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Is anyone else taking this week off from school?

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Not I. However, we are modifiying school. We're still doing reading and math, but instead of our usual WWE, FLL and History, we are combining it all in a 3 day unit study of the Pilgrims, with lots of read alouds, narrations, copywork, etc. all pertaining to the Pilgrims. And our school day isn't lasting as long because I have lots of baking to do!

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We usually take this week off. Then we usually do very little academics between Thanksgiving and the New Year. However this year we've slacked more than usual. We've taken more time off than I'm comfortable with, and I feel there are a few things I want ds to finish before Christmas.(We will take off between Christmas and New Year's Day.) In order for that to happen, we have to have more school days than we usually do at this time of year.


So, no. Not this year.

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We had OFF from school today (Monday), and I cooked, cleaned, and did all the laundry. We will DO SCHOOL tomorrow (Tuesday), just a bit of seat work, math drill, and memory work review. That will finish those up for the month.


We will be OFF on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I don't have to cook anything for Thanksgiving -- "just show up" I was told. Yeah!


Over the weekend and on into next week, we will finish up Bible, Prims, Science, and all our Read Alouds. And that's it for November.


Then we begin December's work (three weeks of school), and after that, we're done with 2010 -- and done with our school year! :D

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We're doing half-days. We ended up taking last Friday off due to an extraordinary amount of errands I had to run, so we did Spelling tests today, and caught up on our Bible lessons. Tomorrow and Wednesday we're doing Bible only.


After the chaos that ensued this afternoon, I may be revising my plan to do half days. :glare: Seems my boys think half days mean you can run like wild banshees throughout the house and dump legos all over the bedroom. :glare:


I'll be playing it by ear tomorrow. I have lessons ready to go if they get out of line.

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Traditionally, we take off from the week of Thanksgiving until the day after New Year's Day. However, thanks to my indecisiveness early on and the need to iron-out some kinks, we'll only be taking off a couple days this week, a couple weeks at Christmas, and New Year's Day.

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We are actually taking a 2 week break. My parents are here this week (Thanksgiving and DD's birthday), so I couldn't see DD doing school with them here, and we leave Friday to go to Florida (originally, it was supposed to be for the Nov 30 Shuttle launch, but I don't think we'll have trouble filling that extra day).


Then, we're going to come back, do a big Christmas unit study, and start back on more serious curriculum in January. I was able to get DD to good stopping points in most curricula by last week (with some review and filling in gaps in some areas in the week or so before), so we're good. I'm looking forward to the next month :).

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