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How many pieces of clothing and shoes do your dc have?

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I want to cut down on our stuff. Just wondering what other families do.


How many pairs of shoes/boots do you have per dc?


How many dresses for girls?


How many pairs of pants? And so on.


And I have a bunch of containers full of outgrown clothes. I think it's fine to keep the boys' clothes, since I have two boys. But what about the girls' clothes? I don't know if I should hang on to them or not. If I ever do have another girl, I will most likely want to go shopping again anyway. But I think I do want to keep some for keepsakes. But how many?

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My 17yo has two pairs of boots (one is high-heeled and she never ends up wearing them because she can't drive with them on), one pair of tennis shoes, and one pair of flip flops.


My 15yo has one pair of tennis shoes and one pair of Keen sandals. Unless it's actually freezing, she wears the sandals. Sometimes even when it is freezing, she wears the sandals.


My 12yo has one pair of tennis shoes, one pair of sneaker boots, and one pair of flip flops.


I have one pair of tennis shoes and one pair of sandals.


My dh has one pair of tennis shoes and one pair of sandals.


Every stitch of clothing my 12yo owns could fit in one laundry load. She used to have about 2 loads worth of clothes, but she's going through a growth spurt, so she's had to get rid of a lot of stuff.


My 15yo has about 1.5 loads of laundry. She's hasn't grown much in the past year.


My 17yo has about 2 loads of laundry.


All of the clothing I have that I actually wear could fit in one laundry load, but I actually own about 2 loads. I have a few things that I wear only when it's really cold.


All of dh's clothing would fill 5-6 laundry loads. His dad buys him a t-shirt or two every time he goes to a football game (and he goes to a LOT of football games).


I can pass clothes from my 17yo to my 12yo, but my 15yo has a completely different body type. My 17yo is very hard on her clothes, so most of her clothes are not in good enough condition to pass on once she's done with them.


I think two laundry loads worth of clothing is probably plenty for most people.

Edited by AngieW in Texas
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It is mind boggling how many outfits my son has. My Mom *loves* to shop for him, so he is rather well stocked ;)


Shorts-I can think of 10 pair, *just* that are only for going out in.


Short sleeved polos-Until he outgrew some of them, he literally had 20 or more that he could choose from.


Jeans, he has 5 or 6 pairs.


Winter shirts, this is where he is lacking actually. He would rather wear sweaters than long sleeved shrits. So he has more sweaters and nicer/dressier shirts than long-sleeved t-shirts.


Shoes, this child *loves* Crocs and since my Mom spoils him, he has more pair than I do. When I count his shoes, he has 10+ pair.


My child is spoiled but hey, I haven't spent a lot in clothing at least thanks to him being the only grandson.

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We're a family of eight, so the clothes make plenty to wash on a daily basis!


How many pairs of shoes/boots do you have per dc? Three. In Arizona, it was only 2 pairs per child. One pair of Crocs or sandals for summer and one pair of gym shoes. Now that we're in Virginia, I bought them each a pair of boots also (that was an expensive shopping trip!).


How many dresses for girls? Zero. Much to my dismay. Next summer I plan to sew the baby some sundresses!


How many pairs of pants? Four to six depending on the child. I think we're set for winter now. Although after the snow last week and going through three pairs of pants in one day, I might buy some more!


And so on. They each have more shirts. Probably six to eight. And now that we have to wear socks...lots of those around.


Living in a cold climate requires more clothing. I didn't want to believe it, but it's true.


I have saved one special outfit for each child. After baby #5 turned out to be a boy, I gave away all the girl things. I did go on to have another girl...but at that point, my older girls were 15 & 13!

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I keep 2 outfits for keepsakes. The one they came home in after they were born and the outfit they wore when dedicated.


I try to have at least one outfit per day- so 6 or 7 outfits plus 3 church outfits.


I like to have 3 pairs of shoes per season. Summer: one pair of sandals, church shoes and athletic shoes. In the winter I change out sandals for boots.


One fleece and one winter coat.


