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Would you post your plans for Math? 1st - 12th


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sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Jacobs Elementary Algebra and Jacobs Geometry are Al I and Geometry, definitely NOT Al II. We very happily used Jacobs for Al I and Geometry and I would not change a thing. They were rock solid and really explained the hows and whys, which were very important for us. I've heard some folks say that Jacobs covers some Al II topics in his elementary Algebra, but since we only have experience with using his text, followed by Foerster, I really can't say how they compare to other options.


According to Veritas Press, Jacobs himself has been noted as recommending Foerster as a follow on for Al II. Foerster is very similar in style of presentation of the material and an easy transition IMO from Jacobs. We have used Foerster's Al II and Trig text by Prentis Hall/Pearson (only the Al II portion) and Foerster's Precalculus with Trig by Key Curriculum Press for Trig. I'm about to order Foerster's Calculus from Key Press to get started on the next phase. We have dabbled a bit with Thinkwell as a supplement, but I really think we get more out of Foerster.



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Math: A Human Endeavor was originally meant for kids that didn't like algebra and didn't do well in math. It has ten chapters on different topics and how they apply to real life. My ds had started getting bogged down in math and asking why he needs this. This book answers those kinds of questions. With my dd, I am planning it into the sequence before the math gets too abstract, but after she has dipped into the algebra and geometry.

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for my oldest ds who is now in seventh grade we used:

K: played with cusineaire rods.. games.. etc to get him used to using them

1-3rd grade: Miquon

4th and 5th grade: Use Singapore

6th grade: Key To Fractions, Decimals, Percents

7th grade: TT pre-algebra

8th grade plan: TT algebra 1

9th grade plan: TT 2

10th grade: TT Geom.

after that we'll see what we do... we'll definately do 2 more years of math.. just not sure what yet



6yo ds has been doing Dollar Tree workbooks and has just started the first Miquon book....haven't thought about what we'll use after... probably try the same course I used with oldest ds

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  • 3 months later...

It changes...a LOT...at this point. I've just added a few things to slow it down slightly. Please note that my DS is math mad. He did 50 worksheets orally two days ago in an hour.




K: RightStart A-D or E, possibly RS Geometry, too.

-Singapore 1-4, possibly up to 6--I've now decided to do textbook, workbook, extra practice, intensive practice, AND challenging word problems (I added some today!)

-Math Express Speed Maths 1-4-ish

-Primary Challenge Math

-Destination Math for fun

-Calc by and for Children (and others in series)


1st: -Challenge Math

-Math Express Speed Math

-whatever of Singapore Primary and RightStart we haven't finished

-Brain Maths 1&2

-begin Singapore NEM sequence

-Destination Math for fun


2nd & up: -MOEMS, MATHCOUNTS, AMC, Mandelbrot, etc. math comps and test prep books (tons of great "thinking math" here)

-finish NEM sequence

-IMACS textbooks


oh-no-out-of-math: -university



FOR 4-Y-O:


pre-K: -RightStart A and B

-Singapore 1, with workbook, intensive practice, and challenging word problems

-Math Express Speed Maths 1


K: -RightStart C? Maybe end of B, too. Maybe some of D.

-Singapore 2, possibly 3

-Math Express Speed Maths 2, 3?




A lighter version of DS5!

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Here's our plan,


Horizons (1-5)

Singapore workbooks (1-4)

Challenging word problems(3-6)


Life of Fred (Fractions, Decimals and Percents)

Pre-algebra supplement(probably Dolciani)


1960's Dolciani Algebra I

Life of Fred Geometry or Solomonovich (not sure which)

1960's Dolciani Algebra II

1960's Dolciani Modern Analysis (or whatever the book is called. I already found the solutions manual, the teachers edition, and the student texts for these highschool books. I'm following Charon, Myrtle, and Jane in N.C.'s lead on these.)


Because we're focusing on proofs, these will be our main texts. They will be doing Fred along with these too. Those are great at teaching understanding and application from the engineers perspective. While the proof based books are from the mathematicians perspective.


If they finish these early, it's off to the community college (which will probably be the case)


At least this is the current plan,



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Another fast mover in Math here with my oldest ds... We're planning to stick with EPGY because he's thriving. So, this would be using thier courses:


K: Miquon Orange/Red, Singapore 1a/1b

1: EPGY Accelerated 2 and 3

2: EPGY Acclelerated 4 and 5

3: EPGY Accelerated 6 (leaving some wiggle room to slow down here)

4: EPGY Honors Pre-Algebra

5: EPGY Honors Beginning Algebra

6: EPGY Honors Intermediate Algebra

7: EPGY Honors Geometry

8: EPGY Honors Pre-Calculus

9: EPGY Calculus A/B

10: EPGY Calculus C

11: Linear Algebra/Differential Calculus or other topics

12: Same--more advanced courses through EPGY (they offer up to post-grad level)


If he doesn't slow down, we'll be moving through it more quickly. I think that math is pretty important--we'll be continuing with course work for as long as ds is homeschooled, regardless if he "finishes" normal high school recommendations. My BIL is a math prof at Northwestern, so we can always pull in some really good resources when it surpasses our knowledge, but my dh feels pretty confident teaching through calculus.


With second ds, I have no idea yet--I think we'll be doing the Singapore through NEM route.

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Saxon Math K-12. We had a short detour with Calvert Math, but Saxon goes all the way. :rolleyes: My kids also participate in a local Math League.

Me too. except I only intend to use the hardcover ones...5/4 6/5 etc. thru calc then physics.


I intend to just print off a primary arithmetic and use a Flashmaster for the stuff before that. hopefully.

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Well I only have a pre k right now and we just started Rightstart A. After we finish that we will then decide if we will continue with right start or move into BJU. I plan to do BJU at whatever point we are done using Rightstart. We will switch over to Videotext Algebra in 7th doing the first 3 modules, 8th the last three modules, 9th VT Geometry 1st 3 modules, 10th last 3 modules then start the Calculus book recommended in Veritas Press in 11th and take 2 yrs to finish it.

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