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Is there such thing as a digital camera for an almost 8yo?

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I'm sure there is. My ds has this one, which is probably geared a little young for your son, but if it's out there then surely there's one more geared for older kids. This one is definitely durable. The picture quality is so-so, though (although that may have more to do with the photographer than the camera!), and from your description, your ds is probably responsible for one that's a little nicer. I'd probably do a search on Amazon and read reviews (unless someone here has a good suggestion!).

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My 6 year old has our old Sony Cybershot (it's about 6.5 yrs old) and has had it for a year now. He is actually quite careful with it so I'm sure an 8 yr old who is responsible would be even better!


I'd look for a used slightly older 'pocket-sized' camera for him. That way you're not spending a ton of money but he's also getting a pretty decent camera out of the deal.


In our case we figured we weren't using it anymore and he had outgrown the Fisher-Price one so we might as well try letting him have it.

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Indy has a regular digital camera (it used to be mine and is kind of old). He's very careful with it though. I'd say find him a regular digital that isn't too expensive and let him have fun. Indy LOVES to take photos. Indy will be getting a new one for St.Nicholas Day that has slightly higher megapixels and is slimmer than the old one he has. While my mom and step dad are here for the holidays we'll be going to Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Austria and several places in Germany and he will have a great time taking photos. We forgot his camera when we went on our cruise in May and he was so upset. He kept taking my big SLR (Nikon D60) so he could take his own photos. I think giving kids a camera is a great idea. I love to see how Indy sees the world.

Edited by Mom in High Heels
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those "kid cameras" (fisher price/etc) are terrible and i wouldn't get one for any kid over about 4 years old. :p

[it's a TOY]


just look for a basic kodak/whatever camera and set some rules about using it - don't take pictures outside in the rain or inside the dog's mouth, put it back into the case when you're done, only mom removes the card, etc.

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I'd get him a regular camera, not a kid-targeted one. We spent a good deal of money on a Crayola camera for DD a couple of years ago for her birthday, and it never worked right. We exchanged it once; looking back I should have just returned the darn thing and gone a different route.

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Something durable, not pricey, etc? He is very careful with his things-keeps all his Legos in original boxes, etc.


He'd like a digital camera; is there one that's age appropriate and not expensive, but that works well?


What we did when ds was 8 was use a trickle down. Someone got a new camera and ds got the old one. The old camera worked just fine whoever got the new one got an upgrade.


We do that with a lot of stuff here - trickle down I mean. Computers, iPods, cameras. Anything that is really expensive.

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My DD has had my old Kodak EasyShare since I got a new one, and she has no trouble with it.


There's a 2 yr old younger sister of a student in my daughter's music class that walks around taking pictures using her mothers cell phone camera while the older sister is in class. I have to say, some of those pictures are really good!

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Target has several that are lower priced... some get down to between $20-40. I first got my 10yob one that was disposable so he could take pictures and be responsible with it... not lose it... I think the next step will be the lower priced digital one and if he takes care of it about 6 months of so, get him a nicer one for his birthday next Aug.

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My husband bought my daughter an inexpensive Kodak when she was about 7. She is usually very careful with her things. We talked to her about always using the wrist strap and explained that dropping it would destroy it. She is 8 1/2 now and she still uses the camera. Before that, she had a fisher price camera. It was great for a very young child, but she became frustrated with picture quality.




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Agreeing with the other posters -- don't get a 'kid" camera/toy.


My ds got a Kodak EasyShare at age 7 or 8. The controls are large and easy to use, ant the text on the screen is clearer than I found in many cameras.


I also like that it takes inexpensive AA batteries.



QUOTE=Baseball mom;2197567]Walmart's Value of the Day item is a Kodak Easyshare Camera with 4GB memory card for $49.


Wow -- that is a great deal!!!


ERA -- sorry about the way the quote came out.

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