I pass down my boys clothes, they are only 2 year apart. The clothes I pass down to have no stains or holes.


I don't save any girl clothes to pass down. They are 9 years apart and the clothes would be way out of style!!!!

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I buy ds's shoes. He has 3 pair: flip flops (we live in FL), black running shoes, and brown "dress" sneakers.


His grandparents usually buy him clothes. I don't know why, he doesn't need them, but they do. My mother especially likes to buy him second hand stuff, which I think is great because he grows so fast it would be silly to be new, but she gets such good deals she gets a bit carried away.


Anyway, he has probably 25 short sleeve shirts, 10-15 long sleeve, 4 jackets, and goodness knows how many shorts and pants. I weed them out frequently.

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;) I stopped at boots by the door. My youngest has: 1 pair snow boots, one pair barn boots, one pair dress boots she wears with dresses & skirts.



My dds share one tiny closet, so I am not too concerned about too much. if it fits, and they wear it, ok by me.


My teen ds isn't much for too much, but he also has various boots for various needs, plus shoes, dress shoes, and tennis shoes.


They all have regular coats, dress coats, and the boys have sport coats.

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I want to cut down on our stuff. Just wondering what other families do.


How many pairs of shoes/boots do you have per dc?


How many dresses for girls?


How many pairs of pants? And so on.


And I have a bunch of containers full of outgrown clothes. I think it's fine to keep the boys' clothes, since I have two boys. But what about the girls' clothes? I don't know if I should hang on to them or not. If I ever do have another girl, I will most likely want to go shopping again anyway. But I think I do want to keep some for keepsakes. But how many?



I keep the clothes that are in real good shape to hand down to younger siblings/cousins. I limit the hand down clothes that I keep to two tote containers.


Youngest's clothes are gone as soon as he outgrows them.


Part of this is because my kids do not have the same taste in clothes!!!!!! So I don't bother to keep much. Mainly the rare clothes they will wear I hand down (dress clothes) since they will wear them maybe once-LOL.


The number they keep in their rooms are:


How many pairs of shoes/boots do you have per dc? At the most 2 sneakers, 1 dress shoes, 1 snow boots, 1 sandals.


How many dresses for girls? 2 dresses.. one casual, one for special events. But neither of my girls were big on dresses once they hit about age 8.


How many pairs of pants? And so on.

For under teen age: 3 pairs of jeans, 2 pairs of casual docker pants, 1 pair dress pants. 5-7 pairs of every day play pants. Shirts basically go with number of pants plus about 5 more shirts.

For teen years: generally they have 7 everyday pants/jeans. Several shirts. 2 casual/dress outfit.


Then they have a few sweat pants, sweatshirts/hoodies, jackets.

Pajamas... depends. The younger two wear them every night and so they each have 5-7 sleep pants/Pjs. Dd has a 3-4 that she uses for Pjs. Ds#1 doesn't wear Pjs.


Then of course the "uniforms": Cub Scouts, Civil Air Patrol, Kung Fu, Bowling league.

Edited by AnitaMcC
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My 6yo, 4yo, & 2yo each get one dresser drawer for their outerclothing. They also each have a pair of pajamas, underwear, and socks. The boys each have one church outfit and that is kept in a different location.


For my 2yo dd, she has three dresses with three pairs of leggings, one pair of jeans, and one sweatshirt and sweatpants combo. The boys have around five pairs of pants and long sleeved shirts each. Same with shorts and t-shirts.


For each kid:

One winter jacket, one spring/fall jacket, one winter hat, and one scarf.

One pair of mittens/gloves, snowboots, and snowpants.

One pair of summer sandals.

One pair of church shoes and one athletic type pair of shoes.


My 8yo has her own room so she has a little bit more clothing. The baby is a baby so he has more clothing too, but it still fits in one dresser drawer.


I wash all our laundry every day. I read somewhere on a blog that a mom with a larger family bought fewer items per dc so they would wear out their clothes and she didn't have to deal with hand-me-downs. I thought that was genius, and we are definitely on the same system.

