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Is anyone else taking this week off from school?

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We are and we all are looking forward to it! It is much needed. The boys have worked hard for the past 15 weeks.


We will take another week off for Christmas too. And probably another couple of half weeks somewhere along the line. I'm trying to coordinate it so we're done with school *just* before the baby is born the end of May. If we don't take more time off, we'll be done in early April because we started at the beginning of August (or was it late July?). Idk, all I know is that we just ended week 15.


SOOOOO glad to have a vacation!! Who's with me?!

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This year even more so.


We always take this week off. TOG is planned in weeks, trying to get a weeks worth done in 3 days is very very very hard. Nope, not gonna do it. Sure we could just do math, grammar, etc, but why? So we take it off.


This year it's even more necessary. I'm in VA taking care of mom after surgery. Kids are in NC with dh. I can't school from here and he has to work.

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We're off... except that a friend lost their dog and we need to go find it, and my dad is home alone so I have to go visit, and my sister wants me to come help her (today) with getting the house ready for Thanksgiving, and about a zillion other things.


Anyone else love how a week off turns into a gigantic commitment that keeps from any r&r?

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We're off... except that a friend lost their dog and we need to go find it, and my dad is home alone so I have to go visit, and my sister wants me to come help her (today) with getting the house ready for Thanksgiving, and about a zillion other things.


Anyone else love how a week off turns into a gigantic commitment that keeps from any r&r?


Exactly. We're off school this week, but I've got full lists for each day of other things to do.


When do we get a *real* break? :tongue_smilie:

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We definitely need a break this week! However, we will be studying Home Ec today and tomorrow since my parents are coming. My children will likely get schooled on the effects of psychological torture on their mother (my parents and sisters are a bit difficult, to put it nicely).

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My 12yo has this week completely off from school. She would actually prefer to still have her Fashion Design & Sewing class and her guitar lesson, but they are taking this week off.


My 15yo only has physics class this week. I am the one teaching the class and we can't afford to take off this entire week. We have to get through the entire textbook by mid-April so we have time to study specifically for the AP test. That's the only thing she's doing this week.


My 17yo's cc classes are meeting M-W this week.

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We're off... except that a friend lost their dog and we need to go find it, and my dad is home alone so I have to go visit, and my sister wants me to come help her (today) with getting the house ready for Thanksgiving, and about a zillion other things.


Anyone else love how a week off turns into a gigantic commitment that keeps from any r&r?


THIS! Except not the lost dog, visiting dad or sister needing help.:D


The kids took a week off of school, except for readalouds we need to catch up on.:tongue_smilie:


My husband took a week off from his self owned business, except for the new account, a meeting with an existing account and some other various things.:tongue_smilie:


I took a week off from the homeschooling job, but I will still be teaching my university class Wednesday afternoon, doing my therapy job on Tuesday and preparing a lot of gluten free food for my family to take to relatives' homes.:tongue_smilie:


I suppose it beats a kick in the pants!:glare: Seriously, I schedule a week off at Thanksgiving, two weeks off at Christmas and a week for Spring break. That works very nicely into our 36 week schedule...not counting summer school, of course.:D

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I am VERY glad to be off as I have a million projects lined up I need to work on! Funny thing this year, several of his outside classes are meeting this week. I kinda liked it better when everyone used to take off during holiday weeks.


We'll be back to school for two or three weeks after this, then off 2 weeks at Christmas. We've been taking off 3 weeks for several years now, but we added a week's worth of vacation time after school started in the fall, so we have to make it up somewhere....

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We are doing math today and tomorrow and reading and music, because my older dc, who are in public high school now, will be off the rest of the week. In years past though, we have done what it took. If Dad was working Thanksgiving, we might work right through most of it and sometimes New Year. One year we worked really hard so we could go to Europe during the month of May and be finished with school before we left. One year we worked through most of the weeks around Christmas so we could spend most of Feb in Belize. One year we took most of Oct off so I could have a baby. That is what I love about home schooling, it works for all families in different ways!!!!

