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Thanking God for what didn't happen...

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This weekend my dh took my girls way back on our property to cut some trees. He had his chainsaw with him and was trimming brush from the logs. He has a bad habit of setting the saw on his thigh while working with his other hand. Well, this one time he wasn't paying attention and he set the blade on his thigh!!! It went through his Jeans, the inner pocket of them and bounced off the metal money clip on his wallet.


I almost cried when he showed me. He NEVER carries his wallet to do outside work. I don't know why he shoved it in his pocket that day. God sure was looking out for our family that day.


What could have happened....he could have given himself a serious cut and there he would have been with my three sweet girls over half a mile from the house, bleeding.


Thank you GOD!

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God must be watching out for families that use chainsaws, because we had a similar situation this week!!



I wanted to ground him from his chainsaw! First I get really scared about things like that then it makes me MAD!!!!


Just the thought of my girls being all scared while their daddy was bleeding...:crying::crying::crying:

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Praise God! There are many times I have found myself thanking God over and over again for what didn't happen...but came very close to happening.


The biggest two were:


...the time I accidentally left my youngest son in a very hot car and closed the door to talk to a friend JUST OUTSIDE THE CAR with all the windows rolled up and doors closed. I thought his window was rolled down, but it wasn't because I had gotten in the car to start it before I saw my friend and I rolled up the window preparing to turn the air back on.


...The time I decided to not drive up the mtn road in the passing lane only to turn the curve and realize there was a semi in that lane (on my side of the road)! It is amazing what God can do!!!

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A few years ago, my dh walked in the house and said he needed to go to the ER for stitches because he cut himself with the chainsaw. He let go of it with one hand while it was running, and it dropped down and cut his knee before he realized he should have let go with the other hand instead. Once we assessed the damage, we realized we could just go to the family doctor's office instead. The doctor was very impressed with the nice clean cut - he said that there's usually not enough skin left to stitch a chainsaw cut. All the other drs and PAs wandered in to look at dh's knee while he was being stitched. :lol: Thank goodness it was a very minor event. His jeans suffered more damage than his knee.


More recently, my dh called me on my cell phone to tell me he was taking dd16 to the ER because she cut her leg on the lawnmower. You can imagine the pictures going through my mind when he said that. She cut her leg down to the bone, but on the tow hitch, not the blade, thank goodness! The dr who stitched her up was actually a surgeon who was moonlighting at the ER, so he did a good job and I'm sure the scar is as minimal as we could have hoped for. Even though an ER visit was required, we were so thankful it wasn't worse.


All that to say, I know how you feel. :tongue_smilie:

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These "almost" stories are making my stomach hurt. Too scary, oh my goodness.


We've had several but the one that comes to mind is visiting our neighbors. Their 120+ lb. dog looked at my then 2-yr-old son, opened his mouth and snapped down. At the same time, my ds took a half step backward, blissfully unaware that the dog was acting aggressively.


I always hated that dog. I can't believe we were so stupid to even let them in the same room together.


FairFarmHand, thank you for sharing. It's often too easy to forget simple blessings in life.

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Wow. Now that he's okay you can kill him.


I guess these are just the "close shaves" that we actually know about....can you imagine if we knew everything that God has protected us from? I'd never leave the house!!!

Heck, even *in* the house! WCB had made me attend a 2 day physical assessment. At home the first evening, I remember warming up chicken for the Littles supper. Apparently, I helped bundle them up to go out too. Diva came home just ahead of Wolf and the Littles, to discover me out cold in the hallway. My feet were hanging over the edge of the top step. I could just have easily have fallen backwards, down the stairs, and ended up against the front door where they were coming in.

Get him some chaps- Baileys would be a good place to look. Kevlar or similar (chainsaw chaps)

:iagree::iagree::iagree: Wolf used to be in logging (long before I knew him) and uses a chainsaw in his current job. He refuses to touch one without chaps. One of his coworkers scoffed them...and then came the day when Wolf was frantically packing a life threatening chainsaw injury to the same man's leg with sawdust.

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I know that feeling of relief - so glad he is okay!


Last weekend, my dh nearly cut his thumb off with his table saw. After our Emergency Room trip, I realized how many times he's been out in the garage with the kids, working, and I've gone out to run errands. We only have one car that the kids can ride in (which is also the only one I drive) and he never would have been able to drive himself to the hospital, anyway. I'm just so thankful that I was home.

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Get him some chaps- Baileys would be a good place to look. Kevlar or similar (chainsaw chaps)


Yes! This was the second thing I was thinking as I read this - the first of course being thank the Lord your husband is okay. Tell that man to get himself some safety gear - I know a lot of guys don't want to wear them, but maybe if you tell him that they're not just to protect him, but to protect his kids & wife from having to handle a serious accident (or worse)? Tell him exactly what you imagined - him out there seriously injured, with your little girls, far from help.

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I guess these are just the "close shaves" that we actually know about....can you imagine if we knew everything that God has protected us from? I'd never leave the house!!!


:iagree: Amazing story of God's love and protection. I'm so happy that your DH was not injured. What a blessing to know first hand how close God is, watching and loving you personally!


Did you read the story about an infant in the news a few weeks ago. I think it happened in Europe but I'm not sure. Well, the infant lived in a downtown street upper appartment above a shop. The shop has an awning. When the shop is closed, the awning is closed. When the shop is open the awning is open. But THIS particular day, the shop employee just couldn't get the dumb awning closed when he closed up the shop so he left it open. THEN at a particular time, a physician happened to be walking by. He noticed an infant (I'm thinking 18 months or so?) playing near an open window like 4 stories up. Concerned, he stopped. The baby fell out of the window, BOUNCED off the awning and LANDED in the arms of the doctor, unharmed. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT??? It turns out the infant and his very young sister (Like age 4) were left home alone that day. This baby's parents were not with him, but his FATHER sure was!!!

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