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We have WAY TOO MANY clothes here. We are the recipients of hand me downs --- lots of beautiful hand me downs from neighbors and friends who have older children--- so I might be a bad person to ask.


Shoes - Each child has a pair of snow boots, a pair of rain boots, a pair of sandals, and a pair of sneakers. My dd also has a pair of dress shoes. I keep meaning to get ds some too, but always forget.


Dresses - We could definitely get away with way less than what we have. She has 4 or 5 church/special occasion dresses and probably 4 or 5 casual dresses. She likes to wear dresses so I'd probably keep the same amount of casual dresses, but cut back the dressy dresses to 3 if I needed the space.


Pants/Shirts/Socks - I like having at least 10 --- one for every day of the week plus a couple spares in case of tardy laundry or accidents. Plus a couple of pairs of tights for my daughter for church.


Outerwear - one spring jacket, one winter jacket, one snowsuit or bibs, 2 pairs of identical waterproof mittens (in case one gets lost), hat, scarf


What I listed is what I think we need. In reality, we have far more than this in terms of regular clothes (not outerwear). Anything that's too big is in bins in our hall closet for my daughter (1 Rubbermaid tub) and in my son's closet (6 Rubbermaid tubs---no I am not joking. He has inherited stuff that is up to size 7. He's 3 years old.). Anything that's outgrown except for outfits with very special memories attached (I think I have 4 or 5 outfits saved between the two of them) go to my niece and nephew or are donated immediately.

Edited by fairytalemama
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I hate to have extra clothes clogging up our closets and bureaus, so we keep it simple.


For fall/winter, my dc get 2 pairs of khakis, 2 pairs of jeans, 4-5 shirts, 2 sweaters, a pair of sweatpants and sweatshirt, 2 pairs of pajamas, 8-10 underwear and socks, and 2 dress outfits. They also get a pair of tennis shoes and a pair of brown dress shoes, a play coat, and a pair of boots. Since my dds turned 12, they also get a pair of black dress shoes and a dress (wool) coat.

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For DS, I think he has about a dozen shirts, a good mix of sweatshirts, long-sleeved T-shirts, sweaters and dress shirts.


DD has about a dozen 'home' shirts and a dozen school shirts because she attends private school and has to wear a uniform. Her school shirts were picked up for free from the school uniform closet and are a mix of short- and long-sleeved. Several of her 'home' shirts were hand-me-downs, though we're at the very end of that particular rope because she's completely outpaced all her friends growthwise. She's only 5 and wears a size 8, and she doesn't have any older girlfriends who are bigger than that.




DS has eight pairs of pants, seven pairs of jeans and one pair of slacks. One pair of jeans is so holey that he can't wear them out of the house, but they're nice for slumming around.


DD has five pairs of school pants. Then she has two pairs of leggings, five pairs of jeans, three or four dresses and a couple of skirts.




DS has two pairs of sneakers only because he had to have one pair dedicated to camp wear this summer; otherwise he'd only have one pair. Then he has a pair of sandals, a pair of dress shoes, and a pair of house slippers. The End.


DD currently has no sandals because she's outgrown them all between summer and now, but she usually has a couple pairs per summer. Right now she owns one pair of sneakers, two pairs of boots (one black and one brown), one pair of black dress shoes, and two pairs of house slippers that were gifts.




Both kids have two sets of pajamas that they change once a week.


The boy has one jacket and one coat. The girl has one jacket and two coats (again, hand-me-down for the second coat, though she's about outgrown that as well).




I don't keep anything once it's outgrown because I'm not having more children and there are tons of kids smaller than mine who are in our mom's group. DS isn't small, either, and wears a size 12 clothes/size 7 (men's) shoe. I do laundry twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays. Usually during summer I do one load of knits each day, though that doubles during winter thanks to the bulk of sweaters and sweatpants. I do one load of denim and one load of delicates per week as well. It doesn't seem to be too bad, and as long as nothing overflows the drawers, I figure I'm in good shape.

