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Should I believe him? :)

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5 y/o son: "Mommy, can I have a turn on the beeputer?" (don't ask me why he puts "bee" in front of so many words instead of what's supposed to be there. But he does. In fact, in case you didn't know, girls have beeginas, we eat beenanas, we use beeputers, and I'm sure there are a bunch more I'm not thinking of off the top of my head- but did something happen BEFORE? No. That would be Afore. Go figure).


Okay, I'm getting sidetracked.


Ben: "Mommy, can I have a turn on the beeputer?"


Me: "Hmm...."


Ben: (in his best wheedling tone of voice) "If you let me, I'll rub your back for a whole day the next day."




Me: "Okay."


So, I guess I'm outta here for a while. It's Ben's turn on the bee-puter.


<goes to watch a little TV>

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I love those little speech quirks when they're little! Sounds like one smart cookie; already knows the way to a woman's heart!


A few weeks ago my kids were on an airplane, and my daughter wanted to "time" how long it took the flight attendant to serve drinks to their row. She's five, so she just started counting. It took "600" for the FA to reach my kids' row. I wasn't on the flight with them, but she told me ALL ABOUT it when they got home. Every day after that she asked if I wanted to hear her count to 600. I kept begging off ::blush::


Finally, I figured I had better just listen to her do it so she'd stop asking if I wanted to hear it. But I told her I could only listen to all of that counting if my feet were being rubbed at the same time. She did it. So did I :D here's hoping you get your back rub!

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I love those little speech quirks when they're little! Sounds like one smart cookie; already knows the way to a woman's heart!


A few weeks ago my kids were on an airplane, and my daughter wanted to "time" how long it took the flight attendant to serve drinks to their row. She's five, so she just started counting. It took "600" for the FA to reach my kids' row. I wasn't on the flight with them, but she told me ALL ABOUT it when they got home. Every day after that she asked if I wanted to hear her count to 600. I kept begging off ::blush::


Finally, I figured I had better just listen to her do it so she'd stop asking if I wanted to hear it. But I told her I could only listen to all of that counting if my feet were being rubbed at the same time. She did it. So did I :D here's hoping you get your back rub!






Wait, your 5 year old can count to 600?


Mine goes:


1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9....10....11...12....14....19...2070, a million two hundred... or something random like that. He just turned 5 this month. Tell me yours is closer to 6? Please? LOL.

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Wait, your 5 year old can count to 600?


Mine goes:


1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9....10....11...12....14....19...2070, a million two hundred... or something random like that. He just turned 5 this month. Tell me yours is closer to 6? Please? LOL.


She turned five in September, but she's the youngest of five kids in the house and has heard lots of counting in her short lifetime!


The four older kids do martial arts four days a week, and even at home when they're training they will count-off warm up exercises. Her first "sentences" were 1-2-3-4 and so on, chanting alongside them. They older ones always try to outdo one another, so it's not uncommon for them to count up to 100 for each warm up exercise LOL.


But if it's any consolation, she still picks her nose and botches her ABCs :lol:

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5 y/o son: "Mommy, can I have a turn on the beeputer?" (don't ask me why he puts "bee" in front of so many words instead of what's supposed to be there. But he does. In fact, in case you didn't know, girls have beeginas, we eat beenanas, we use beeputers, and I'm sure there are a bunch more I'm not thinking of off the top of my head- but did something happen BEFORE? No. That would be Afore. Go figure).




This is too cute. :lol:

I could listen to kids talk all day long.

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She turned five in September, but she's the youngest of five kids in the house and has heard lots of counting in her short lifetime!


The four older kids do martial arts four days a week, and even at home when they're training they will count-off warm up exercises. Her first "sentences" were 1-2-3-4 and so on, chanting alongside them. They older ones always try to outdo one another, so it's not uncommon for them to count up to 100 for each warm up exercise LOL.


But if it's any consolation, she still picks her nose and botches her ABCs :lol:




Ok that is all SOMEWHAT of a consolation LOL.

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