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I only had someone say it to me once, but I told her I understood her concerns (in her case, teaching all the subjects as they age) and it is important to take it seriously. I don't really think it needs a comment. Sort of like when someone says they could never stay married -- it's not really about you, so...

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If I am feeling particularly surreal I say, "Yeah, me neither" and just keep walking. I love it when I do that. I highly suggest trying it at least once.


Mostly I just smile and say "it's not a job, it's an adventure!"


:iagree:I am writing this with a sharpie on the palm of my hand, and will rewrite daily! I am ready now....I might have to bring it up in line...oh we home school...just to use this!!

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"On some days I can't either." :tongue_smilie:


Then I say, "But when you're shivering at the bus stop when it's 10 below zero, I'm at home in my slippers having a second cup of coffee, so you see, there's that side of it too."


And sometimes I say that although we do school work all day long, we're done by 3:00 and I don't have to do homework with my dc when they're tired and cranky after spending the whole day in school. :001_smile:

Edited by ELaurie
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Don't burn bridges & realize that the person probably just feels inadequate.

I agree -- it can get tiresome, but those "clever" little comebacks can be very hurtful. Sometimes people don't know how to nicely express themselves. I know myself that my questions to a relative who homeschooled were met with zero interest in talking to me about it (this lack of interest extends to this day, when I am known to be homeschooling). I think you have to gauge if someone is trying to be rude -- often they aren't.

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