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News helicopters hoving over the buses delivering the children from El Dorado

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ETA: Hovering. The helicopters are hovering.

This is so sad. Disgusting.


The buses are delivering the children to a couple of children's facilities in our area and the news media is all over it... following the buses by helicopter, filming their arrival and the children getting off the bus. My goodness. It is so bad that they sent out one decoy bus. The people at one facility have formed a line into the building, holding up sheets so the kids can walk under and not be filmed.


There are reports that the children were so distraught when separated this morning, and are so fearful and so unaccustomed to the long bus ride that they have had to pull over several times because kids are sick... one even had to be taken to the hospital. Unbelievable.


Do y'all remember my posting about choosing between homeschool classes... one at a church that didn't have any outdoor facilities for the kids, and the other one with lots of space for the kids to play between classes and eat outside at picnic tables? Well, the one with lots of space outside is actually one of the facilities taking in these kids. I wonder if that facilitiy will still be available for the homeschool group to rent. The good news is that they aren't going to force these children to integrate with other children at the facility, and they are going to continue with homeschooling so that the children don't have to adapt to p.s. culture shock.


They even preempted part of Wheel of Fortune just to show us a picture of a group of little girls in long braids and typical amish-style dress trying to get off the bus and walk the "raised sheet" line. Sheesh. Like they haven't been through enough. Oh, and they're reporting that the children on the bus were showing signs of sexual abuse. Really? I'd like to know how you show signs of sexual abuse while on a bus ride. How does a group of 400 plus kids show signs of sexual abuse in a short couple of days? In a way, I hope the authorities are not right about this, and in another I hope they are because it sure will make me mad at the state if they jumped the gun on this one.

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Robin, do your kids take classes there? Mine do!


I posted about the news people all over Boys and Girls Country. It is so sad, but I'm glad the kids will be homeschooled. I think it will make a horrible situation a little less horrible.

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I'm sorry! I didn't see your post, or I would have put mine under yours.


My dd is not going there, but I do know most the teachers and students. I think next year we'll be taking from Tomball Classes, not HIS... dd has decided she'd rather be with a certain set of friends. What classes do your kids take?


I was really glad to hear about the homeschooling, too. Thank goodness. The folks at Boys and Girls Country are compassionate, loving people.

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Mine is hidden in another thread, so you probably couldn't find it if you were searching for it.


My daughters take Art there.


My 13 year old is taking English. She LOVES her teacher. She is finishing a research paper this week and enjoying every minute of it. I didn't even know that was possible!


She will take Worldview of the Western World Year 1 and Spanish 1 next year.


My 12 year old will take Introduction to Composition and Literature and also Latin 1.


I heard the other students saying that the "cool kids" go to Tomball.


Boys and Girls Country is just closer to my house.

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I hear the art teacher there is fabulous. Mrs. Celsor is a friend of ours. I hear her classes are excellent! Bobby Frazier is awesome. He and Becky are the main reasons I wanted to do HIS classes, but the latin at Tomball is more to my dd's liking, and that's where her best friend attends, so there you are. Farther for me, though (we live in Fairfield). Mrs. Bell and family are very good friends of ours. It's a fantastic group.


Wow, it's great to meet a "neighbor" on line! I bet we have a lot of mutual friends!

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We do love the Art teacher. When I pick up the girls, she is often giving my 9 year old a one on one lesson after class.


We haven't had Mrs. Celsor yet, but all of my kids are crazy about Jack Hightower. They really think he hung the moon.

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