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Jean in Newcastle need everyone's prayers

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Everyone please pray for Jean over the next few days.


She isn't feeling well today. In fact, she either feels worse than she did yesterday, or she has stopped going full steam ahead despite feeling poorly. She will be going to a doctor soon -- hopefully tomorrow.


Here is the link to the thread she posted yesterday, so her health problems have already been publicized here by her:




"He is esp. concerned because when I was in the ER 2 weeks ago, my heart was not doing well at all. He told me that I have to go into the Dr. next week (boo-hiss! This is supposed to be our vacation!) He is concerned about possible congestive heart failure."


The "he" referred to above is her DH, an experienced medical professional.


Thank you,


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I left you a voice message telling you that I am alive and well. Those squeaks on the phone are me (I'm not sure how well you can hear me without a voice). On second thought, perhaps leaving a message might backfire against me. . .:D


Well, carp. I left the phone beside the washing machine. I'm going to run right down there and have a listen.


You do sound alive. But not well. Not well at all.


On the bright side, it sounds like you are on the way to becoming a good mouser. Don't swish your tail angrily. That was a compliment!

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Well, carp. I left the phone beside the washing machine. I'm going to run right down there and have a listen.


You do sound alive. But not well. Not well at all.


On the bright side, it sounds like you are on the way to becoming a good mouser. Don't swish your tail angrily. That was a compliment!


Actually I think I probably sound more like the squeaky mouse than the mouser. But our cat still respects me. I make a very big mouse.

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Actually I think I probably sound more like the squeaky mouse than the mouser. But our cat still respects me. I make a very big mouse.


I'm terrified of mice -- dead or alive. I'm not scared of you. Therefore, you cannot be a mouse. Which leaves being a mouser.


I am concerned about your vocal cords. You sing well. You don't want anything to happen to them. Another good reason to go to a doctor.

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See that? That's me. Me, waiting for you to come back and report to us that you actually did physically go in to see the doctor.


In the meantime, hoping you'll be feeling better soon.


I will call tomorrow first thing (my time). I do not know if they will be able to get me in right away but I will be available to go in whenever. Right now I am halfway through writing down a history of this past year's health issues. I'm as far as June. It is a bit depressing. I'll let dh look at it and tell me what he thinks. Since I can't really talk, I might just hand it to the Dr. and have him read it.:D

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Went to the Dr. this morning. Some lab test results are not back yet. He has preliminarily diagnosed me with bronchitis and reactive airway disease with possibly it becoming asthma. An echocardiogram is scheduled for Dec. 1st. He wants to check to see how my thyroid and heart are doing as possible complications. He's also checking to see if I still have a UTI.

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Went to the Dr. this morning. Some lab test results are not back yet. He has preliminarily diagnosed me with bronchitis and reactive airway disease with possibly it becoming asthma. An echocardiogram is scheduled for Dec. 1st. He wants to check to see how my thyroid and heart are doing as possible complications. He's also checking to see if I still have a UTI.


Yay! Oh, of course, no yay that you are sick, but yay that you are on your way to a good diagnosis (I'm praying for that, I remember you've had issues in the past with docs..er...not really giving you their full attention, IIRC).


Anyway, I hope you are not too tired out from getting out and about, and I hope that whatever he gives/gave you for the determined ills is quick to work.


Keep taking it easy until you feel MUCH better. Let the others in your family handle Thanksgiving details. Just netflix Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving special and have a restful time together.

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Went to the Dr. this morning. Some lab test results are not back yet. He has preliminarily diagnosed me with bronchitis and reactive airway disease with possibly it becoming asthma. An echocardiogram is scheduled for Dec. 1st. He wants to check to see how my thyroid and heart are doing as possible complications. He's also checking to see if I still have a UTI.


Oh no, Jean! I wasn't on all day yesterday and when I saw this thread right here on the front page, the title made my heart skip a beat! Literally!!! I was really hoping it was the older thread resurrected. I really thought you'd continue to be getting better! I'm SO SORRY you're not!!!


Thank you for keeping us posted. If you still have your UTI, make sure they CULTURE your urine. They will start you on antibiotics again, likely a different one. But make sure they CULTURE it so that they are certain it's being treated with the right antibiotic.


Also, I wanted to share that my dh and possibly my ds15 (he's going to be getting tested for asthma soon) have a condition and I'm not sure if there's a name for it. While they don't have asthma, they DO have asthma triggered by sickness. What happens is that dh will get a bad cold and it will turn into bronchitis or pneumonia. Once this happens, is triggers asthma. He will have to go on antibiotics for the bronchitis/pneumonia and then be on the inhalers for a period of time. Two years back was the longest he was ever on his inhalers and I believe it was six months. I'm hoping this is what you have and NOT true asthma which will be a daily or chronic issue.


Also, if you're going to be tested for asthma (ds will be and it's an hour long est) you might want to seriously consider being tested for allergies. I was just speaking to someone who told me once the allergies were cleared for her son, the asthma went away. He had many allergies: pets, environmental and food.

:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:I'm so sorry, Sweetie! I hope your echo and other tests come back normal and I pray for a complete and total healing!!!

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Went to the Dr. this morning. Some lab test results are not back yet. He has preliminarily diagnosed me with bronchitis and reactive airway disease with possibly it becoming asthma. An echocardiogram is scheduled for Dec. 1st. He wants to check to see how my thyroid and heart are doing as possible complications. He's also checking to see if I still have a UTI.


Good, I'm glad you went to the doctor.

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He has preliminarily diagnosed me with bronchitis and reactive airway disease with possibly it becoming asthma. An echocardiogram is scheduled for Dec. 1st. He wants to check to see how my thyroid and heart are doing as possible complications. He's also checking to see if I still have a UTI.


Wow! That's a lot to check out. Sounds like you still need prayers!

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Went to the Dr. this morning. Some lab test results are not back yet. He has preliminarily diagnosed me with bronchitis and reactive airway disease with possibly it becoming asthma. An echocardiogram is scheduled for Dec. 1st. He wants to check to see how my thyroid and heart are doing as possible complications. He's also checking to see if I still have a UTI.


Good for you, going in. Please take care of yourself, Jean. I will pray for you tomorrow every time I wash dishes. :D



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Also, I wanted to share that my dh and possibly my ds15 (he's going to be getting tested for asthma soon) have a condition and I'm not sure if there's a name for it. While they don't have asthma, they DO have asthma triggered by sickness. What happens is that dh will get a bad cold and it will turn into bronchitis or pneumonia. Once this happens, is triggers asthma. He will have to go on antibiotics for the bronchitis/pneumonia and then be on the inhalers for a period of time.


One of my boys used to have something similar to what you're describing. Our ped. called it cough variant asthma. It only occurred after a virus.


Feel better, Jean! :grouphug:

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Jean, I'm so sorry to hear your down! From one girl with a compromised system to another.. please take it easy over the holiday weekend. There is nothing more important than you resting and healing.


Hope you've got some good books handy, and maybe Netflix to get cozy with?

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