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I want to cut down on our stuff. Just wondering what other families do.


How many pairs of shoes/boots do you have per dc?


How many dresses for girls?


How many pairs of pants? And so on.


And I have a bunch of containers full of outgrown clothes. I think it's fine to keep the boys' clothes, since I have two boys. But what about the girls' clothes? I don't know if I should hang on to them or not. If I ever do have another girl, I will most likely want to go shopping again anyway. But I think I do want to keep some for keepsakes. But how many?


I have minimums - but have been blessed with hand-me-downs, so I don't have a maximum.

Dresses/nice outfits - 2 for church (my girls like dresses, and so they usually have 2 for going-out days)

Pants - 2 for home, 2 for going-out days

Shirts - 5 for home, 2 for going-out days

Sweatshirts/sweaters - 3

Shoes - sneakers, church shoes, rain/mud boots, snow boots

Coat - raincoat, plus one coat/jacket appropriate for the current season


As far as keepers... do you have a concrete reason why you are keeping outfits? Do you intend to use the fabric? I rarely keep things from my dd10 to my dd4, and prefer to pass the items along to someone who can use them, rather than let them take up space in my attic.

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No idea how many pants - I'm going to guess about 15 pairs between the two of them (they're twins). But other things...


Shoes - 1 pair sandals or summer, 1 pair trainers, 1 pair rainboots, 1 pair snowboots


They have a big pile of socks, underwear and shirts. But everything else (swimsuits, gloves, snowsuits, hoodies, etc.) they have only 1 or 2 of each. No need for more.


As for keeping... What are you keeping them FOR? If you're planning to have more kids and have the room, then keep it. If not, consign them, pass them down or put them on ebay. I kept back a bag of baby clothes each for my two because I have in mind a special project for that one day (I knew someone who had a quilt made of her baby clothes and I always thought that was really cool). But otherwise, I give everything away. What's the point in keeping it?

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My sons have a bit more than they need.


Each has about 6 pairs of shoes, not including snowboots, sandals, slippers, hiking boots, or flip flops


They easily have 7-10 pairs of jeans each, 4 pairs of "nicer" pants like khakis or cords. They also have pants/shorts for basketball, baseball, and PE.


Older has about 6 sweaters and maybe 15 long-sleeved shirts. Younger has three or four sweaters and probably 20 long-sleeved shirts. Again, these totals don't include shirts for various practices and PE.


They have at least 5 sets of pj's each.


They have maybe 4 jackets each.


They each have their own dressers and closets so space isn't too much of an issue. I save most of older ds's clothes for our youngest. As of yet, he thinks it's "cool" to wear his big brother's clothes so he isn't bothered by wearing hand-me-downs. So far this fall/winter I've only bought him one long-sleeved shirt, one pair of jeans, one sweater, and shoes. They'll both get a new set of pj's on Christmas Eve. (The whole family does!:tongue_smilie:)

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We buy 90% 2nd hand, so cost is not much of an issue. Space is, but both kids have their own rooms so they have a fair amount of space. They have lots of clothes.

Dd16 has zillions of clothes. Ds15 not so many and he is much more likely to let them go because he is going through growth spurts and things that fitted him like, yesterday, no longer do.

If it was up to me they would both have less and when they were younger and not so image and clothes conscious I would regularly zen out their closets. Mostly I would get rid of what didnt fit, what was stained, and things they just werent going to wear. That was usually enough to actually fit the clothes back into the drawers and close the drawers.

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Estimating here.


Dd (3): about 9 dresses, 4 pairs of jeans, 8 pairs of shorts, 4 skorts, 3 or 4 skirts, more than a dozen short-sleeved T- shirts and blouses, 6 long sleeved shirts, probably 6 or so outfits or one-pieces I'm forgetting about, 8 bathing suits, 1 bodysuit, 7 pajamas, 4 leotards, 9 tights, 4 sweaters, 1 hoodie, 1 poncho (not rain, for warmth), 2 coats, 1 hat, a pair of mittens, and 24 panties. 8 pairs of shoes and sandals, 1 pair of boots.