Good luck and bless your new arrival in May : )

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We're doing "school light" today and tomorrow (just math, science and French), with the rest of the week off. We host Thanksgiving each year so I need the afternoons and all Wednesday to clean and prep the food.


On Friday I'm not getting out of my jammies :D I'm going to eat whatever I want and not cook anything, read my library books, play on the computer, and play Wii!

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We're taking the week off, but mostly because I have soooo much that I have to do and haven't had the time to get it done. I have a co-op class to plan, an article to write, Bible classes lessons to work on, plus Thanksgiving dinner to cook. Hopefully I'll get a little Black Friday shopping done too. :D

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We're taking the week off. I have a dental consultation this afternoon. Dad is off from Wednesday on. So it seems pointless.


Honestly, I'm not thrilled about. The structure keeps things peaceful. Already it's chaos around here. Maybe we'll keep doing some math and reading just to keep people out of trouble.

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Sounds like many ppl are taking the week off, but are still busy! We kind of are busy despite our vacation. We have gymnastics tonight, friends over tomorrow, basketball practice on Wed, Thurs, of course is turkey day and Friday, my mom and I are going shopping. Whew...just enough to keep busy but not so much that I can't enjoy our vacation.

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I am VERY glad to be off as I have a million projects lined up I need to work on! Funny thing this year, several of his outside classes are meeting this week. I kinda liked it better when everyone used to take off during holiday weeks.





We are also taking this week off, AND we are skipping all outside classes and lessons that are meeting this week. I fully intend to not leave my property until church on Sunday :D .



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This is our catch-up week. Basically, we go through and finish any left-over assignments that got pushed to the side for whatever reason. We're at the end of our first term and I like to tie up the loose ends. I want to start next week at the beginning of each lesson. It doesn't matter if we're not exactly on goal, but I do like to have all previous lessons finished so it's not hanging over our heads for the holiday weekend.

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I *so much* wanted this week off, but only so I don't have to deal with lesson planning this morning, and planning a weird week with Thanksgiving day off partway through.


I found a happy compromise! The kids are taking today and Thursday off, and on Tues, Wed, & Fri. they are going to have history-intensive days. They will probably do 3-5 days of history (only, nothing else) on each of those days, and since I've developed a very clear plan for history, it's just do the next thing and I don't have to do any planning this week. It also happens to be the only subject that I was worried we wouldn't be able to finish by the end of the school year, so it serves to alleviate that concern also. I'm a happy, happy girl!! :):):)

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This is week 15 for us. We don't take the whole week off because.....drumroll....we take off the WHOLE month of December. :hurray: So the first few days of this week and the last couple days of the month are on the schedule for week 15. We keep up on reading during our break a bit of math. Although my oldest will have to do more as he has some subjects which he is behind in (not core things) and I'm trying to teach him some "stay on track skills" as he is a 7th grader. Until I saw this thread....I had totally forgotten how close I am to a break I am. I'm doing the happy dance....oh yeah....doing the happy dance.:party:

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We're off... except that a friend lost their dog and we need to go find it, and my dad is home alone so I have to go visit, and my sister wants me to come help her (today) with getting the house ready for Thanksgiving, and about a zillion other things.


Anyone else love how a week off turns into a gigantic commitment that keeps from any r&r?



We're off, too, but nothing on my 'to do' list is getting accomplished. FIL had heart surgery last Wednesday so back and forth to the hospital, etc., tried to put up the tree today and of course, the lights won't light, waiting on the garage door people to measure the doors before they can be ordered, etc. I'm just plain tired and want to relax and have a drink :cheers2: .

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We are going lite this week. So far today though, not much, the kids enjoyed playing outside most of the morning as last week the weather was horrible. We did some singing and memory work this am and read some books this afternoon. I hope to do some crafts this evening, reading and math games.

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