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Cathy Duffy's 100 Top Picks - worth owning?


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Assuming I'm a cheapskate ;) is this a book worth owning? I love the idea of the curriculum reviews, which is why I'm tempted. I'm not a big believer in the whole "learning styles" thing, which is what gives me pause. Is that an integral part of how this book works? Or is it great for the reviews, and that part is not a big deal?

Edited by GretaLynne
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My opinion is that it makes a fantastic book to borrow from the library. I love buying books, but this isn't one that I feel compelled to own although I do borrow it from the library now and then.


A lot of the reviews are available on her website, along with all the new curriculum that's come out since the book was printed.

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I'd check it out from the library first too. I liked it so much that I bought it. I really enjoyed the goal planning part at the begining and the educational philosophy part because I was so new to hs I wasn't familliar with all of it. Her "learning styles" are a bit different than other books I've read and found it fairly useful, but it isn't necessary to buy into her learning styles to use the reviews. HTH

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YES! I own it and if you take the time to do the surveys at the beginning and circle results and scores, it will be amazing to look back on that every year and do it over in a different coloured ink, just to see how it all lines up. It is probably the best hs resource I've found. IF you take the time to do all the surveys and if you even *want* direction into which currics would best suit you and your dc.

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I'd check it out from the library first too. I liked it so much that I bought it. I really enjoyed the goal planning part at the begining and the educational philosophy part because I was so new to hs I wasn't familliar with all of it. Her "learning styles" are a bit different than other books I've read and found it fairly useful, but it isn't necessary to buy into her learning styles to use the reviews. HTH


I checked it out of the library first. I didn't fnd her learning styles any more helpful than any other learning styles I read, but I do like her chart and reviews.

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I checked it out from the library. I recommend it to all new homeschoolers. I use the website for more current reviews. The learning and teaching styles were helpful to me though. I find it very helpful to see which curriculums she sees as a good match with different styles. I think her book is part of the reason I've never bought a curriculum that hasn't worked for us.

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I love mine & refer to it often, HOWEVER of all my HS-mom friends IRL, I am the only one who feels this way (I think). Most of them own it and wish they had spent the money on a different book.


The more time that goes by, the less relevant the info, IMO. I know I had always put in my head that I would do the Stobaugh Literature for high school based on the review in there. When I looked it up (on here especially), I was VERY disappointed because it wasn't nearly as good as she seemed to indicate & after much research have 'penciled in' a new possibility in my head.


I wish she'd do a revision. While I refer to the website for updates, the "always positive" reviews bug me. I read somewhere that unless the product was really bad, they almost always do a "positive" review (while pointing out any glaring issues).


I like the "top 100" aspect of the book, even though I think it would be even more difficult to do now with all the great curriculum out there.


I loan mine out to new HSers & recommend going through the first part of the book in depth before choosing curriculum and starting with their kids.

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My opinion is that it makes a fantastic book to borrow from the library. I love buying books, but this isn't one that I feel compelled to own although I do borrow it from the library now and then.


A lot of the reviews are available on her website, along with all the new curriculum that's come out since the book was printed.



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Thank you all for the advice. My library doesn't have the book, unfortunately. Since I've heard the book mentioned so much, I was assuming that new editions were being printed very few years that would include updates on new curriculum and such. If that isn't the case, then I might just use the website while looking for a cheap, used copy. :). Thanks again!

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YES! I own it and if you take the time to do the surveys at the beginning and circle results and scores, it will be amazing to look back on that every year and do it over in a different coloured ink, just to see how it all lines up. It is probably the best hs resource I've found. IF you take the time to do all the surveys and if you even *want* direction into which currics would best suit you and your dc.


This does sound really interesting! Thanks!

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