Ds (7): 2 pairs of yellow crocs, 1 pair of sneakers he doesn't wear, 1 pair of dressier brown shoes that probably won't fit him soon, and a pair of black Vans his dad got him (finally he likes a pair or shoes that are not Crocs! Hallelujah chorus). He also has about 8 pairs of shorts, 5 pairs of long pants, 1 sweater, 1 hoodie, 1 wintercoat, 7 or so floating and mismatched pajama separates, 3 or so full sets of pajamas, 3 bathing suits, about 30 pieces of underwear, and about 27 shirts, which include long-sleeved ones.



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I make sure my kids have 8 outfits, in case I get behind doing the laundry. They have clothes for winter, summer, and transitional for spring/fall. They buy their own clothes with their allowances, except for winter parkas. They each have 2 pairs of gloves, and do not need scarves and hats because the coats have hoods. They don't have spring/fall jackets because they wear hoodies. They each have 2 bathing suits.


The boys have sneakers, water shoes, and snow boots. There is no point in buying extra shoes for them, because they won't wear them.


The kids will not wear winter underwear, so I quit buying it for them. The boys will wear flannel-lined jeans in the winter.


DD has as many shoes as her budget and mine will allow. Luckily for her, I love shoes and she cannot have too many. She has flip-flops, sandals, sneakers, flats, dress shoes, clogs, boots -- you name it, she's got it. She has more clothes than the boys do because she cares about clothes and loves getting them for Christmas or her birthday. The boys think clothes are utilitarian and make awful gifts.

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our situation is kinda funny....one kid has a lot, the other doesn't. but here is how it's shaping up and will be in the future.


My dd has tons of clothes. probably 20 short sleeve shirts, 15 long sleeve. I bought maybe 3 or 4 of them. The rest were graciously given to us by other people. She has several jeans I bought and 20 pairs of leggings again, given to us. She has more shoes too. Some given, some bought. She has tennis shoes and dress shoes I bought. She has snow boots coming. But the other pairs of shoes(dress, boots) were bought by others. She has multiple coats, zip ups and sweat shirts....all given to us. Obviously we were blessed in her clothing!


My ds has few clothes or shoes. In fact he has one pair of tennis shoes. That is it. His snow boots should arrive this week and I know he's happy to have a second pair of shoes. He has 4 outfits. I bought them all this fall. I realized he needed another shirt and recently bought another one. He had one dress outfit left over from last year he wears every week to church. He has one coat and one sweatshirt. His wardrobe is minimal. But he picked out his clothes so he does wear them all.


I do laundry every other day and have to b/c of ds's lack of clothes. Our washer is small so more washes per week are needed.


As my dd grows out of these hand me downs she too will have 4-5 outfits per season. I buy for summer and winter. Spring and fall can pick between the main seasons. I also buy water shoes for summer. If what they have wears out I don't mind buying more, but from now on they will be minimal wardrobes for my kids. They tend to wear about 4 outfits over and over, so why buy more?

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And I have a bunch of containers full of outgrown clothes. I think it's fine to keep the boys' clothes, since I have two boys. But what about the girls' clothes? I don't know if I should hang on to them or not. If I ever do have another girl, I will most likely want to go shopping again anyway. But I think I do want to keep some for keepsakes. But how many?


I won't even attempt to catalogue my kids current clothes, but I did want to comment on saving clothes for your girl.


As you can see from my signature, I have a huge gap between my two sets of girls. I would advise not saving any girl clothes except for possibly special dresses. The styles change so much more for girls that you will probably find that you don't want to use the older clothes if the opportunity does arise. Someone right now will appreciate those clothes much more than you will in 8-10 years. Also, in storage elastic deteriorates and stains deepen. The clothes won't look as nice several years from now.


As for saving for sentimental reasons...for my girls, I saved one infant dress, their first pair of dressy shoes, and one toddler dress. For my boys I saved one toddler outfit and their first pair of sandals. I also saved one stuffed animal and one blanket for each child. That's all I have room to store, and I think it will be plenty.

