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Let her open it or make her wait?

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There is a book for dd under the tree. Dd knows it is a book. She knows it is for her. She doesn't know what book it is. She is begging me to open the book. She is out of new things to read and is making me a bit bonkers with the wanting to open this gift. Nothing else under the tree has caught her attention.

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Advent is about waiting. :lol: I don't really have an opinion but it gave me a little laugh. Will she have books to open come Christmas?

Yes, there will be a couple others.


I'm really big on the excitment factor for Christmas. I LOVE when my kids are so excited for their gifts, so....for me.....I'd make her wait :)

I might have to bury it in the stack somewhere so she doesn't see it.

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I'm really big on the excitment factor for Christmas. I LOVE when my kids are so excited for their gifts, so....for me.....I'd make her wait :)


:iagree: Excitement is huge for me--it's currently her most anticipated gift. Why take away the excitement and anticipation?

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Take it away for now and hide it in a closet. Then go to the library and get her a bunch of new reading material!

Unfortunately, I owe the library over $100.00 in fines. Long story short, this is the first place I've lived in over 10 years that charges late fines. I thought late fines were a thing of the past.


I'm odd-woman out...I never hold back books...for me they are like air!:lol:

See, that is how I feel. I've got 4 books going right now. Sadly for her dh came home to get his lunch and put his foot down.

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I'm a bad one to ask...

I just let DS open his main gift yesterday.

He is a great kid. Never asks for anything, until this one thing he really wants this year. We have had a terrible year with DH unemployed, several deaths in the family, surgery, then too much employment for DH, etc. If it was any other time of the year, I would have just bought this item for DS. But it is Christmas - and his birthday - so I was making him wait.

DH and I have talked about it for weeks - why are we making him wait? It is just torturing all of us. We don't believe that the real meaning of Christmas is wrapped up in receiving gifts.

Anyway. DH had yesterday off - a rare treat these days. So I caved and gave the gift to DS. DH and DS had a wonderful day playing together with the item. I'm glad, for us, that I didn't make him wait.

Your mileage, obviously, may vary. ;)

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I'm a bad one to ask...

I just let DS open his main gift yesterday.

He is a great kid. Never asks for anything, until this one thing he really wants this year. We have had a terrible year with DH unemployed, several deaths in the family, surgery, then too much employment for DH, etc. If it was any other time of the year, I would have just bought this item for DS. But it is Christmas - and his birthday - so I was making him wait.

DH and I have talked about it for weeks - why are we making him wait? It is just torturing all of us. We don't believe that the real meaning of Christmas is wrapped up in receiving gifts.

Anyway. DH had yesterday off - a rare treat these days. So I caved and gave the gift to DS. DH and DS had a wonderful day playing together with the item. I'm glad, for us, that I didn't make him wait.

Your mileage, obviously, may vary. ;)

Aww. what a sweet thing to do.

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Unfortunately, I owe the library over $100.00 in fines. Long story short, this is the first place I've lived in over 10 years that charges late fines. I thought late fines were a thing of the past.





I just paid over $100.00 in fines due to having been so ill and not being able to manage our books. I now have "manage library books" as a daily task on my to do list. I can do it online.

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Guest CarolineUK

Just seen the photo on the Christmas Tree thread - I don't think one little book will make much of a dent in that pile :tongue_smilie:.


Let her open it :D.

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If a gift comes from anyone other than us, we let them open it so it's not so overwhelming on Christmas Day. If it's from us, we make them wait. Wait a sec---do you put all your gifts under the tree before Christmas Eve?

No, there is a Santa stash down in the basement. Probably half of what is there now. The gift from dh's mom hasn't arrived yet. It is only one thing. My mom said she sent 5 boxes so there is another one in the hands of the Postal Service.


I've tried in the past to curb my parents enthusiasm. That was the year I requested only three gifts because the Baby Jesus only received three. My dad sent her a set of triplet baby dolls as one gift. The second gift from him was a box of accessories for these triplets. The third was a cradle they could all get in. Then my mother (yes, they have been married for 45 years) send three gifts of her own. That was also the year mom's sister sent dd a big box of gifts. I can't fight that so yes, grandma gifts get put under the tree as they arrive. Other wise dd would think Santa brought all that stuff.

Edited by Parrothead
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Can we borrow grandma and grandpa?? I'm trying really hard to teach my IL's that 5 gifts from the Dollar Store are not better than 1 $20 item. Sigh.



Dd is the only grandchild so that has a bit to do with it to I think. It seemed okay the first couple of years. We were not inundated with stuff. Yesterday I had to clean out her room to make room for everything. Thankfully quite a bit of it feels like clothes this year. Hopefully that trend will continue.

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Okay after seeing that pile of presents....absolutely let her open it! I know dh has said no, but really, she will enjoy it soo much more now that in the mix of all of the holiday hoopla!


I know some people like to hold out on any new items for kids from summer to winter, just because of Christmas but for us, I would rather spread the enjoyment out.



We are going to have some days off together as a family the week before Christmas. I am seriously contemplating letting everyone open their part of our 'family' gift, Rock Band 3 and all new instruments, so they can enjoy it over this break. My kids have a week off before Christmas and then a week after. I would like for them to have it for the week before Christmas :0)

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Haven't read all the responses, so perhaps this is redundant:


I'm a big MEANIE!

I'd take that book (fully wrapped) and put it in a bigger box with cans of soup! She'll have no clue what happed to the book, but imagine her surprise when she sees it in the other weighted-down box! mwahahaha!

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This is why I put my kids' gifts under the tree on Christmas Eve after they go to bed. :) No fondling the gifts. I would let her open it. I remember begging and pressuring my mom to let us have an early gift one year. I still remember it- Pictionary!

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There is a book for dd under the tree. Dd knows it is a book. She knows it is for her. She doesn't know what book it is. She is begging me to open the book. She is out of new things to read and is making me a bit bonkers with the wanting to open this gift. Nothing else under the tree has caught her attention.


Oh, wait. Take her to the library to tide her over! I didn't read the other responses so you may have given it to her already. Waiting will make it "taste" even better, imo.

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