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Do you give you pastor a Christmas gift?

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My husband is the senior pastor at at church and we have been here for about 3 years. At our previous churches, many of the families gave us nice homemade goodies, gift cards and even cash, all of which we greatly appreciated and they were a big blessing to us. At this church, we haven't ever received anything from members. I do not expect it or are bitter at it and we are glad we are here. I am curious if most people think of their pastors at Christmas time or if most choose not to give anything. What do you do?

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At our previous church, there was always a message in the newsletter saying if you would like to contribute to a cash gift for the pastor see person X. We always contributed what we were able.


At our current church, we've never given our pastor a gift (eek!), but have had the pastor and spouse for Christmas dinner a couple of times over the years.

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We always give homemade goodies to our pastor and his family. We just gave them a tub of peppermint bark, butter toffee, and peanut butter cups, all homemade, this afternoon. I wish we could give more! We just really appreciate our pastor and his family. They are such an encouragement to us! I wrote that in a card as well, so hopefully it will encourage them!

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Our church sounds similar to others. The congregation gives what it can and it is presented to our pastors on the Sunday evening before Christmas at our Advent service. Just did this tonight. My dad was a pastor while I was growing up. The church did that for us as well. There were a few members who did personal gifts. One family always gave us food. It was special enough that we saved it for a very nice Christmas Eve dinner. It was something like seafood or an expensive beef roast, a couple bottles of sparkling cider, a special dessert. I think, as kids, that was our favorite gift!

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Okay, this is gonna sound so sappy, but we are pioneering a church, starting from the ground up, and the biggest smile and gift to my hubby would be to come to church and heed what he preaches from the Word of God that he diligently studies and prepares after prayer and research.

We had 3 precious souls in our evening service tonight and I tell you my hubby looks like he won the lottery! One rededicated his life after a few months gone, and it was shouting stuff!!

One of the girls did bring over some Gyros from her work on the way home, cause she remembered her Pastor loved them. That was beyond special!


When we were in our home church (the one that sent us here) I used to make a basket of specialty coffees for my pastor and a letter of how his preaching had touched our lives thru the year.

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