight's b-day celebration! He can't help himself - he loves us so he calls. He knows we are on school break so he is being more obnoxious than usual:D

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My DH has called me about 6 or 7 times this morning. I am busy cleaning for a birthday celebration tonight and babysitting three little boys. I politely told him to stop calling me. A few minutes later I received a text from him that said, "I am the boss of you."


What would be the best response to that? :D


"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better....":lol:

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"Consider this my two weeks notice." :tongue_smilie:


I have a frequent-caller dh, too. At least half the time he's just calling to say hi, but keeps me on the phone for ages. Dude, I'm working here! (Oops...hope none of the dude-haters from the other thread are reading this, lol).


I keep threatening to call his boss and tell her he clearly doesn't have enough work to do. ;)

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"dear boss,

as soon as the merrymaids and nanny arrive, i'd love to sit and chat with you - i like you and i like spending time with you. however, if they aren't coming, and you aren't coming home to help (we could talk then, too), then i need a bit of uninterrupted time to complete the tasks you have set for me."


ps. let me know if i need to make up the couch for you for tonight."




ETA: I would have stopped answering the phone once I knew he didn't really NEED me.

Edited by Denisemomof4
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