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I want to cut down on our stuff. Just wondering what other families do.


How many pairs of shoes/boots do you have per dc?

Currently, 1 pair of sneakers, 1 pair of rainboots, and 1 pair of snowboots. I just threw away the sandals and outgrown sneakers. They will get new in the spring.


How many dresses for girls?



How many pairs of pants? And so on.

DS1 - 3 pair of sweatpants, 2 pair of jeans, 2 pair of church pants, 7 or 8 shirts, swim trunks, 9 pair socks, 8 pair underpants. Summer clothes are packed in a tote.


DS2 - too much. He has his brother's hand-me-downs plus new stuff from Grandma. After Christmas I will sort through his clothing (again).


Outerwear - 1 sweatshirt, 1 fall/spring jacket, 1 winter coat, 1 pair snowpants, 2 hats, 2 pair mittens


And I have a bunch of containers full of outgrown clothes. I think it's fine to keep the boys' clothes, since I have two boys. But what about the girls' clothes? I don't know if I should hang on to them or not. If I ever do have another girl, I will most likely want to go shopping again anyway. But I think I do want to keep some for keepsakes. But how many?

I get rid of most clothing as soon as my youngest outgrows it. I did keep the baby sweaters a friend made for them and one or two additional baby outfits.


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For us, storage and budget are both limited. Therefore, I try to make sure that both dd7 and dd4 have five full changes of clothes (we wash every 3 - 4 days), including tops and bottoms. Underwear is one pack per girl, and at least 6 pairs of socks each. They each have one winter dress - sometimes two dresses in the summer. Shoes: one dress pair, one play pair, and one pair of snow boots/close-toed shoes for non-play/non-dress situations. I like to have at least 2 sets of pajamas per kid, but dd7 has only one right now (she'll get another for Christmas) and dd4 has three because occasionally wets the bed. At least 1 jacket and 1 winter coat per kid. Anything extra is permitted if we get it for free and can find space for it.


Except for dresses, shoes, and jackets/coats, a child's entire wardrobe needs to fit in a single (rather large) dresser drawer.


dd 15 mos has as many outfits of her present size as I can find among my saved clothes and can fit in her drawer.


We do about 3 loads of laundry (not including bedding and towels) every 3-4 days. I'm trying to help the girls get into the habit of wearing jeans more than once before washing if they're not too dirty. Maybe we'll be able to move on to fewer pants at some point.


Mama Anna

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My boys each have two pairs of trainers (tennies) - school requires one for indoors, one for outdoors - football boots, hiking boots, school black leather shoes and wellies. They each have very cheap sandals/flip-flops, as they don't get much use out of them.


Eldest has about five long-sleeved t-shirts, two pairs of lined jeans, two pairs of black chinos, two sweaters. In addition he has his school uniform, so four blue shirts, three pairs of grey trousers, sweater and blazer. Youngest has more stuff - hand-me-downs and such.



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My youngest has lots more than our oldest because Gramma did alot of the shopping/buying when oldest was younger. :)


I shop at thrift stores, so our kids do have a lot of clothes. both have 5-7 pairs of jeans, lots of shirts and sweaters. And I don't have to worry about doing laundry every day.


4 dresses/dressier outfits


Shoes...ugh 2 pairs of gymmers, brown & black flats, 2 pairs of boots each (gifts) and a pair of clogs

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Shoes: The boys each has 2 pairs of shoes/sneakers, except for my ds12, who refuses to select a second pair. He only likes the pair he already has, which I can no longer find.


Pants: They each have 7 pairs of jeans/khakis (or shorts in warm weather). Sometimes it's plus or minus a pair or two, if I've run across a great deal or they wear a pair out.


Shirts: Lots. Easily a dozen each of long and short sleeved, plus undershirts.


Underwear/socks: They each have two packs of underwear and socks.


Outerwear: They each have at least one lightweight jacket and one heavy, winter coat. They also have an assortment of 'hoodies'.

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