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Supplementing HOD's LHFHG with more read-alouds


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I did a search and couldn't find threads on this, but please direct me to them if they exist. I'm trying to find out if people using HOD's LHFHG supplement with more read-alouds, and if so, if they use another curriculum for this or just the library. I've pulled in some read-alouds from the Memoria Press K curriculum but am still wanting more of the classics. I like to have this sort of thing scheduled so it actually gets done. Thanks

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LHFHG is one of the programs I am contemplating for my dd in the next year or so. If we did it, we would supplement Sonlight literature, since we have the first three complete cores (3/4, 4/5 & K). This year I made a list of read alouds that we want to read this year, and I plan on just doing that; I don't necessarily schedule them, per se.

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We just started LHFHG yesterday, so this is me speaking without experience, but I plan on just doing kid chosen library read alouds with the program and we will also be reading SOTW 1 because we are part of a weekly co-op that does activities with the readings AND dd really enjoys the stories. Maybe, if I get really ambitious I might add some read alouds from FIAR and Homeschoolshare, but I don't think it is necessary.


Are you trying to go more in depth with the subjects or just trying to get more reading in? If it's for subject matter I would just search by subject in your library (or on amazon and request them through ILL). If you want to read more I think that letting the child choose what interests them leads to more books read (at least it does in my house). :D

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We just started LHFHG yesterday, so this is me speaking without experience, but I plan on just doing kid chosen library read alouds with the program and we will also be reading SOTW 1 because we are part of a weekly co-op that does activities with the readings AND dd really enjoys the stories. Maybe, if I get really ambitious I might add some read alouds from FIAR and Homeschoolshare, but I don't think it is necessary.


Are you trying to go more in depth with the subjects or just trying to get more reading in? If it's for subject matter I would just search by subject in your library (or on amazon and request them through ILL). If you want to read more I think that letting the child choose what interests them leads to more books read (at least it does in my house). :D


I just want to get the Kindergarten level "classics" in this year, not really go more in-depth in the subject matter. I do love the Thorton Burgess books, but I feel like we are missing out on all the other classic K books. I don't have a lot of time to figure out what I need or to constantly request through the library. I think I might be looking at purchasing a set, possibly with a guide to make sure it gets done. Thanks!

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I am doing LHFHG and tried doing some of the books in the back. They are not "classics" per se, but more depth on the subject of the week. We have done some of them, but not consistently. Thus far, I have just gone to the library for books for my kids to read in their leisure time. Daddy has read them a few stories at bedtime as well. Do you already have a list of classics you are trying to get through? I have thought about going through "Honey for a Child's Heart". It's not scheduled, but it would be an easy list to go through and many of those should be at the library (I would think). Other than Sonlight, I don't know of anything scheduled (but maybe others do)?

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I use titles from Picture Book Preschool, Before Five in a Row, Five in a Row, Sonlight, MFW K, etc.


Are you looking for chapter books or picture books?


Probably a little of both, but more picture books than chapter books since we get the chapter books with the Thorton Burgess books. I've bought Honey for a Child's Heart but haven't had a chance to read it yet. I probably need to take a look at that and the ones you mentioned and just come up with my own list. I did find Easy Classical and it has a schedule and a lot of the classics in it. I liked their first grade as well. I just feel like we aren't getting the snuggle time I had envisioned. It's hard to get out to the library right now, so I'd like to just have a good set at home. I think if I schedule it in I'll do a better job of doing it! I was just curious what others are doing. I think once we hit Beyond next year, we'll cover the classics the way I'd like to.

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I think using the Five in a Row selections as a guide would be a really nice way to get quality, classic picture books in. I don't know why you would need a schedule for picture books? If you need a goal set an amount to read but, since they are sit and finish books, I don't know why you would need a guide.


If you have a decent inter-library loan I found that I could get most of those titles.

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