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SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) in childrenn

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I had what you might call an "aha" moment tonight while thinking about my ds9 and all of his issues and challenges. He's been seen by a therapist specializing in ADHD kids and "officially" diagnosed with ADHD although we see more of the deficit than the hyperactivity with ds9. Anyway, I started thinking back to the beginning of this school year and how he would get at least half his work done each day without much trouble. Yes, he would take a lot longer than normal, but he did it. Fast forward to about Thanksgiving. He absolutely REFUSES to do ANYTHING...except perhaps dictation. He simply cannot focus enough to do his math, his behavior has gotten quite out of control, he is violent, irritable, has trouble sleeping at night, etc. It then hit me that he has been like this for years now. Fine the first 3 months of school and then BAM...impossible! I know that I get SAD during the winter months and wondered if ds9 might have this as well? Any thoughts? If so...any recommendations on a light therapy light? I think we could benefit from that. Thanks!

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I use GE Reveal bulbs over the kitchen table where we do most of our schoolwork. For me, these make a big difference in the darker winter months. We also take a long walk at midday which has been the best medicine for us.

My dh bought me a portable "golite" at Costco a few years ago but I haven't used this with my dc.

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Besides a therapy light (which needs to be used before the sun comes up in order to be effective), please be sure he is getting the NEW recommended dose of Vitamin D. At least 400 IU's. I actually let my son take the adult ones (1,000 IU). It takes an enormous amount of Vitamin D for it to be "too much."


Vitamin D has helped me and my son enormously. I have suffered from SAD for many years, and he is starting to show signs at 11-1/2 years old.


Best Wishes,



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I think the getting outside mid day is really important too. The light and the exercise will help. Boys need more and more exercise. I used to really encourage a lunch break walk when women would come in complaining at the doctors office. Spending the day in dark and fluorescent light was doing them in. I hope you find something that helps.

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I had what you might call an "aha" moment tonight while thinking about my ds9 and all of his issues and challenges. He's been seen by a therapist specializing in ADHD kids and "officially" diagnosed with ADHD although we see more of the deficit than the hyperactivity with ds9. Anyway, I started thinking back to the beginning of this school year and how he would get at least half his work done each day without much trouble. Yes, he would take a lot longer than normal, but he did it. Fast forward to about Thanksgiving. He absolutely REFUSES to do ANYTHING...except perhaps dictation. He simply cannot focus enough to do his math, his behavior has gotten quite out of control, he is violent, irritable, has trouble sleeping at night, etc. It then hit me that he has been like this for years now. Fine the first 3 months of school and then BAM...impossible! I know that I get SAD during the winter months and wondered if ds9 might have this as well? Any thoughts? If so...any recommendations on a light therapy light? I think we could benefit from that. Thanks!


I could have written this for my 8 yo dd. We are so desperate to help her with this extreme depression she's in. She wasn't having a great year to begin with, probably has adhd, but what we've been experiencing in the last month has been out of control. We are taking her to therapy and waiting to do bloodwork (she just had a virus so the doctor wants us to wait a week or two). Please let us know if you've figured anything out. I'll be looking at light bulbs, too.:grouphug:

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Ds is outside a lot even in winter months. I'm setting up an appt. with a new dev. ped. and she will be testing him for pretty much everything....even Vit. D. If I could get him to swallow a pill I would give him my Vit. D. Thanks!


I use the liquid drops on the kids but my husband takes these chewable ones.




He really likes the cinnamon flavor but I see there is also a peppermint flavor. The cinnamon reminds me of tic tacs.

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