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A Make-An-Offer garage sale

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Has anyone had this type of garage sale? Where everything being sold is a make-an-offer item, or even bring what you want to the table and make an offer on the whole lot? I am thinking of doing this. I was going to just give it all to Good Will but thought why not try and sell it first (I can always use school money) I can always give the rest to Good Will. If you did this...was it worth it? Any draw backs?


Thanks in advance.

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All of our garage sales are like this. We don't put price tags on anything. Having said that, when we have a garage sale the understanding is that the stuff is NOT coming back into the house. So, whatever we get for it is gravy.


ETA: No drawbacks that I've experienced. :)

Edited by Gooblink
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ugh...i love yard sales & flea markets ~ but i would NOT like that! i don't mind offering something a tad lower on a PRICED item (ie: "hey, would you take five for it?" when it's marked at $8) but with no price at all...i'd have no idea whether my offer was too high, too low, or what! :tongue_smilie:

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Has anyone had this type of garage sale? Where everything being sold is a make-an-offer item, or even bring what you want to the table and make an offer on the whole lot?...


ugh...i love yard sales & flea markets ~ but i would NOT like that! i don't mind offering something a tad lower on a PRICED item (ie: "hey, would you take five for it?" when it's marked at $8) but with no price at all...i'd have no idea whether my offer was too high, too low, or what! :tongue_smilie:


I do a variation on the "make an offer" sale -- the dollar sale where almost everything is a dollar. There are some things not worth a dollar and some things worth more, of course, and I deal with those (see below), but for the most part everything's a dollar. Then people don't have to wonder what to offer. When people arrive I tell them, "Everything's a buck! Some stuff is less because it's not worth a dollar (like the books), and a few things are marked individually, but for the most part everything is a dollar." The things that are more then a dollar have a very obvious sticker on them, and then they can ask about things worth less. The last time I did this I made about $150 and took the rest straight to Goodwill. So it wasn't a pain-in-the-neck, I made some cash, can got rid of the rest.

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So, it appears a possible downside is that a few people might leave.


Although it's possible there have been people who've walked away from ours due to no prices...there are enough who will make an offer that I never noticed.


I don't haggle, either. If someone asks how much something costs, I throw out a (low) number - they either pay it or counter. I always accept the counter because, like I said earlier, my goal is to clear off my driveway and the stuff isn't going back inside the house.


For things I need to sell for a specific price, I either do it through Craig's List or put a tag on it.

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I am another who leaves if there are no price tags. I don't want to dicker, barter or otherwise engage the seller. Very, very rarely I will offer a lower price, but not often. Even then it is usually if I am buying a bunch of one item, like books or CDs.


I am a bit of a stealthy shopper anyways. I don't like to be talked to when I shop, I don't want to be asked if I need help, I don't want to be assisted. IF I want help, or have a question...I will ask. It is just my little quirk :D I think it is because, when I shop, it is a way to get out of the house and to get away from my family bugging me. I don't like to trade that time, for someone else bugging me. LOL

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I had a "closed" garage sale which I advertised on our homeschool loop only. I put some prices in the mailer - i.e., fill a WalMart bag with clothes for $3 and listed everything else as being between 25 cents and $5. Nothing was over $5 - not even the sewing machine or junior golf clubs. This allowed people to buy a LOT of stuff and I had a LOT of stuff to get rid of. Then I hauled the remainder to Goodwill.


I had a fantastic turn out and people knew in advance what the prices would be like. Many people are uncomfortable making offers because they are afraid they might offend. I would recommend pricing any very large items (expensive) and you can always have a $1 table, a $3 table, etc. And, yes, some people may get things mixed up, but in the end, you will make some money and not be totally overwhelmed in planning the sale.

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We had many yard sales before we moved to our current state. A good way to have an open, but structured yard sale is to have priced tables or boxes with the option for make-an-offer. That gives the buyer a starting point. For example, a $.25 box of paperbacks, a $1.00 box of clothes, a $2 box of hardback books and a $5 table. Your sign would have the price and Make-An-Offer in parenthesis underneath. You can have one table with priced items. This has worked well for us. Depending on your location, you may need to offer give-away prices to have a good sale. However, the nickles, dimes and quarters add up.

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I think that shy people, people who don't want to talk on a Saturday morning (I know those people), would just walk away.


When we do yard sales, we always get those completely silent types -- they poke around, find something they like, shuffle up the driveway, pull out the money, and leave... without a word.


No price tags? I think they'd just :auto:.

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