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Which actor/actress would play you in a movie?

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I'd want to be played by Sally Field or Sandra Bullock. I've been told that my hair looks like Sandra Bullock's. :D


Wow, these are the same two people I would pick. I think that I look more like Sally Field in her younger days (and have since I was a teen) but my family always says that I remind them of Sandra Bullock. I think that she is a whole lot nicer than I am and no where near as crazy. :tongue_smilie:

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Wow, these are the same two people I would pick. I think that I look more like Sally Field in her younger days (and have since I was a teen) but my family always says that I remind them of Sandra Bullock. I think that she is a whole lot nicer than I am and no where near as crazy. :tongue_smilie:


I asked my dh who would play me in a movie, and he said Sandra Bullock. :001_smile:

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Angelina Jolie because, of course, I look just like her and have her figure. :)


There was a face-match thing, I think on FB, & I got a 99% match for Angelina Jolie. It was freaky watching her face morph into mine & vice versa.


But, yeah, she'd have to deflate her lips, dye her hair, walk around on her knees, & um, gain a *little* weight. Otherwise, you'd never know it wasn't me. :lol:


But if I were *choosing,* I'd go with Meg Ryan. Much more my personality. Meg Ryan as a spy posing as a housewife taking clandestine phone calls in the laundry room. :D

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